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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. 1 hour ago, topt said:

    How long ago as I heard that they stopped allowing them completely - this was from a lawyer. They would not have had an axe to grind as I already had one.

    Reckon would have been about 2013 so guess it could have changed but as I said the first bloke we spoke to was adamant you could only get a 30 year lease and I can't remember but he wanted a few thousand to do it


    I had checked on here and read all the threads so was sure we could do it so waited a few days and went back and this time made sure we got someone different and had no problem at all getting it sorted


    Earlier somebody mentioned it's like banks and tbh that is exactly what I have found with this, it's all about little fiefdoms who make their own rules because they are often too dim, lazy or prejudiced to do their jobs properly

    • Thanks 1
  2. 11 hours ago, Pib said:

    Was married (and still married) when the Thai wife and I bought our house/dirt here in Bangkok and I have a Usurfruct on the chanote.

    Me too in Pattaya, they did not want to do the usufruct and the fist bloke tried to say it was not available and also tried to charge extra money but I simply went back another day and spoke to another officer there and was all done for a minimal cost ?B60...

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  3. 1 minute ago, Perhaps2more said:

    Interesting that you can not understand the knowing and practising are not the same. I am sure most Thai know the basic of not to kill and the non attachment but how many can practise these teaching. I do not see many Christians can practise the teaching of Christ either. You are not saying they do not know Christ's teaching.

    Why would you see fact as an excuse? I did not offer reasons for people to excuse the situation. You have no right to excuse them because you are not a Buddhist. I don't think you have any belief either. That is your choice, it does not mean you are right and those who have their belief are wrong. 

    When what they believe to be sacred was made into a gimmick, it is not difficult to understand their feeling of anger. I am sure people in the Vatican will be just as angry if someone painted Christ as an ape.

    It is about respect to other people's belief. Not an excuse. ... But what do you know or care ?

    Did you read the OP? 

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  4. 10 minutes ago, Perhaps2more said:


    Knowing and practising in Buddhism are not the same. Most Thai people know all the basic knowledge but it is not easy to practise.

    You are expecting enlightenment in ordinary people. It is not possible otherwise Thailand would be a very different place where most people would rather be elsewhere. No sex, no alcohol and drugs, You wouldn't want them to really practise Buddhism, would you?

    Talking about ordinary people, of course, they are upset when someone is taking what is sacred to them and turns that into American comic. It is disrespectful. Besides, the art work is quite amateurish. 



    Why are you making excuses? stupid is as stupid does in the immortal words of Forrest Gump.....probably...!?


    If most Thais have the BASIC knowledge they know that this is nonsense, 2 options they either have basic knowledge or no knowledge other than the adulterated version they are taught here


    Appears to be no knowledge, wish I was surprised.....

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  5. 12 hours ago, PatOngo said:

    Very easily!

    13 hours ago, mikebell said:

      How do people with no brains get into such elevated positions?


    Easy to work out mate and if you look into most of these cretins backgrounds you will quickly see they are from the moneyed elite, all about jobs for the boys common sense or aptitude not required.....

  6. 5 hours ago, Artisi said:

    I'll stick with honey = money. 

    Your not wrong but I will also stick with the flies around a turd analogy though pigs around a trough works quite well too....


    Whichever we decide on they all appear to be despicable creatures after a free lunch completely unhindered by morals common sense or any semblance of a clue on running a noodle stall let alone a firkin country.....

  7. On an almost daily basis little P and his cronies show a complete and utter lack of respect for their country and their people


    The absolute lack of any moral compass or sense of honour or even common or garden decency is telling


    Unfortunately they are above the law and the only scrutiny the people of Thailand have of him and his ilk is when they see the howlers and dummy spitting when they are questioned, cringeworthy behaviour but when you put selfish spoilt uneducated eejits in positions of responsibility what do you expect...

  8. 22 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    Why is there any need to answer questions from any opposition?The case is already at the Ombudsmans office, and will be dealt with. Better to wait the result of that investigation, and attend to other important matters instead that is not yet on anyone table.

    The naivete is strong with this one!!!


    We are talking Thailand here where every institution is in the pocket of little Napoleon and his merry band of thieves, give me strength.....

    • Like 1
  9. I have never felt safe on a moped in Thailand Thais just don't seem to notice them and other traffic gives them no respect. On a bigger bike I have never really felt that plus you have the acceleration to get away from the numpties. I still would not ride at night as that's when the real loonies are out and about but with concentration and proper gear you can have good fun on bikes in Thailand though like anywhere else it's never 100% safe. Lots of people will wail and avoid any risks up to them! lots of things I don't like to do such as sit in traffic jams for hours....

    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, pr9spk said:

    The thing I find unnerving about motorcycling in Thailand, is that it is only a matter of time before you wind up driving behind a truck carrying an unsecured load of nasty looking pieces of metal or wood. I've seen hundreds of vehicles in Thailand that are overloaded and appear to be carrying dangerous loads that are held in place with gravity alone.


    And, has been mentioned, it won't make any difference what gear you are wearing if a piece of steel rebar comes off the truck as it goes over a bump and spears you. It also won't help if you slam into a wall, or drive off a cliff edge. MotoGP/IOM TT riders seem to crash quite a lot at speeds of 150mph+, they almost always seem to just slide along the tarmac and then get up and walk away. Although they are wearing the best quality leathers, you wouldn't want to be in them on a hot afternoon in Bangkok.


    And yes - Arai and Shoei helmets are grossly overpriced, and other competitors, as you mentioned are just as good, the best advice would be to try a few and see which brand fits your head best.



    Always remember the Guy Martin one at the IoM TT where the bike turned into a fireball...



    that would have been me hanging up my leathers post haste and sticking to 4 wheels only, those guys need a wheelbarrow to carry their balls around in....

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