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Grumpy one

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Everything posted by Grumpy one

  1. Guess which Darwin Award contender won't be returning to Blighty for a while
  2. She should be subjected to the full extent of the law. I'm sure a few years in T S's soon to be vacated room with a view is available
  3. Australia's Royal family would have been the late Dame Edna and Sir Les Patterson
  4. Buddhists believe in reincarnation, same crap different religion
  5. No doubt the spirit of the deceased came back and stripped the house. He wanted it for the after life.
  6. Many questions were asked, But was the driver asked how he lost control of the car? Had he or the car been out drinking I ask about the car as every time you read about these incidents, it's the cars fault
  7. I'm not that sort of person. I would rather stay around and annoy the likes of you
  8. Or a well placed OO gauge shot gun cartridge fired under his chin
  9. Customer service, that would be an oxymoron in this country
  10. All government employees have had years of practise starring into space
  11. Until today I thought all snakes slithered. But thanks to this intrepid reporter I found out they lurk. This has added to my vast wealth of useless information, I thank you.
  12. Way to go Wassana, not only do you get a scar as a memento, you win the Darwin Award for this week
  13. Those shoes are mops, to clean up the liquid and solid waste that will spill when the glass cracks
  14. Pour bleach down the drains, it will stop the little suckers in their tracks
  15. Do what a pair of Aunties did a couple of years ago to cars parked on their driveway. Hammer time. Or just put a minute scratch on it, the owner will arrive in a nanosecond to claim damages
  16. It's good to read true love is alive ( just ) and well in Pattaya
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