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G Rex

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Everything posted by G Rex

  1. Was out in Pattaya last night - many bars open , many drunk people , I think most bars stopped serving alcohol by 10:30 pm. We are so lucky that Thai experts and Public Service officials discovered that Covid only becomes infectious after 11pm. What a farce….
  2. Have 2. Both have well developed purr ????
  3. Ivermectin is NOT a recognised treatment for Ringworm. It is a parasiticide , not an anti fungal - and is not effective against Dermatophytes/‘Ringworm’. Parenteral (oral/injectable) treatment is Griseofulvin , topical treatment is halogenated compounds - containing Iodine or Chlorine. Antifungals like Itraconazole and Fluconazole have limited activity against Microsporum - the causative agent of Canine ringworm.
  4. No experience with local products. If you want tablets - try to get Grisovin (Griseofulvin) . The effect is not immediate - oral treatment takes about 3 weeks to work, as the active ingredient is incorporated in the growing skin layer - and it takes time to get to the ‘outside’. For a few localised lesions - apply Betadine (or similar) to sore daily for a week or so. Antifungal shampoos, or rinsing in a 1:20 solution of White King (or similar) will help to limit further spread of spores.
  5. You will need many specialists to cover all of these needs. Or maybe just Wikipedia
  6. Had some fun songs way back when.... Bat Out of Hell is a classic He should have given up singing a long time ago. His performance at the AFL Grand Final in Melbourne in 2011 was so bad it attained legendary status. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7337345/The-amazing-untold-story-Meat-Loaf-performance-2011-AFL-Grand-Final.html
  7. Hi. This information is available online on Thai Customs website - but is not easy to follow. If importing goods you would be subject to duty & VAT. Duty varies according to the item - watches are about 10% , electrical goods can be 40% or more - although the amount of duty you pay to some extent depends on how the inspector feels on the day! The duty is calculated on the estimated value of the item - which is not necessarily the invoiced value! VAT is fixed at 7%. Some shipping companies, like DHL, will also add on a 'service (+/- storage fee)' on top of this.
  8. Seen it for sale in street markets in Pattaya, and locally in Kanchanaburi. You don't see many Thai people buying it... I have eaten it in Australia - tastes like chicken! ????
  9. Yes , as has been said , the compressor is included. If fitting is included - it will cover the most basic installation - ie ground floor , no difficult wiring issues etc. I have had installed 7 ac units in several houses over the last 4 years - and every time the installers have found a reason to extract a few extra 1000 baht from us!
  10. I would suggest you contact them - possibly you have fallen through the cracks - or check spam. They contact me regularly - I pay quarterly , and they send my first reminder 4 to 6 weeks in advance
  11. sometimes I wish I could just say naff off , or similar , but decorum must rule...
  12. I bow to your superior intellect and wisdom. The world is fortunate to have incredible beings like you
  13. Ok. So I was a going to say lighten up everyone - just some guys trying to protect their livelihood…. Then discussed this with wife - she says ‘ same people who shot black tiger - can do anything because have a lot of money’. Based on this , I agree - throw the book at these low lifes!! Any animal should be adequately protected in a National Park.
  14. He looks typical Thai dog! A simple extraction - if that is all that is required - is definitely only a one day procedure - done in morning , home in afternoon. Anything more - I really can't be certain.
  15. unlikely to be cancer in 2 year old dog What breed is he? You say mixed - but what does he look like? Terrier? Flat faced? It is not unusual for dogs to have 'extra' incisor teeth - most often retained deciduous teeth. These teeth - especially if damaged - should be removed. can give more informed opinion with pics
  16. The permanent secretary of the city administration, Khachit Chatchavanich, inspected the triage centre in Dusit district today (Saturday), which will only accommodate children aged 5-12. He said that the communicable disease committee of Bangkok is concerned about pub-restaurants, a number of which do not meet the required standards and may pose a risk of spreading COVID-19. Does the CDC think many children aged 5-12 frequent these sub standard pub-restaurants? ????
  17. I do not wear a mask in my home, nor do other family members. I will usually mask up to receive deliveries from mail or Kerry - but that is more to show respect to them. Media beat up.
  18. The pictured bull was actually a (sedated) Hereford. You are correct that most cattle here are Brahman type cattle (Bos indicus) . In my experience, they can kick in all directions with all four feet - almost at the same time! I am sure they have better temperament here because they are handled much more than those I dealt with in Australia. They mature later than European breeds, so are unlikely to become too much of a handful until after 2 years of age. in response to the op original question - there would be no benefit in running steers unless you were growing them beyond 2 years of age.
  19. Well, the pictured EEJ has a ram probe with it , a real man would need a bull probe!
  20. There are pet shops at Chatuchak market that may be able to help you. If you cannot find your Norwegian Forest Cat - you will definitely be able to purchase something much more exciting. Last time I was there, they had Caracals for sale, 20kg of wild cat - that will really get the neighbours talking (or running?)
  21. Seriously now! Hardly relevant here. This unfortunate death was of a young baby who died with Covid. Her actual cause of death is yet to be determined. The rest of the family was vaccinated and asymptomatic. Let’s not get too hysterical here.
  22. <deleted>. I am married - monogamous - am not chasing pussy (or a*s) I want to experience life. Not hiding in a cave.
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