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Grumpy one

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Everything posted by Grumpy one

  1. A number of years ago in Sydney, the favourite way into an ATM, was to fill with oxy /acetylene gas then ignite. It simply blew itself apart and the cash box's were taken away and opened later
  2. I must admit, that thought crossed my mind when I saw the bike
  3. Here in Cha Am we have had heavy rain for 2 days. Too bad it lasted less than 5 minutes each time. Not too sure if it was from the monsoon or a low flying elephant
  4. " You must die " sounds like this fool has been watching way too much Doctor Who and the Darleks
  5. While these nutters are attacking each other, they are leaving the rest of the country alone. Give them more knives and drop them in a fenced compound. Allow nature to deal with them
  6. Tell present G/ F you found a new one
  7. There was no birthday party in Thailand,. Only a prison bus ride, singing " I've got the Bangkok Hilton Blues "
  8. No doubt your parents invested a small fortune on your education. There are places for people with your attitude, fortunately that place is not near myself nor my friends. Please take your pompousness somewhere other than near me. I tire of you little man.
  9. Oh lord who will buy my mercedes benz 1 owner low miles and well cared for
  10. The villagers are now depressed at the thought of a bbq without snake steaks
  11. Indians seems to be attracted ladyboys. Do they seek out a little pain, so on the return to curry land they can show the scars and tell of much bravado fighting off a bunch of wild men ( in dresses )
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