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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. Sounds like a good timing, then the USA can pretend that it is not a good time to do elections.
  2. Russians made a huge sacrifice to make Europe free again, but then the allied forces pretended all the honor was to them, the Russians weren't even invited on the party after. Is funny how they barely write about it in history too, at least I got told little/zero about the Russian contribution as a European kid in school.
  3. Since when are specific businesses usually reserved for Thais only. It's like they now make up the rules as they go, that the jobs are for Thais only has nothing to do with the legal ability of a foreigner to be a shareholder in that company. As far I know, as long a Thai would agree with you as a partnership/deal, even they consider that now a nominee, is perfectly legal too, as long taxes etc are being paid. So not sure what they are even talking about at this point. Illegal activities are a different thing but that has nothing to do with a foreigner in general, working with a Thai (only way), owning a business here. Or are they secretly telling us that now business is less good, they want to make it illegal for us foreigners, even if working with Thais, or being married, to not do any hospitality/tourism business too.
  4. Learned the hard way and that is that I can't do it worse than 99% of them, even better. So I just taught myself online how do all of it, tools are cheap to buy here anyway. Funny thing is, until I did, I didn't get why I or others always want a 'handyman' while what needs to happen in reality is very easy to do. Maybe our brains just go auto-pilot and always think to find someone doing it, same with AC, it was not cooling anymore. Cleaned it myself in like 30 minutes for 2 units, runs like brand new again, and the local guy, after calling 10 of them, wanted like 1000-1500 baht for this job. Must say I am now jealous to not be Thai, one could make boatloads of money by just offering these services properly / nationwide / easy website or booking system etc. Even doing this properly in whatever town, I am sure it is not hard to bring home around 50K a month.
  5. Is very rare to come by, you would almost need to start digging on eBay or amazon abroad to find the actual body of a laptop. Isn't exactly a common replacement part, you could still turn it into like a normal PC too though, using something else or some creativity so certainly worth keeping.
  6. Pause it, why not just terminate it permanently, it is nonsense in the first place and by air you don't get it too.
  7. Likely but I think the guy had a heatstroke actually, as the story originates that he suddenly was a Debbie downer and then decided to swim. Likely the booze boosted his ego to show off how good he is to swim the entire reservoir and that killed him.
  8. They are clearly kind of the worst if it comes to technical stuff, I mean just think back a while when the site was down for days, to do a simple migration lol, that should be with no downtime at all, max 5-10 minutes, for a DNS change with TTL on 5 minutes.
  9. Yeah I suspected he was doing a Thaksin on this already, that is the only logical conclusion, if that likely means you will be set free. Otherwise I would accept to die here yes, certainly at the age of 80, and knowing I would be on the run since '97s and did horrible things.
  10. One wonders why he decided to fly back, as I'm pretty sure he would be aware of his arrest to happen most likely. Ran out of money I guess + too old to work? Even then, you would think one would commit suicide here instead of going to jail the rest of life. As he left in like late 90's I am not surprised at all that he managed to leave, or use another ones passport. This is even before 9/11, there was barely any checks on anything, nobody used fingerprints yet etc etc. To be honest, if you look like someone a lot, they never been to Thailand before, I think there is a high chance it still works today too.
  11. Like a UNESCO status changes anything, will they also apply for the award to be the most reckless country in the world, with water, during drought? Managed to escape yesterday driving all the small roads, it pays off to know them now lol, then someone still threw a bucket in my face, ok fine, it was hot anyway, but I could instantly smell this water is like super dirty. Lucky I didn't get any eye infections.
  12. Never met a decent Thai who enjoys this insanity and alcohol / death road tour holiday. sure they enjoy a casual fight at home, otherwise traditionally which feels meaningful, to then simply enjoy amazing food and cold beers. what can be fun about being a egressive <deleted> trying to make bikers crash, and similar, aside from 16 year old behavior… All i wanted was to do the traditional thing to the elders and business bosses, to then have 6-10 dishes on a table, shared with many people, and some beers with ice in it, and smiling thais. the waterfight is more for the dog intelligence, i guess the majority of people, sadly, brainless. and for the record: im the guy who enjoys getting <deleted> faced, do drugs, techno parties, girls and more. And i hate it lol. The worst of all, is not songkran specific, is that they somehow teach and let young girls dance as whores, and then dare to call it culture. Its all over facebook, its just no words. how is a debate even possible; its simple, you must be disgusted by it or something is morally wrong.
  13. Songkran so far chiang mai is a total farce, <deleted>ty thai rappers and similar artists to make the locals happy in maya mall. Then the yearly scammers, selling water guns etc for 5-10-20X the price along the entire old city, while Thais driving by since days look annoyed when sprayed with water while working. to then see a few foreigners left and right, even mainly asians / chinese, to then see an absolute dark hole and nothing of life by the time it was even 8:30PM today. To conclude: they ruined songkran, they ruined thailand and chiang mai is death (since many years but with this being second year since covid; officially) Sell your <deleted>e and move elsewhere, that is the motto now. I mean its like low season worst month, while its songkran here, in terms of visible farangs. but yeah a lot of frustrated idiots who think its fun to throw dirty water in ones face at 7-9pm, not understanding (including owners), that this makes me go home early and drink less. It made me think more and more how stupid this event is aside from one day: its just frustrated idiots and the like, behaivng like teenagers. A good reflection of the country and skills.
  14. They are more focused on catching overstayers or something, it is the same with domestic flights, was a month or so ago in the news, that they want to enforce that now too. The same actually happened recently in Vietnam, they also require passports again for domestic flights while a driving license as possible before too (for foreigners). I am pretty sure however that most hotels would still let you check-in, if you can show them a digital or printed copy, aside from a Thai driving license, that matches the exact same name / photo etc. I never had issues to check-in without, when drunk, and showing them my phone copy / send via LINE.
  15. How does that even relate, going abroad obviously does not create new TM30's, as it is not the same as when one travels domestic. I can confirm that CM is rogue in this way, and they often want a fresh new TM30 again, if you also came there to extend. If I would fly abroad and come back, you are right, usually they are fine with the old one. The last time they wanted me to a new TM30 as well because I submitted myself without any end date, as it is our house. Then they wanted to see one with an end date (makes zero sense but whatever).
  16. People on this forum don't believe us clearly, they seem to not be aware of the exceptions and possibilities down south. I heard the exact same figure, I even posted that figure yesterday here too. I've seen plenty of hippies and Russians/Ukranians fix their overstay that way on islands too.
  17. WTF sent to court and to immigration to revoke his visa... This stuff would normally be settled within the police station where both the car owner and the police get something, now every small incident there is automatically mean your visa is done for + blacklisted? .... We're talking a 10-20K baht issue, I mean this stuff happens daily in Pattaya or Phuket + worse lol X 20-30 times? I never make issues with Thais in over a decade, but there is plenty of times where Thais have tried to trigger me, specially in traffic, where I would verbally or with hand signs make clear that they can go FK themselves, if nearly having killed me with their cars. But now in Phuket, that could even be your end, if they video tape only part of it. And we all know how much Thais love to have or gain power, so if this trend continues, you can bet your ass on it, they will abuse this.
  18. Of course that doesn't work, this guy JVS his brains are not working for sure to even suggest stronger punishment, the punishments are the entire reason that prisons here are over crowded and you can Thaksin for that as well, aside from having murdered dozens if not hundreds. They just changed that.
  19. What is the point of this entire topic, they just changed the law for this entire reason: a user can now have up to 5 pills, that solves the crisis in terms of needing too much dodgy dealers on the streets, having too many users jailed etc etc. In terms of the production and distribution of the drugs, that will never end, together with the ports in Vietnam and heroin, that market will continue forever. To reduce the use of the drugs within Thailand itself? Only better economy will fix that, aside from legalizing all drugs as much as possible, to make it so cheap dealers are not interested. Main reason for people to start using yaba a lot is 95% of the time economical origins. They should make beer cheaper, like in Vietnam. The move of having more weed in the country is a good start too. Better to have a million rasta heads than yaba swallowing knife carriers.
  20. Yeah that would be a problem with my girlfriend, she screams as if she is being murdered if my son prank scares her, or if she sees a spider etc etc etc.
  21. This is Thailand, we say we don't like corruption but we do if we can pocket money. Aside from that, we do not really have or use brains too. That's why.
  22. Just think about this carefully once, they can't even organize and manage something simple as this, in 2024, after decades of tourism and money inflows....
  23. Good luck with that NATO, and the world, it seems our foreign prime minister will be the new chief of NATO soon, and he sucks trust me (Netherlands). He is the perfect guy to help with the start of a WW3 too.
  24. With other words, your first sentence is BS already. Obviously the answer is YES, if you want to stay at a legitimate place, anywhere In Thailand.
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