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Everything posted by Boomer6969

  1. 10 years for possession, death for dealing. Clean out you mess, invest in crematoria.
  2. Interestingly that's what I would have to do to ensure my Thai lady gets the full amount of her UN widower's benefit.
  3. The only thing I could blame them for is that they are rather fat.
  4. OMG, the Brits have reinvented the "4eme République". Bloody French! ????????????
  5. Ever been to Pattaya Mate?
  6. Well if I take your figure of 16km/L and 13km/L for the CRV, with a price per Liter of about 35 Bahts for both E20 and Diesel, the fuel cost per KM will be 2.19 and 2.69 respectively. So to recoup the 180000 difference in purchase price the diesel owner will need to run his truck 360000 km, I'll let you figure the maintenance costs. And after that sort of mileage in Thailand most people a likely to be dead anyhow.
  7. Well, I'd recommend our readers to google "Prius battery life expectancy" to get a better appraisal of the "urban myth".. Otherwise, the CRV I bought this July set me back 1380000 how much would that Mazda thing have cost me?
  8. U can't feel Liz Truss?
  9. OP U tink too mut, almost everyone has Herpes. I had the most Ugly outbreak when I was 10, and so did the rest of the classroom. And that's why "they just smiled". So take your meds, forget it, and don't let your brain mess up your sex life.
  10. Wonder, or rather worry what they'll charge for foreigners. I they used the National parks ratio it would come close to half a million.
  11. Regarding the health insurance this is what they answered after I made my first submission: "We have checked your documents and found that they are eligible. However, please provide an evidence of health insurance that shows expire date and treatment cover information of your plan for further consideration (the health insurance must have the coverage of no less than $50,000 USD with the remaining maturity of no less than 10 months at the time of application)." As I can't provide evidence of an expiry date that doesn't exist I didn't go any further and submitted my my bank statements. After which I go the following: "Your saving is accepted instead of health insurance policy. It is suggested to upload both Cigna's health insurance policy and your saving when you submit an application." And this settled it. Regarding the length of the process, for my first inquiries to today's final approval it was about 6 weeks. But bear in mind that they have probably flooded with applications, and not only retirees. Next year they might be under less stress. Anyhow I hope this can help. Best of luck.
  12. Well, they didn't really like my open ended Cigna/UN insurance, because it doesn't show an expiry date. So I sent them some statements from my accounts back in Geneva. That made them happier, but they asked me to provide documents for the bank accounts as well as the insurance. Liked it as it demonstrated a degree of flexibility I was accustomed to after my 7 "Thai Wife" extensions of stay.
  13. I really love the CVT 7 speeds with the 2.4 engines, just bought the second one, didn't really need to but I wanted to get this combo again before Honda surrendered to this crazy hybrid fashion. Or maybe they could see a good business potential 7 or 8 years down the road when hybrid owners will start to replace their expensive Lithium batteries? And you are right after 200000 km I will have spent 100000 Bahts more then you, but I just don't like driving diesels. Owned one, and hated it for 6 years.
  14. So I have my appointment to get the visa next Tuesday, the whole thing was quite relaxed so far, hardly had to lift my lazy bum from the couch to get to this stage. One thing that has been a bit unexpected was that immigration requested my latest 90 days report, a recent Kor Ror 2, and the original of our Marriage certificate. The reason they gave was that they needed it because I terminate a "Thai Wife" extension. My guess is they try to catch guys who wouldn't have reported a recent divorce, but who knows. Somehow my wife started getting calls from BOI staff who seemed happy to converse in their familiar tongue. They also recommended that she comes along on Tuesday "to makes things easier". Thailand
  15. Was wondering why OP asked for estimates of average salary, which can only get some meaning if presented in conjunction with the median figures.
  16. Salaries are one thing, but in Thailand wealth comes from corruption. That's why a figure of 30k for a government worker can be converted into something ranging from 300k to 500k. Hence the obscene wealth displayed by so many around the country.
  17. Interesting is that no one on this thread has said that legalising some drugs, while the country is in the midst of an abominable drug problem, is just bizarre.
  18. Sure you like it, as you are obviously used to trucks. I chose the CRV as had never driven trucks and it had the handling of a sedan, and could cope with the 8 inches deep potholes we have here. I get 13k/Liter from the 2.4 engine, but E20 not Diesel.
  19. Is this a Fortuner evolution, with the good old truck chassis?
  20. As far a I am concerned there is no alternative.
  21. Well If you are one your first holiday to Thailand, you have to see it on the bright side: you are on a crash course in Thainess. If you want after hours extra tuition there is a guy here, by the name of "Nera water", or something...
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