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Grumpy one

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Everything posted by Grumpy one

  1. Maybe he failed to find any goats. Any port in a storm comes to mind. The age of this girl makes her too old to be his future wife
  2. That would be offering too many home comforts, they may never want to leave.
  3. Seems you suffer from more than PTSD. Dogs don't use threatening words. Bark and growl is about the best they can offer, unless they have some secret skills only witnessed by you. Eradication is your only help. That would be your eradication not the dogs
  4. You have better eyesight than me. I cant even see a ripple
  5. I doubt any hostages are still alive. The I D F has taken care of them with all the bombs they have used on Gazza
  6. Why do all security camera's produce such crappy images.
  7. Will the police be working from home or just sleeping at their desks as per usual ??
  8. Are you sure its Barramundi you get ? A number of years ago in Aus, Sea Bass was sold as Barra, they are from the same family of fish
  9. There was me thinking the fine builders here only made knock down / fall down homes
  10. I think the whole freaking family are unhinged with a couple of wheels missing also. Come on dad, sis lay down in these old steel box's for a few minutes
  11. They could try an evening walk in the jungle counting elephants and tigers
  12. I agree with you, I also have a question about lethal injection. Why do they always use a sterile needle? It's not like contaminated blood will be a problem.
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