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Everything posted by quake

  1. Naughty boys. Is that Benny Hill in the back row.
  2. A non Thai and Dowry payment. Your having a laugh. Enjoy the bar in the departure lounge suvarnabhumi.
  3. Put them into land fill, with all the rest of the trash.
  4. He also went on to state. Only believe 70 % of what you see. and 20% of what you hear in Thailand.
  5. Nah. Just the norm across the board here. it's almost a birth rite.
  6. One more Cluster Duck coming up.
  7. I'm a member of the half mile club.
  8. So many things wrong with the Thais on the roads here. I don't think it will ever change, The people don't want to. they are way to selfish to do so. Hope she recovers.
  9. Bet you get invited to all the best parties.
  10. Yes, Yes, That's enough about government officials. What about the monks.
  11. Better to not think to mut Just buy lottery ticket when go temple. Lucky Lucky.
  12. Dumb & Dumber, come together.
  13. There was me thinking it was just all doom and gloom on this thread.
  14. Also don't sit at the dinner table with them.
  15. Yes, as soon as i saw that. didn't look anymore of the clip. idiots
  16. Charity begins at home, not on the beaches of Dover. We should care more about our homeless. it does not matter how they ended up in that situation. Government and charities should help them more. ( anyone ever made a mistake in life ) I wonder how many posters here, are the ones who used to spit on the homeless sleeping in shop doorways, back in the day.
  17. Altogether now. You put the right boot in. The right boot out. In out, in out Shake it all about.
  18. Nothing more satisfying then kicking someone when there down. How nasty and unbritish of some posters, Some posters are a 100% up themselves. His a brit. Not an Afghan, Albanian, Indian, Pakistani, Nigerian, somalin. Iranian, just to mention a few, who turn up on our doorstep everyday. with there hands out. Shame on some of you.
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