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Yorkshire Tea

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Everything posted by Yorkshire Tea

  1. They probably don't advertise it, but if you ask them for budget plans for people who don't use the phone much they might offer it. I pay 200 bt a month for Dtac. Get 100 mins of calls, & a limited data package at normal speed, then unlimited data at slow speed. Suits me.
  2. I thought the problem was cheap sugared drinks.
  3. She does. We tried other frozen fillets & they were horrible. Full of water. Not much left when cooked.
  4. Try the frozen tilapia fillets. The wife makes lovely fish & chips with them ????
  5. Yorkshire Tea

    Ear Wax

    I used dewax ear drops to soften the impacted wax (from using wax ear plugs), followed by warm water syringe. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i4292076031-s17055302960.html?
  6. Try Union Science on Suthep Road. I've bought them there before. https://www.google.com/maps/@18.7899061,98.9644734,3a,75y,213.42h,94.92t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1saVsqlxLHkMwCe9wS_a4v1A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
  7. You're confusing AQI & pm2.5 concentration ????
  8. Or clueless ev drivers who don't need to charge.
  9. Yes, including sunshine. Imagine arriving to charge in the middle of a full on tropical downpour & farting around with an umbrella getting blown inside out ???? I guess electric car drivers are made of sturdier stuff ????
  10. Cop was reckless, probably thought he was in a movie. I'm surprised he didn't get taken out by another driver earlier.
  11. do you mean the local independent test centre with the blue & yellow cog sign, where they test cars, then go and do the paperwork for you, or the govt transport office. If the former, try another test centre.
  12. If you have English subtitles, use "subtitle edit" program, or try this website to translate. https://translatesubtitles.co
  13. Anek bike in Chiang Mai have on Shopee https://shopee.co.th/New!!-จักรยานไฮบริด-KAZE-2022-Brulee-City-Bike-สไตล์ญี่ปุ่น-i.107256977.11166867202?sp_atk=b0e8c594-5ac9-402f-aeea-e04bb88ea7e0&xptdk=b0e8c594-5ac9-402f-aeea-e04bb88ea7e0 I know this shop. One of the top bike shops in Chiang Mai.
  14. A "War on Pollution" would be better than a war on drugs.
  15. Queuing to get through the automated gates at Manchester Airport was a lot longer than clearing immigration in Bangkok. But don't get me started on the wait for my baggage afterwards...
  16. Have a look on google maps at the area to west of Grand Canyon, & south of Samoeng road, heading towards Ob Khan national park. Good surfaced quiet roads.
  17. Wouldn't the hackers be able to change those settings if they'd hacked your account?
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