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Grumpy one

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Everything posted by Grumpy one

  1. Laying money out on the ground is hardly searching for someone's id. There is no need to do it As for doing the autopsy there on the road, lets use your own words WHY THE FOK NOT
  2. As Dylan sang. The times they are a changing. In Thailand we go backwards at a fast rate
  3. A note from the factory boss was put up saying be careful when cooking fish and chips, don't let the oil burn
  4. Will Nissan send out engineers to investigate the cause of the fire, or is that only for BYD ??
  5. Get rid of the road and these stressed out property owners have a genuine water front property. Resale prices just went up
  6. I saw the train coming, the train saw me cuming, the train she got the brakes ????
  7. Is your idea of a genius, someone who can fasten Velcro shoe straps
  8. I thought Super mans alter ego was Clark Kent, not Brian ???? Although this one did not go up up and away, more of out and down rather quickly
  9. The locals are really trying hard to give Pattaya a bad name Maybe TAT could advertise these brawls as a way of giving tourists free entertainment. By way of interest how long did the Keystone cops take to show up and arrest the offenders. Oh wait its only tourists that give the place a bad name
  10. Police were notified at 10: 30 pm, after rushing to the scene 100 metres away they arrived at 11:30 pm
  11. If someone asks you to get these wines at a cost of 58000 baht, just ask for 80000 baht deposit for the event No scam
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