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Everything posted by Boomer6969

  1. Jesus, just imagine they'd have spelled "Well cum to thighland".
  2. Same story, but I had the breath test to confirm. Didn't know about the stool test, but you have to admit that it is an shi..y way of doing things.
  3. Stool test? For H Pylori it is a breath test and I doubt any positive wouldn't be followed by a gastroscopy. The stool test is a poorly selective first test for colon cancer always followed by a colonoscopy when found positive.
  4. Thai doctors would say that your provider is an idiot.
  5. These guys had been Jacking off for three years for the pee season to start again. Thai tourism must die.
  6. The density of an egg is inversely proportional to its size.
  7. Tourists, forget Thailand.
  8. Well the jazz is for around town. The CRV for trips over 20/30km. That's why I am not averse to consider EVs to replace the Jazz when it gets 7 or 8 years old. I remember your report where you did your first trip of some 120k (one way) and happily came back with 20% charge; that's totally insufficient for my longer trips. And batteries age, one needs aircon to drive etc. Anyhow let us hope that in the fullness of time, when the time's right, at the right juncture, EVs will get a more practical autonomy and that charging networks develop. You sound like an enthusiastic pioneer, I'm not. And, I like your "free jazz", you could've worked at MG selling second hand Hondas.
  9. You know I drive a bit more than just around town...
  10. Don't think so, the timing of the stagflation phases will vary from one country to another in Europe. The US will do better than the rest of the Western World as they won't feel the impact of the energy crisis.
  11. Just got and ICE CRV, but when the Jazz comes up for retirement in 4 or 5 years I'll consider and EV. Right now too much potential trouble.
  12. Feel free to make an <deleted> of yourself, lecturing on the plural in Thai, but this is an English only forum.
  13. If you re single maybe. But if you take 80000 USD to Australia the Tax office will extort about 20k to 25k which leaves boomboomall for a family of 4. Even in Tasmania.
  14. Goodness gracious, a tin of anchovies costs over 15 Bahts, even a home you can't get a proper pizza for 99 Bahts.
  15. Sheds new light on all those dog charities.
  16. Mostly for lack of business as the vast majority of adoptions occur within families.
  17. What bothers me is that it is an address reporting requirement, so it could be understood in many ways. Everyone wants to assume it is a clone of the 90 days report, while it could be more of a yearly TM30. Hence requiring filing after returning to the Kingdom. The truth is we don't know anything for certain yet, neither does BOI/IB, they'll probably look into it not before next August.
  18. I haven't seen anything explicit written to that effect, even though one can think is is implied in "an alien who has been staying in the kingdom longer that 1 year".
  19. So why are you on this forum? There are plenty for Thais where you won't have to deal with Farangs.
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