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Grumpy one

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Everything posted by Grumpy one

  1. I have a HP 15'' that was used by Noah when planning to build his Ark. I don't want to bin it, but its a race as to who or what looses its memory first. Me or machine?
  2. A bottle of Scotch or your favourite spirit should work
  3. The caring driver not wanting to wear out any mechanical parts may have selected angel gear/ neutral for the run down hill. Followed by a loud scream of Oh ????
  4. Has it ever worked? I ask as nothing other than gaffa tape works on mine ????
  5. Turned up collars seem to be a bit gay. Being an Aussie with no sense of fashion, I think I will stick to my T shirts
  6. A crust of bread for them Rabbit Pie for you ????
  7. If you are unhappy with the government hospitals, feel free to pay through the nose at a private hospital. The end result will be the same, it will come at a greater cost is all
  8. Thai's don't like to insure their cars let alone take out travel insurance
  9. Which is more important, food and couple of drinks to numb the mind or a roof over your head. Personally I could not answer this unless faced with the problem
  10. I thought I had met one of the smartest women in Thailand, then she married me. Not as smart as I first thought, but I still love her
  11. A good number of people don't have 2000 baht a month for a room. No job, no pension no luck
  12. Start adding up the cost of ALL the transport to get it here then add the taxes. You think its all free
  13. I guess we will soon be reading about some kind and thoughtful cabbie handing in a bag of lost money
  14. So have I, but alas instead of good fortune they have COST me a fortune ????
  15. His brothers One Nut, Wall Nut and Wing Nut will be there also
  16. His parents should relax and wait. He will return with a severe strain of STDs or a Thai bar girl as a wife who is soon to drop someones kid Maybe turn up with all the above
  17. A pair of pups from the same litter qualify as Twins , Both will love you as you grow old. And cheaper than kids t
  18. I wonder if the same outrage would be voiced if the diver touched a Salt Water Crocodile or a Great White Shark, or would the headlines simply read Eaten while patting a smiling shark gGGGgG
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