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Mr Jones

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Posts posted by Mr Jones

  1. The bus station is in the centre of Liverpool City, the Albert dock is a good place to visit, all sorts of old ships and buildings if you are interested in that sort of thing. There is an amphibious bus that takes tourists for a swim in the docks.

    The museum and Walker art gallery are interesting and next door to each other.

    I don’t know what nationality you are but it wont matter in Liverpool, don’t be afraid to ask directions we are a friendly lot in Liverpool and the language is almost English at 6 in the morning not much open so a walk down to the Albert dock and look at the old buildings passing through the Caven street of the Beatles fame, it’s a dump but at least you can say you have bean there.

    The bus station is in the centre of Liverpool City, the Albert dock is a good place to visit, all sorts of old ships and buildings if you are interested in that sort of thing. There is an amphibious bus that takes tourists for a swim in the docks.

    The museum and Walker art gallery are interesting and next door to each other.

    I don’t know what nationality you are but it wont matter in Liverpool, don’t be afraid to ask directions we are a friendly lot in Liverpool and the language is almost English

    You can buy a daily bus rover ticket I think for about £3 just jump on any bus.

    Keep away from taxies they are very expensive


    You can buy a daily bus rover ticket I think for about £3 just jump on any bus.

    Keep away from taxies they are very expensive


  2. After a horrific accident I went down with PTSD, I was told it was curable with treatment, good, the treatment I was prescribed was antidepressants, I told the doctor I was not depressed and he assured me that it is the recommended treatment for PTSD was antidepressant medication.

    A week later all I could think of was topping myself, back to the doctor, he assured me it would pass, I asked how long? In a week or two, What if I can take no more and top myself? His answer was that would get rid of your PTSD.

    The assault charges where dismissed on the grounds of extreme provocation.


  3. An 80 year old man goes to the doctor for a full medical because he is marrying a 21 year old so he can have a child to inherit his fortune.

    Medical complete and everything is fine but the doctor thinking that he is a little old to get it up suggests the he gets his new wife a companion reasoning she may want to go out to places he wouldn’t like, after a little thought the old fella agrees it is a good idea.

    6 months later he is back to the doctor, he is back with his pregnant wife, the doctor thinking what does it matter who fathered the child as long as the old man is happy.

    On leaving the doctors office the old man makes an appointment for his wife’s companion, the doc asks what’s wrong with companion? Nothing says the old man, but I think I have got her up the stick as well.

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