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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. On 4/18/2020 at 1:23 PM, Kwasaki said:

    Well I run over a dog on my Versys and it was like a bump in the road. ????

    My missus ran over a dog on her ninja 250 same result!


    Come to think of it between the bike and the pickup she has killed more dogs than Cruella Deville..

    • Haha 2
  2. There is quite literally nothing they will not do to enrich themselves


    These creatures, and unfortunately there is ample evidence concerning prominent members of the junta and ruling classes point towards it being the majority are completely without honour


    If you use a trickle down approach and the think like a Thai where personal wealth is all important then you may surmise that the vast majority of Thai's in position of responsibility are corrupt self serving scumbags


    That has been my personal experience from the local plod to the land office to inept and lazy people in the shops, not a rosy picture really....

  3. And let's not forget the 70 or 80 who have done a runner from Sattahip after returning from Korea


    ''The returning Thai labourers will be in quarantine at Sattahip Army house.


    Satit admitted that 200 Thai labourers had arrived. Some of them were resisting the screening measure from the health officers and some 70-80 had fled''



    Never mind Thai authorities have assured us that this is under control so it must be true...

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  4. 15 hours ago, saengd said:

    Only an retard would imagine that a person moving from a 300 baht a day job to a 500 baht a day job might have anything to put in a brown envelope in the first place.

    Retards eh...


    They find a way, have you ever wondered why household debt is so high especially among the people who can least afford it, Bt 1200 a week more on Bt 500 a day thats Bt 4,800 a month and you can buy a lot of somtam for that!!


    The brown envelope is the way most everything is done in a place of mass inequality and <deleted> poor education even amongst the so called middle and educated classes such as the present king of the trough and his minions


    Corruption is king and if you aint lucky enough to have a relative who has already been at the trough to gain from a bit of nepotism then you go down the tried and tested corruption route, simples...

  5. On 3/2/2020 at 4:02 AM, saengd said:

    That's not really the case. Official tour guides have to undergo training in order to become certified and even then they are only ever certified for a specific territory or region. Testing is extensive and not that easy to pass, applicants are also tested on presentation skills, if they fail any of the tests they don't get certified. The cost of the training and certification, along with re-certification every couple of years, is not exactly cheap. And then the rates of pay are set by the government, they are not exactly exorbitant by any stretch.

    Failing that they can just resort to the tried and tested brown envelope under the desk the same as in every other aspect of Thai culture/life/employment/governance/policing ad nauseam...

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