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Everything posted by Jenkins9039

  1. Seems they've gone cocopops for AML... The scamming can't be that bad surely that they have to impact some 65m people
  2. They see my one spinning backwards years ago, first of all they thought it was broken, so installed a new meter (one that can't spin backwards), - it still spins backwards but they still make 4-7,000 THB a month and it's a third party not PEA doing it now so its usually or has been ignored.
  3. Probably install a new meter (digital). - Nothing to worry about.
  4. Yeah concerning - i stopped having contracts around 2018 in my own name, just had a internet sim on the wives account (same as various cctv internet sims) costs about 150 baht a month opposed to 600-700 as i don't use the phone for calls... What details do we need to register/transfer the sim to my name these days?
  5. Surely they can just set up solar farms there for the power, and there's numerous solutions to internet from sat to mesh networks connected to neighbouring states.
  6. AMOL... nasty.... probably find you'll be arrested when trying to leave the country also... note the police just file a report, but AMOL will be the ones looking at you, and CIB. -> they likely don't communicate which will be your issue, only EVER do P2P in person in cash.
  7. 60 yrs old, could be my father (age wise). Tragic.
  8. Basically you give them 10,000 THB a month, that's the expectation, 5,000 THB each, the end of the month, the rest they take care of themselves.
  9. Wasn't 1m THB when i did it... Was 500,000 THB
  10. Should add, Thai babies (farang-Thai/Thai) all look like ugly ducklins when born and blossom within a few months...
  11. I have twins. Boy has curly hair like my grandfather (and me as a child) and white skin, farang appearance (shorter than his twin) and a squarish face (Thai i guess), western nose. Girl has Thai nose, Thai completion (slightly darker) straight hair till her neck then goes curly, more like a mixed thai/westerner. I'll update when the Third one arrives. Oh should add, wife is Half Chinese Thai, Half Thai, father in-law Chinese Thai, Mother in-law Thai (South). I am Judea-anglo-romani if that helps.
  12. I've long said... the reason there isn't new Messiahs today is because they'd either be locked up, sent to a mental institute or killed for having the gall to come out, or lastly ridiculed. So why do we put so much faith in old Messiahs recognising the people of the time, were worse logically thinking in their era and or superstitious to a degree considered mental today.
  13. Most times no one takes any notice, elite or non-elite... and that's not immigration, but customs...
  14. There's no 'vip treatment'. it's basically a golf buggy and you get to go through the Thai entry/exit which means they are more likely to scrutinise as you are not Thai and their line is smaller.. - I used to do that anyway (excluding buggy - and never bothered to use the buggy before).
  15. I've been here over a decade, i bought a visa (elite) not because x was cheaper/costier but because i value my time and didn't need annoyances of dealing with visa's. This doesn't change that there are hundreds of thousands of people using agents, and these agents are essentially paid a premium to grease the wheels of immigration officers in many cases, and a lot of people shouldn't be here as i highlighted above, and are essentially doing visa fraud, and money laundering.
  16. Should start investigating all these agents, lot of laundering there with fees paid to the agents to secure visas, and funds handed over in bags to immigration officers to approve them.
  17. That's not what i wrote. I wrote that his passport leaves the country, he doesn't, that is visa fraud.
  18. This is looking to be the case. Like i mentioned above. 1) Criminal checks carried out -cleared. Therefore you can't have 'laundering' as the funds are not 'illicit' as you are not a criminal. Thailand of-course will meander around this.
  19. It's not buying a stay. That would be called 'using a agent'. The elite card was a process that took 6-8 weeks, and was meant to go through a number of criminal background checks, domestic, international and citizen based. You paid for the idea of doing it once and never having to deal with immigration routinely again in such a slow/archaic manner in which they deal with extensions etc Where there are numerous criminals (soft/hard) is in the form of those that utilise visa agents, one of my old neighbours can hardly walk but his passport goes over the border once a year for example. I spoke to a Burmese builder owner and he said he doesn't deal with immigration but has agents for it, because it's 'easier' he's been here about 15 yrs and brought his entire family over.
  20. Offshore companies doesn't mean illicit.
  21. Yeah this is the thing that i don't understand (i have an elite visa) and when you applied they did criminal checks in Thailand, home-country and intepol.
  22. - when its been illegal "local traditional'.
  23. When you set up with someone they are entitled to 50% Take it or leave it.
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