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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. 8 hours ago, johng said:

    Was going about 55 KPH when a dog run out from behind a roadside rubbish bin straight under the front wheel,no time to react at all,straight down onto the concrete ,weeks of painful roadrash.

    Looks like that would have been memorable for all the wrong reasons!


    I remember years ago falling off a moped in flip flops and skinning all my toes it is the sort of thing you only ever do once in your life. Never ever worn flip flops on any 2 wheel vehicle since....

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, 473geo said:

    Thank you, I will and can, because I don't get pent up about things of little consequence.

    This may come as a bit of a surprise, but I expect if I need to travel on a coach in a month or 2 all will be well. If I feel the urgent need to visit this particular Wat as apparently many foreigners do! providing I am not too stingy to pay the 'entrance fee' all will be ok there too.

    Good for you fella! have a nice life...

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 minute ago, 473geo said:

    All these people 'who have been in LOS since before lockdown' suddenly want to visit this particular Temple while under repair and in the midst of a pandemic, well they don't appear very intelligent to my mind!! Good thing Thailand is saving them from their stupidity!!

    I see I am dealing with the hard of thinking so I guess there is no point in further debate


    A fella a few pages back mentioned the old fable along the lines of 'when they came for me there was nobody left' I hope it never comes to that but it wouldn't be the first time in history. Enjoy the things you like about LoS because attitudes are a changing....

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, connda said:

    You're an apologist for racial segregation.  That's not good.

    There is no difference between me, a non-Thai Theravada Buddhist, and a Thai Theravada Buddhist - Except: 
    The Thai Theravada Buddhist can enter the temple "to pray, to make merit etc."
    This American Theravada Buddhist can not enter the temple "to pray, to make merit etc."
    I'm not allowed in because of my skin color and ethnicity.


    The Thai government does nothing to address this racism meaning they explicitly condone the racism.

    Before Covid many of these same temples allowed Thais Buddhists to freely enter their temples "to pray, to make merit etc." but foreign Buddhist must pay "to pray, to make merit etc."
    I must pay because of my skin color and my ethnicity.

    Nowhere in the Buddhist scriptures does the Buddha condone racism.  Had he condoned racism then Buddhism would have died out in Northern India long, long ago as a religion limited only to the race of people inhabiting Northern India.

    Thai racism is extremely ugly and vile;  Apologizing for this systemic racism is condoning the racism and is equally as vile. 

    "Foreigners can not enter (Wat Po) for their own safety" is a lie which is breaking a core Buddhist precept.  If it was for 'safety' reasons then no one other than construction workers and monks could enter.  None of the general public would be allowed in if it was truly about 'safety.'  "Foreigners can not enter" because foreigners are seen as dirty, Covid-carriers - a fiction that seems to have gained momentum via the rants issued out of the Health Ministry. 

    That is the ugliness of systemic racism:  Non-Thai - Dirty; Thais - Clean. 
    Vile.  Ugly.  Disgusting. 
    There is no place for racism in Buddhism, yet, here it is!

    Bravo sir!


    That completely and utterly hits the nail on the head!!


    There is absolutely no other explanation and the apologists can say what they want but this behaviour is abhorrent and condoned at the very highest levels


    It's utterly breathtaking a country that relies on tourism as much as LoS does have the lack of intelligence and foresight to allow this and do nothing about it, breathtaking but not at all surprising...

    • Like 1
  5. 6 hours ago, johng said:

    I think she was lucky.




    Possibly, however I am talking from fact of what I personally witnessed not anecdotal evidence


    Had she tried to avoid the dog she would have been into oncoming traffic or would have hit the kerb and possibly pedestrians. She 100% did the right thing at that time


    Ps that picture looks like that bike was going rapido or was dragged under a vehicle to melt the headlight and faring to that degree

  6. 4 hours ago, johng said:

    Have you tried it on a motorbike ?   I have..the bike went straight down I got some nasty "roadrash" and the dog died.



    Guess it depends what your on missus went straight over the dog that ran out on her on her ninja 250 barely a bump, she did not panic and she didn't try to go around it


    I was a bit proud of her really though thinking about it could have been she never noticed it!!


    ps it was a normal medium sized dog and yep it died...

  7. It has cost China a lot of money and face that alone might convince the CCP to do something about it


    I reckon they will do it quietly in their own time, they have shown many times that they can be absolutely ruthless when they need to be so public opinion of the serfs doesn't really matter. Well here's hoping....

  8. These are what you want buddy!! 


    I got a pull up bar welded by a local guy and in conjunction with these it can be really effective phys




    look like a reasonable copy:




    the TRX trainer in the lazada advert are very well regarded but I never really got on with them as both straps are interconnected and much prefer 2 separate straps like the jungle gym plus the hand/foot grips are a bit more robust


    lots of vids on both




    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, Phil McCaverty said:

    Exactly. No one has the answers to Covid. Governments are doing what they think is best. This is a war, we are soldiers. The only way we are doing exactly has we are told. All of us. Together. Follow orders and we'll be OK. Soldiers don't question every bloody order, not if they want to win the war.


    Not in my nature either but I've never been in a war before. Stand up straight, head held high and get on with it.

    I have been to war both warfighting and peacekeeping numerous times and as a professional if you see something that is stupid you question it in order to get the best way to achieve your aim. This is <deleted> all like a war...


    Professionals do not blindly follow <deleted> leaders and in a proper organisation <deleted> leaders are found out very quickly and usually redeployed where they can do least harm


    That's not the case in Thailand its the opposite of a meritocracy and the <deleted> seems to rise to the top and that's the norm in most every institution in the country and thus they rely on brainwashing the serfs in order to carry on the status quo. I aint a serf....

    • Like 1
  10. You could be right in this case as I can't be arsed checking however I tend to treat every utterance from a Thai institution with scepticism, the vast majority appear to blatantly lie and often send out multiple contradictory messages and will do anything to save face. Give it a few days and I can almost guarantee there will be another proclamation with a different outcome


    It is a national tragedy...

  11. 14 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

    So......reporting factual numbers of flight movements and passenger arrivals over a 12 month period.  Why do you want to feel my lumps exactly?


    It would be nice if instead of hysteria you could calmly explain what your issue is.  Why is the AOT reporting a 53% decline in passenger numbers worthy of criticism??

    Certainly not hysterical mate, but what makes you believe these numbers are factual? 


    Have you not noticed that most every institution in Thailand are pathological liars and appear to be completely unable to tell the truth especially if face is concerned?


    If you are happy to believe what you are told by these mouthpieces most of whom have never had to earn their positions or anything else in their lives then that's up to you


    I have seen enough of them to know the majority are incompetent cretins and their opinions and proclamations are at best unreliable and who I would not trust to run a bath let alone do anything important


    ps.rose coloured glasses came off long ago, you should try it!

  12. 8 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

    Thank you.  As soon as I saw the subject I knew before I clicked on it the first replies would say the numbers were false and that the TAT would be mentioned (yep, they never get tired of that one!  Yawn).


    I wish people would just do a little critical thinking or perhaps even a little research before they jump in with both feet to belittle, criticise, or complain.  They would look less stupid when someone like you posts the logical answer.

    They wholeheartedly deserve to be belittled, criticised and complained about they are a bunch of incompetent buffoons and anybody who cannot see that need their lumps felt...

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