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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. Yes, I'd agree with that, but the ones running the show are hidden and for the most part, unknown. I asked my US friend in Wisconsin why you guys (Trump supporters) are scared to speak up. He said it's dangerous and a health risk to be an outspoken Trump supporter.
  2. You can shout if you like, but you're still wrong.
  3. Oh, no... more campaigning, non-stop since 2016. It's no use arguing with Trump haters - most are sick in the head. You'd vote for a corpse over Trump. There's a reason why Trump supporters fear the left as they are unhinged and incapable of rational thought.
  4. Why "even" Lazada? I get all my protein powder on Lazada. I buy pure whey protein and casein protein powders with no sweeteners or flavouring. These days I prefer casein because it's a lot cheaper and there's no compelling reason to use whey protein. It's marketing nonsense with attractive packaging and flavours.
  5. What is "crap" and what isn't is open to interpretation and political influence.
  6. That's where I went today. Up from 2700 to 3200 (Filipino - no Cambodia visa required). They haven't updated the prices on their website yet. Cambodia Inter quoted 2000 a few weeks ago - will see tomorrow what their new prices are as they were closed today.
  7. Who knows... I thought I should have worded it "their reason" after I posted.
  8. I went to a well-known visa-run company in Pattaya today to inquire about a visa-run trip to Cambodia for later this week. I discovered they had increased their prices by 500 baht and their excuse was that now we can get 60 days, and she gave me the impression that all the visa-run companies had agreed to put the price up. I'm visiting another company tomorrow to compare their prices. Also, if you're coming off a long-term Non-O visa, there's a 1500 - 2000 baht "fee" to grease the wheels. Has anyone else had prices quoted since the 60-day changeover? I'd appreciate any feedback from other members.
  9. Yes, it would be good to eliminate everyone you disapprove of and allow upstanding individuals like yourself to stay. I've never had a problem with any TikToker, including my wife, who's right into it. Of course it's lightweight. What else would you expect? - it's entertainment. "misinformation is misleading and even dangerous"?... and who's going to fact-check it?
  10. You're a newbie here... don't start with the "Grammar Nazi" nonsense. This is an international forum.
  11. They would have needed potassium or sodium cyanide which is soluble in water. 2 grams each would be extremely lethal. It can be made in a home lab using Cyanuric acid (used as a chlorine stabilizer/buffer in swimming pools) and baking soda. It was available online in Thailand for $150 per 15 grams but that was more than 10 years ago.
  12. I do understand you're gullible enough to believe all you read in the BBC report and think that one mall shooting would destroy Chinese tourism, but the problem is the slowing Chinese economy.
  13. Do you really think Chinese people feel unsafe in Thailand, after what goes on in China? I don't think so. We have to watch out for herds of Chinese people, who will walk right over you if you don't get out of their way. The other day I was at a 7-Eleven checkout and a middle-aged Chinese woman shoved me out of the way, and I'm over 100kg. They don't scare easily and have zero consideration for other people.
  14. Foaming of the mouth suggests they might have used cyanide. They were probably well organized and knew what they were doing. 2 grams of potassium or sodium cyanide dissolved in half a glass of water on an empty stomach or packed into a gelatin capsule and washed down with a glass of cold water would facilitate a very quick death and not be painful (it's the dose the matters).
  15. My email alert reads as follows: "Six Vietnamese nationals mysteriously died at a luxury hotel in Bangkok after allegedly drinking tea and coffee mixed with poison". This article reads: "The police have yet to find any poison containers or additional evidence that could provide immediate answers." It looks like they are making it up as they go. They were stupid to post the room number. If I was the manager I would not be happy about that and possibly sue the reporter.
  16. Unless the police arrest the person and press charges, you're out of luck unless you hire a lawyer and do it yourself. They probably considered it a waste of time for such a trivial crime. It's a lot of work, and if the person is mentally handicapped, it is a waste of time.
  17. I use these deposit machines often, but I'm never concerned about this happening. I only use the deposit machines INSIDE the shopping malls or at my local branch where there are security guards. I would never do a big transaction at stand-alone ATMs on the street.
  18. I had to laugh at this. It reminds me of a long stay in hospital in Australia when I was in my 20s after a motorcycle accident. A nurse resembling your photo used to terrorize me over the slightest complaint.
  19. You are right, they will not fuel a fire because the remains are not ashes as commonly believed, but pulverised bone.
  20. Are you a fan of the military coup? It doesn't matter what transgressions the Shinawatra's might be guilty of, marching an army in to overthrow an elected government only seems to be a good idea if it's not your home country. It's astounding how many foreigners and expats on this forum are fans of coup leaders, who in their own country would be guilty of high treason.
  21. It might upset a lot of diehard sticklers to the "I'll fight it at all costs" club, or the moderators. Still, I could be doing a lot of people a favour by gently suggesting they pick up a copy of "The Peaceful Pill Handbook", available in hard copy or as an ebook - written by a famous (or infamous depending on your point of view) Australian physician in 2006, who runs "Exit International" in the US. It's good to hear from doctors who are up close and personal with cancer sufferers daily and care about what they are often forced to endure. Many older people, while they are still healthy, consider this insurance against a bad death.
  22. There are over 200 types of cancer, and many are aggressive. They can kill you quickly with or without treatment. You might need to come up with some more options specific to the type of cancer you might develop and of course, how advanced your cancer is when it is first diagnosed. Your age, your chances of survival, and your quality of life if you survive will be important considerations. Even the richest people with unlimited budgets often can't fight it and surgical removal of various body parts can be a fate worse than death for many.
  23. An absurd, ignorant comment. I suppose what else would you expect from an ape. Just the climate, beaches and the low cost of everything is more than enough to get tourists here. Thai hospitality is also a big factor, and well ahead of all its SE Asian neighbours. The sex industry is struggling, yet tourists are arriving in record numbers.
  24. And make it obvious retirement has become a bore. I prefer oatmeal to cardboard-like flakes. In retirement, we should have some spare time to cook real food. I understand people eating cereal such as cornflakes when working hard and not having time to prepare breakfast.
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