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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. Try out saily
  2. I started using the Saily app instead, they can't track me anymore that way in Thailand too and I can easily pay for other countries too except Laos only. Also possible to just change to access in entire region or even the entire world that way. I used to always want the unlimited ones with truemove prepaid etc but I realized that in reality I never really use more than 10GB data, per month, anyway, maybe 20GB in case I would be working from a hotspot a lot within a month, which happens rarely.
  3. I started using the Saily app instead, they can't track me anymore that way in Thailand too and I can easily pay for other countries too except Laos only. Also possible to just change to access in entire region or even the entire world that way. Benefit is too when using that, it always selects the best networks where you are (AKA true or DTAC or AIS etc). I often have with my Thai simcard of choice that it not works great at all regions of thailand. Last but not least; costs are same too with Saily. I used to always want the unlimited ones with truemove prepaid etc but I realized that in reality I never really use more than 10GB data, per month, anyway, maybe 20GB in case I would be working from a hotspot a lot within a month, which happens rarely. It's made by NordVPN as well so I guess that is a good thing: https://saily.com/
  4. I paid last 2 times recent years around 10,000 - 13,000 baht to move 2 bikes and boxes by truck from CM to BKK as well Phuket to BKK.
  5. What a nonsense, the main reason I came here is due to the climate, cheap cost of living and weather. The entire girl scene wasn't even on my mind until I lived here like 3 years and broke up with my first girlfriend that was foreign.
  6. They were making an advertising video for the zero dollar tours of 2025
  7. I guess it depends on the age, with the ones that are still under 35-40 I would say they most times keep tight control. Not with all, I personally am free to do whatever, I guess it is a benefit i do business and it's normal to need and go away for X days or even a long week every while.
  8. Their biggest fear will likely be after they are deported back to Iran.
  9. I'm not concerned about it staying possible to smoke weed too, which is good for me, but in terms of the shops or the business as a industry I think it is sad to see that all once again ends up being owned by a few. Even it provides jobs, the majority of profits just go in some black hole.
  10. Has nothing to do with the government or new government, it has everything to do with the board members of narcotic control and Anutin. No good news or changes happened so far at all, it is just that they stopped the plan so far to criminalize it again. Regulation yet has to follow too and likely just cancels out most small SME owners to then have the elite own 90% of it.
  11. Yeah well that is truth at the end of the day anyway, isn't it? It is mainly This being so ignorant and lazy, that causes them often to be suffering due to their finances. There is a huge shortage to even find people cleaning up a place, which easily could pay 1-2K baht per day if doing 3-4 condo's. If it was only allowed for foreigners to work, this country would be running pretty well within a year with a huge service industry. I think it could give a kid a good idea of potential, even they could be the owner rather than the actual worker. Still better than working with 6 people in a tiny 7/11, having to share the income making the pay so bad... If they were actually competent it should mean they could easily earn 25-30K a month working there.
  12. That is called lunch money, not pocket money. Pocket money is supposed for the person to do fun things aside of all you mentioned, and to learn how the world and money works / having to do something for money in return. For example to save up and buy a new playstation game, buy some tuning thing for his/her bike etc etc etc.
  13. Sell it to the chinese. The buddhists actually did that before and sold haunted land to christians in chiang mai, that land is now worth fortunes. Same the old rich sold the beach land for farming land, to then see tourism making the beach land worth fortunes.
  14. I don't get all this exchange rate talk, we are way higher than the previous low was and it still looks good on the long term too.
  15. True and otherwise they will make a calculation on their own + fine you and/or simply jail or deport you I guess. Plus that tax evasion is a crime too, they better start building new jails.
  16. They can't backdate it, if this law becomes effective it would most likely start from jan 1 2025. I guess even then one could likely still get away with it until mid 2026 but I guess that's what everyone waits for, if they suddenly say they will require papers with immigration, you would see ten thousands flee. I wanted to move to a new house as well but now reluctant as of not knowing what is next.
  17. If they add tax papers to the already ever changing paperwork requirements, per immigration office, that is just the end for Thailand long-stay. Just to sort it out accounting wise would likely cost 30-50K baht a year more alone, aside of taxes themself. Then add for example only 150K in taxes too, that is a total of early 200K baht a year. One can do a lot with that, it is like a second home in SE asia paid for if keeping both all year round. Obviously the entire issue is that nobody wants to move around all the time, and like it here, else people already left, I really can't see how Thailand would do this for real + enforce it, it would damage a lot. Keep in mind too many tourist orientated business owners are foreigners too, not to mention they suddenly would need to pay the full taxes, i can see inflation happen everywhere even more. Would be like the last nail in the coffin.
  18. It's not about who is signed up with CRS but about which countries have the best tax arrangements.
  19. What is so hard about the money it is much more simple than thai money is. 1 dollar is simply around 25K dong and that usually gets you a beer on the streets as well. From that figure it is easy to keep doing the math. This while it is much harder to calculate in Thailand with 1 dollar being 33-35 baht and then having to pay 85 baht for a beer. Da nang is very populair among Thais for the seafood, casino's and shopping of clothes. Any Thai that is in the position of doing a travel once in a while, would basically opt in to go there, once knowing the prices there.
  20. Just thinking about this, in addition to school costs of like 15-20K, and then clothing, phone, a sport or music as a hobby, pocket money, birthday parties, how does this not bankrupt like 95% of the people? Or is everyone here magically earning so much on average? I mean I am not doing that bad, I earn like 180-250K a month but I came from nothing and all these future fixed costs just shock me every time. It often seems that with all these additional 'child costs', specially as they age towards also doing sports or music, having their own mind etc + a billingual school at least, the costs aside of normal Thai rent and utilities, basically equal the costs of renting in Europe too, while school etc etc is then free. And the taxes that would needed to be paid, would actually also provide health care and a small pension + money in case of sickness etc. This while Thailand now soon also considers to tax, not that I am worried or believing it until seeing it being enforced. Am I alone with these thoughts? In regards to pocket money, I'd guess if around age 13 or so, I would give at least 2K a month. Could also do a lower fixed amount of like 1K and then for helping out once a week 250 each time more.
  21. And then as soon they get a passport and the guy doesn't have enough money, they are gone.
  22. Agree, even if that fund is also for her or other small family issues, it is still best they don't know of it or think there is very little for such incidents. Else they will start deciding for you what can be done with the money and it usually ends up being zero soon. There is also no issue to do make up the paperwork in case you die and still give it to the girlfriend or wife.
  23. You clearly know almost nothing about phangan when thinking that is what phangan is about. The full moon is only in one corner of the island for 1 day, the rest of the month everything is entirely different. In reality, the real DJ's and residents, hate that full moon music too, but it simply works for tourists. All real parties and music are elsewhere and on other days. Dozens of locations with big events.
  24. The king of isaan is leaving, i can see them all lined up while you roll out in a wheelchair.
  25. You lack common sense really, the answer is in my comment above. Once you are listed red on interpol, and they would check you, they do see that right away. You would not be entering with a live red interpol warrant.
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