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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. Oh please common, just another round of mushroom copy business in Thailand after coffeeshops, barbershops and what else. With useless products almost nobody is looking for except this specific part being a temporary hype. As a 15 year long time medicinal user, former grower and more, I call it pathetic. It's like nobody has something to do or a single idea on their own, now it is crypto winter, everyone is gonna get pink unicorn money from this. The fact and truth is that technically speaking, all products that are in interest, are still illegal, as they always contain more than the 0.20% limit. For the medicinal products that do qualify, there are plenty providers, Thai only. Let me guess as the brains here are a bit slow, the next round of mushrooms will be growshops and smartshops. To then see 90% of them go bankrupt again, as they had no business plan in the first place.
  2. Not sure why people even talk about the money, just the fact of not having to go there for 10 years, would be worth 100K to me. I'd even pay that for 5 years upfront and then hassle free. I have a good agent that makes the process easy on a yearly basis but wouldn't mind it being every 5-10 years ????
  3. Not in terms of ignoring missing files, and usually need even more specific papers such as degrees or proof of being a professional etc. etc. I mean surely they would see a few missing documents missing if that would be about 1 in 20 hired people, if it brings in a lot of money, but that is another story.
  4. Just found this, seems rather expensive for cars: Chiang Mai Airport has a parking space with a capacity of 450 vehicles. PARKING RATES The parking rates at Chiang Mai Airport are the following ones: Rates 4 Wheel Car - 1 hour: 20 baht - 1 - 2 hour: 30 baht - 2- 3 hours: 40 baht - 4 to 12 hours: 100 baht - 13 to 14 hour: 200 baht - Overnight: 250 baht
  5. You can pay for long-term at the airport, not sure the rates for cars nowadays but I doubt it's crazy much. Motorbikes are free, mine is parked there now too. Not sure why you would bother if not parking there, as a taxi to the city is only 150B too.
  6. Excluding gasoline surely possible. Do mind gasoline is now average 50 baht per liter already.
  7. Would not recommend going there without your own transport. Unless you constantly want to hire a driver, likely having to pay him/her half or full days due to remote spots. The city center itself might not be that big, but in that case you would be done after just 1-2 days too. Same as it is in Chiang Rai basically. So actually you could rent a car from Chiang Mai from as little as 800B per day, then you can drive to Pai and other places yourself and enjoy it at the most.
  8. Obviously what they mean is that tourists consume these drugs, so smuggling increases when tourism rises. The locals have their local drug already aside of booze.
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