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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. So credits to @Offshore360 for solving the wine mystery: less chance on a terrible hangover from wine? Order a European wine.
  2. Yeah I googled that out already too hehe. Thanks!
  3. Interesting as most of the wine that is cheap here, comes from southern hemispheres (south africa, argentina etc etc). This while the expensive ones are from Europe. So we need basically USA or EU wines then to avoid headaches?
  4. It still confuses me until today that there is not more local producing beans for cheap prices as well with peanut butter and other nuts etc. This knowing farming rice is not paying off at all for most farmers, it is almost a subsidized hobby job + there is tons of land available. There is so many things they could produce and sell. Sometimes it makes me want to start my own farm here.
  5. How much red wine can you drink @bob smith? I can do up to 2 bottles.
  6. Yeah I just really want to find out because I love my red wine evenings from time to time, much more than the Chang beers. These hangovers cost me too much time, I just lost half a day so far already and not expect to be worth much until 2-3PM. This while with these 'magical good wines' that did cost around 250 a glass, I feel absolute nothing after a coffee or 2 and a shower.
  7. What would i be looking for? Most of these labels are Thai besides the fact that they not show the actual boxes or bottles in most places. I never drink at home, ever. Good to know to avoid Shiraz if that is true, you better not be lying to me lol.
  8. Hangover from cheaper wine yesterday now is like BANG BANG BANG BANG inside my head. Just torture, 100% regrets etc etc.
  9. Yeah crazy right. I not really like paying that much more but I can't deny it is true, hence the post.... I am not sure too, maybe it can be avoided with cheap ones too, if knowing specific ones.
  10. Yeah I know the best ways for hangovers but that is really not the point. I can easily drink 6 glasses of this good wine and have zero hangover issues at all. I noticed it happening a dozen times now, and yes, this wine place is not cheap, it is the good stuff. The cheap place, I went yesterday again, I had the same amount, and I am just paying the price now hardcore.
  11. Hmm there is a starting trail there then. So is there a difference then with that specific between real imported bottles and box wine? I guess so?
  12. He is lonely and Thailand is his laste hope, so anyone who speaks negative or critical about the slightest, would set him off.. It's more or less every new 'long term person' who been here < 2 years. Those who are still like that after 3 years, will never be cured.
  13. I was wondering if anyone has the same experiences here with wine: it seems to really depend which one I drink or being served, as well I suppose quality, but the point is I get extreme hangovers from certain wine while I barely notice anything at all from others. This while I am drinking the same quantities, as well I tested it with eating the same type of proper meals before. Anyone more info or ideas? I am guessing it is just a simple answer: cheap and box wine causes this? I thought the pricing was mainly about the taste, I never thought cheaper wine would be inferior to taste + give you worse hangovers on top.
  14. Maybe we should buy him a dictionary first.
  15. It is not shaming Thailand at all, it is about foreigners in Thailand long term and their feelings. You are so obvious a new person in Thailand, most likely even very young. Like a male karen.
  16. I guess you just got that yourself from all replies you posted lol.
  17. Maybe you need to go back to school too. There is a difference between free speech and speech about certain subjects.
  18. Time flies and a lot has changed for the worse...
  19. You are clearly new, no need to waste more of my time on it.
  20. Eh no, i did not know what I signed up for at all when I moved here. I expected a certain degree of decency and solutions, long-term, specially as I contribute and employ. The visa was never a issue before too and nobody really did the 90 days at all, it was more a choice. Same for TM30. How long do you even live here to talk like this? Seems like only a few years.
  21. Let's see how you will be doing, if you come across the wrong person setting you up, you could be there yourself out of nowhere. All he was doing is some teaching, everyone knows that half of them not have the right paperwork. Then for alcohol or drugs? which was not even his reason clearly, it was the overstay. The post title is confusing btw, it is not about prison, it is about the IDC.
  22. Why so many people replied with a laughing emoticon on this post? Bunch of old sadists.
  23. I don't feel like a prisoner but it's more like i feel like an illegal in the country, not knowing every next time will be approved or a new drama. It never gives me comfort to really be here, I also never really buy much stuff for that reason, knowing I might need to leave it behind one day anyway. This even I am fully aware, I could always bribe my way back in, or bribe my way for an extension, even then, when it is nearly due again, I feel like that 2-3 months. It's a <deleted>ty feeling, specially once one lived here for more than a decade already. In my case since I was a teenager. This while I contribute more than 20 Thais do on average, but it will never be rewarded with PR etc.
  24. This could pan out as leverage for the Swiss guy.
  25. Yeah a mother with 2 kids, who works at a Int school with work permit paying taxes lol.
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