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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. 2 minutes ago, drbeach said:

    Come on, they're not going to freely allow in the Chinese because they're Chinese while everyone else (including Thais) have to quarantine. That's ridiculous and would lead to serious anger, Thais would probably start protesting on the streets if that came to pass.


    The Chinese government itself loves the grip on control it has over it's population. As time goes by, China will truly become the world's most sheep like country. Can't see Thailand passing up an opportunity to do the same.


    I wouldn't read into this plan too much. For whatever reason they targeted select Asian countries first, but Australia and New Zealand have been mentioned too in separate articles. Don't take it personally. If we go by the "infection" numbers, China has done quite well, compared to parts of Europe, Iran, Brazil, and the USA.

    Shall we wait and see...?

  2. These people would not be able to lie straight in bed!


    <deleted> how the <deleted> can they think we can believe a single thing they say?


    Aaah...forgotten the lack of education, ooh forgot the lack of a free press what about being indoctrinated from birth?


    You gotta be brave to stick your head above the parapet as nobody will help when it goes Pete Tong, somebody needs to do it but really glad it aint my family...  

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  3. 1 minute ago, Mulambana said:

    They are negotiating with countries. Other countries have to agree to join the bubbles. I bet all countries that have coped with Covid-19 succesfully like Australia, New Zeland will be able to join. 

    Possibly but the fact there is no mention of these yet the one country who has been responsible for the original pandemic and have been, how can I say this nicely...perhaps not always as honest and open as they could have been are there front and centre tells it's own story. The fact there are still reports of outbreaks and cover up's in China also doesn't help, all smacks of money first...

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  4. 1 minute ago, Mulambana said:

    I still think tourists under the travel bubble will still have restricted movements. HOw can they quarantine tourusts who come only for a week or two weeks. That does not make sense.

    Blimey mate, do you think people only visiting for a week or two is safe?


    That's the whole point and the reason why they wont quarantine the Chinese tourist's (if the CCP lets them out to play!) but will try and wring out every penny of the people they do have a strangle hold on


    The blatant disregard for countries that have coped with Covid much better than China yet they aren't on the list, money, money, not a single <deleted> is given for their own people or their extended families



  5. 17 minutes ago, Mulambana said:

    I think based on length of stay and freedom of movement. People going to stay longer (with familes) and complete freedom of movements have to go to qurantine and people come for shorttime with restricted movement like seminrs, meeting, etc. don't have to be qurantined but their movement may be restricted. Makes perfect sense to me. 


    Surely your not that naïve?


    The other group comprises travellers who won’t need to go into quarantine on entry:


    3. Tourists under the travel bubble. Dr Taweesin said that the target countries are China, Japan and South Korea, which are presently trying to contain the virus.


    All completely about the money they can rip off and how much of a strangle hold they have on you, families will do whatever they can if they are able


    CCP hold the cards and the Thai's know it, they choose where the serfs can holiday and that's a lot of serf's hence they won't need any quarantine


    The big fly in the ointment is whether the CCP will allow any travel hence Thailand's profuse <deleted> kissing... 




    • Like 2
  6. Grande Centre Point Sukhumvit 55  = £1058

    Grand Richmond Stylish Convention Hotel = £692

    Anantara Siam Bangkok = £1994


    Managed to get some sample prices for 14 nights at 3 of the 7 allowed on Hotels.com.th. These are room only prices without any food or drink so I think fare to say even if you can get the other stuff done it will be bloody expensive


    Maybe the others are cheaper but they were showing as no availability. Tried a few random 14 night stays but at least it appears to be an option if you can afford it...

    • Like 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, xn47140 said:
    5 minutes ago, xn47140 said:

    When entering the Kingdom, non-Thai nationals must undergo a 14-day quarantine at a state quarantine facility at their own expense. The quarantine may only take place in the following hotels:

    1. Mövenpick Wellnes BDMS Resort Hotel

    2. Qiu Hotel Sukhumvit

    3. The Idle Residence

    4. Grand Richmond Hotel

    5. Royal Benja Hotel

    6. Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel

    7. Grande Centerpoint Hotel Sukhumvit


    Wonder if any of the illustrious leaders have stakes in these hotels or if it's just a simple brown envelope deal?


    I said in post number 1 that group 1 people are the ones who need to come back and will do whatever is required as effectively they do not have a choice


    They will endure quarantine if needed unlike the group 2 people who probably will just go elsewhere and spend their money, hence no need for them to do quarantine


    This all sounds mega expensive but understandable that if you haven't seen your family for months you will do whatever you have to, still cannot waste an opportunity to price out the little man...



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  8. 5 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


    Except the medical tourists. Most can and likely will go elsewhere rather than undergo the time and expense of a 14 days quarantine.

    Probably right Sheryl they aren't always the most thoughtful in their proclamations but they always have the tried and tested U turn procedure once they realise the brass they may make might be negated by the cancelations


    Probably comes down to whether any member of the present hierarchy or their cronies own any hospitals.... 

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  9. 2 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

    Seriously went to jail based on that? Well if a heroin dealer can be in government, and a PM who did not properly take the oath, and a political party that really didn't win the election, then why not have the least of the evil having this guy on the Anti Corruption Organization. Who else would be a more better candidate than someone who is closely familiar with corruption and lying. 

    I wouldn't imagine he is any better at corruption and lying! he got caught and the rest of them have managed to lie, strongarm or wriggle out of any questions and avoid any culpability!!!


    If lying and corruption was an Olympic sport the present lot would be multiple world champions they really are that good and have been trained since before they could walk...!


    Nepotism, cronyism, racism, corruption they got it all in abundance. Intelligence not so much......

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  10. 1 hour ago, BobBKK said:



    Washington | Australia's "novel" coronavirus pandemic response is being hailed as one of the world's best for both containing the virus and preserving the nation's economic fabric without throwing millions of workers into potentially permanent unemployment.

    A preliminary study of leading advanced economies by the highly-regarded Brookings Institution in Washington said Australia, New Zealand, Denmark and Germany have been "the most successful".

    Bloody hell don't you start throwing facts about you'll start upsetting people!!!

  11. 2 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

    Guess who got rejected last night.



    It does stink as though somebody has got sand in their vagina due to a massive loss of face


    Can't really understand how an adult in a clear position of responsibility can make such outrageous statements!


    From his actions it would be a fair bet that he bought his way up the ranks...

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