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Everything posted by LittleBear57

  1. Also forgot to mention we are planning a trip to Koh Lipe in March. I guess I had better do some checking before we book.
  2. Nice to know, thanks for posting. I have been to Koh Larn twice recently and said if they require any testing we don't go. I don't mind proving vaccination, but a possible test failure could be financially hard hitting. Koh Samet has been talked about for a short break but we will forget it now until common sense prevails.
  3. Diesel isn't the healthiest fuel but it is used for transportation of most goods, every time the price goes up there is a corresponding price rise in the shops. Yes I know when the price comes down the prices in the shops don't.
  4. Chinese fresh produce has gone up substantially this last couple of months. There is no competition for potatoes and carrots but I found Thai iceberg lettuce at quarter of the Chinese price and very good too. Chinese iceberg went from 79/kilo to 249/kilo never bought another at that price. Perhaps some Thais can grow enough produce to undercut the Chinese, here's hoping.
  5. Has anyone been taken into care for Covid and been charged for it (without requesting it or moving to a private hospital by choice). I read on more than one occasion that NO ONE would be charged at private hospitals or "hospitiels" or does "no one" just mean Thai's.
  6. Mask wearing amongst east Asian countries is high compared to Europe and the US and I believe it is one of the reasons why infections and death is lower. I noticed it wasn't just the old foreigners that aren't wearing masks the young don't also. I don't like wearing masks either but when near people and anywhere inside public buildings I do so. To not do is selfish or ignorant.
  7. Got sent to another clinic for booster but when arrived there were no vaccines available. Told to enrol at another clinic but when arrived they said not for foreigners Thais only.
  8. Sorry none, I was speaking on what someone else had advised. They may have.
  9. Do government hospitals treat foreigners the same as Thai's? Past experience to me has shown that they are massively overcrowded and even simple procedures taking months. Hospitals in my area are very run down and I would not wish to place my life in their hands. It would be nice if there was a hospital system that was semi private but not extortionate in it's prices. I had a minor op cost 2000 pounds and a biopsy for about 800 quid. Money disappears very quickly in the private hospitals. Yes there's the possibility of hopping on a plane if it's not urgent but the UK has long waiting lists for non urgent ops, perhaps India is an option for those without insurance.
  10. Not <deleted> scared at all but don't need to go, so I will stay away, better beaches down Sattahip way and enough shopping, no lady in Pattaya to worry about, married 14 year.
  11. Not do the 90 day report if I can't do it on line. Pay the fine later.
  12. Not going to happen when people are literally fleeing for their lives from the EVIL regime there. Not just looking for better paid work.
  13. The horse bolted on New Years Eve, if it takes them 4 weeks to respond most of the country will have herd immunity as cases will be 50,000+ if they do serious testing. No vaccines where I live either at the moment, be sensible, stay safe and hope Omicron is like they say and not so serious for most people.
  14. Went for our booster shots today at Kilo Sip no vaccines and no idea if or when they will get some. They still say come and get it on the internet, but there is nothing.
  15. Used several of these 49 bht kits one type gave the result almost immediately (negative) the other kit is a different type and I haven't used it yet. Very handy and will use before doing 90 day report just in case I get stopped around Pattaya/Jomtien. Like everone else we don't want a positive test and get carted off to somewhere at our own cost. This is my biggest worry not the disease anymore.
  16. I will not be going anywhere near Pattaya for the foreseeable future. I do test myself now and again as the 7/11 kits are only 49 bht now.
  17. I just do not understand why people are coming to Thailand for a holiday during this pandemic. Forced isolation would keep me well away. I understand if you have family here or perhaps even property, but for a holiday go somewhere where the rules less strict.
  18. In South Africa, the UK and the States it/ has replaced almost totally the Delta strain. We need a booster shot as this strain is much more transmittable but less dangerous and causes less hospitalization and death per infection. IF numbers of infection are kept low it should not be a problem but allowing people to travel all over the county for parties was hardly a smart move. I hope they do some real testing over the next week to get some idea of infection rates and then we will know if there is any hope of controlling infections.
  19. Ao Manao is a nice pretty beach popular with locals on the Airforce base it is cleaned often. I never noticed the water was particularly clean not a place for snorkelling due to a muddy bottom. Don't know the other one, but many beaches are plagued with plastic these days especially those south of Sam Roi Yot national park. I still think the Anderman sea has the cleanest water but plastic is always an issue.
  20. I haven't taught for two years now and I never taught in the Pattaya area. However I was made aware there is (was?) a black American guy who is well thought of in teaching. I believe he was or is a recruiter and would be in a position to give good advice on the matter. So if anyone has his details perhaps they could pass it on. Sorry I have no further info.
  21. Northern Cyprus is not a recognised country and a lot of the land there is stolen. Perhaps that's why the rents are cheap.
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