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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. Once again a misleading and inaccurate detailled post of someone their fk'ed up decision to go there and do it wrong... So now people think they found the truth or reality or solution, by just filing randomly taxes, at random locations in Thailand, with random employees saying Yes or No. This changes like zero to the reality, in case of enforcement, checks, audits etc. It also tells others zero about what is now really going on.
  2. Puppet show, can't wait for this low life to be gone... Like she just makes me want to throw up by seeing or reading about what she did next again.
  3. The dude it clueless, too many senile dinosaurs on this website. Same as those claiming to live here 1-2-3 decades while all they did was sitting at home, a new person going out daily and travelling around would know more.
  4. You think people can't find airbnb places on the website themself? Then secondly you mention something of a year ago that was airbnb priced, have you even checked their current rates? Pretty sure it is more by now and/or fully booked otherwise. You talk about just 1 place / unit. This is how so many conflicting as well as fantasy stories exist surrounding living in Thailand and the real costs as well.
  5. Not sure what this nonsense is about again but facts are there is more people than ever having and getting a tattoo to the point its at least 50/50 to hear Yes. P.S. If you want people to actually read a few sentences of your crap, maybe reduce the length and apply spacing. The length of these nonsense posts are so much smelling like desperate employees or benefitors of this site are trying to get the last little traffic and platform activity. It will die anyway.
  6. Yup, that's why they took 3 hours to circle calmly above the andaman sea...
  7. Only when there is a rush that is done. Any landing that is not the destination airport is a 'emergency landing'.
  8. When I moved here like 12-14 years ago, they had Mein Kampf as best seller in the book store in Siam paragon mall, like an entire wall dedicated to it.
  9. No wonder they started to colonize phangan first and pai is like the second home for that. So likely they now do the same there.
  10. Chinese actually pay a lot for girls and let them come to them, that is why prices got inflated for a big part as well. Asians in general pay easy 3-5K short time.
  11. If you are bored of Bangkok you go too much to the same places in the same areas. Aside from that just go to a place like Chiang Mai for a few days and you will love to back in the big mango soon enough, traffic jams and grab car cost even more. I used to get bored of Bangkok too but that was when I always hang around sukhumvit area or like ekkamai etc. To from covid starting onwards find out that that is actually the <deleted>tiest of Bangkok compared to the dozens of other areas and places there are. The same if you look how fast they now develop around higher ratchada and lad prao area alone, is great, like semi old Thailand while having the MRT + BTS at your foot steps, you have like 10 malls in a 10 minute radius. Multiple huge daily night markets etc etc. The most funny part is you can even still get monthly rooms in those areas for just 5K baht a month. As well it is the best place to get the nightlife girls when they are not working for peanuts or free. It's like the sukhumvit gogo life without the spendings lol.
  12. Meaning there was an exploit from Kbank when using virtual cards, and you used them for purposes they not had in mind. A normal transfer is no issue at all. The thing is that a lot of money laundering and dodgy activities or hacked money is taking advantage of EMI providers like Wise etc using virtual cards from all kinds of names and company formations, causing it usually to be cancelled over time while new companies start offering it again. I guess they make enough customers and money to always start offering it but then need to stop it as soon they get too many fraud flags due to compliance etc. It's the same with crypto + debit cards, it is one after another company starting and ceasing to exist within 2 years (and while they exist they are perfectly fine to use, it is not as if you lose funds, they just need to stop offering it always). Now the latest offering this again is the Bybit exchange, I am supposed to get a real card soon aside from a virtual mastercard one. Then the question is for how many months it will work before it is cancelled again.
  13. As far I know it happens all the time since decades and there never been questions about it. I know in my own network alone a few guys who have bought houses or condo's worth 5-20M baht for their wifes and in their wife name, none are retired too. Land of the red tape. With these figures compared to traditional taxes back home, it is actually cheaper to pay a wife a monthly allowance lol.
  14. So basically if you would have a girlfriend/wife or thai child here you could just gift all education and children costs tax free, all her support money tax free, a good part or all of the housing they need tax free, to then yourself just earn like 40-50K baht on paper and effectively only pay like 2000 baht per month taxes on 100-150K baht. What is the entire issue with these new tax rules then? Unless you would be single this solves everything already? Insane that it is even existing, 10-20M a year lol. This is not even applying all other deductions or ways to also reduce it by for example also having a business that could pay rent for it's office in the same house you live or all other things in the classic text books. Then last but not least you could still pay yourself from a foreign company for tons of things like booking flights and hotels on the business, withdraw some cash for lunch costs and more. As well as keeping profits overseas in companies / assets.
  15. 1. Gifts to Ascendants, Descendants, or Spouses: • Exemption Limit: Gifts to direct family members—such as parents, children, or spouses—are exempt from personal income tax up to 20 million Thai Baht (THB) per tax year. • Tax Rate Beyond Exemption: If the total value of gifts to these individuals exceeds 20 million THB within a tax year, the excess amount is subject to a 5% personal income tax. 2. Gifts to Individuals Who Are Not Ascendants, Descendants, or Spouses (e.g., Girlfriends, Friends): • Exemption Limit: Gifts to individuals outside the immediate family are exempt from personal income tax up to 10 million THB per tax year. • Tax Rate Beyond Exemption: If the total value of gifts to these individuals exceeds 10 million THB within a tax year, the excess amount is subject to a 5% personal income tax. Key Considerations: • Definition of Relationships: Ascendants and descendants refer to direct family lines, such as parents and children. Spouses are legally married partners. Girlfriends or boyfriends are not recognized under these categories and are treated as non-relatives for tax purposes. • Documentation: Maintain clear records of all gifts, including dates, amounts, and the nature of the relationship, to ensure compliance and for potential audits. Practical Steps: 1. Assess Gift Value: Before making a gift, determine the total value to understand potential tax implications. 2. Plan Accordingly: If you plan to gift amounts exceeding the exemption limits, consider spreading the gifts over multiple years or consulting with a tax professional to explore tax-efficient strategies. 3. File Necessary Tax Returns: If the value of the gifts exceeds the exemption limits, ensure that the appropriate personal income tax returns are filed, and taxes are paid on the excess amounts.
  16. Ehh why not just close the website in the process? Any information can be found on the Internet. What a stupid comment.
  17. New iPhone every 3-4 years and maybe replace a battery once to just get the 1.5 to 2 days battery life again the entire time I own it. Not always buying the latest model neither never more then the basic model, is like 20K baht only + 5K batteries / 4 years = 6.25K baht a year average for having always the best possible tech and experience within the most recent 2-3 models. Battery life alone is just killing it, with a power bank I last easily 4-5 days without needing to even plug somewhere, I work with it a lot / move a lot.
  18. Tven just to offer the full range network of destinations with BA is worth to have at least one flight on it. This is what I like a lot with Emirates, they can really bring you from one place to another hassle free.
  19. Completely retarded. Welcome to the future in Thailand: where we move forward with technology to go backwards.
  20. Not that different from bars and places that nowadays think to still get away with these 7/11 bread breakfasts, with a tiny 'glass' of orange juice and 'instant toilet' coffee. To then charge like 140-160 baht for the set as well lol. I guess the reason it works is that many oldie suckers still pay for it. Else it was already better for the same as it is in quite a few places.
  21. You mean the board room of directors for the flying club right?
  22. I lived there like 7-8 years ago for 1 year and came there again recently, I was shocked. Many of the streets are entirely clean, more plants and trees, tons of new developments, amazing quality new roads (i remember one being made when i lived there and that one today is still pristine asphalt). Then suddenly dozens of high rise buildings and condo's, the malls that used to have a limited amount of brands now also have things like H&M etc aside from luxury brands but also all gadgets or other stuff you could need. Then knowing the median age there is 26 as well, they started from not zero but minus a lot on top, I actually see potential and think it is actually pioneers who already lived there a while to believe in a longer term future, or people even doing that today. But yes, everyone knows there is also these typical streets where you see these typical end of the line characters but be real, this is like a few dozen you usually see in very specific streets or bars as well, while almost anything outside of that, which is a lot nowadays, has barely a sign of that typical stereotype. You find 10X as much in Pattaya alone. I actually even think about it multiple times a week, to go back there, just because it is also so much more relaxed with the visa and full work / business options. Even the airport they just have ipads nowadays, you scan your passport and can even pay by card, 2 mins later a QR sticker visa is done. Then at arrivals luggage they have huge touch screens where you can book a cheap taxi of choice direct too, like Thailand? where are you? Like technology of Dubai standards suddenly in PP airport.
  23. With all the electrocutions, I leave it to the 'professionals' (hired 5 electricien showed me papers and first 4 still messed up).
  24. Yeah there are some specific things they do get done quick but to be honest these are also always services and things that are simply possible to get done right away. Not to mention, that fastness is also the reason you see 100 cables hanging around, that's what makes the entire streets with the electric look so insane. In a way i'm surprised nobody started a business to locate and remove them, the amount of fiber cable would be worth quite a bit.
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