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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. LOL. Yes, you'd have to leave home to see the shelves full of milk, and all sorts of other dairy products in every convenience store and supermarket. Looking at the shelves you couldn't help thinking Thais drink a lot of milk and milk products. Sometimes they are almost sold out.
  2. I don't know what to say, but I've drunk a lot of powdered milk in the past, and it was distinct in its flavour. I don't mind it, but it was different. Can you please link to where I can buy it, so I can try it? If it tastes as good as the pasteurized whole milk I buy, I might change to it if it's cheaper. I have nothing against powdered milk as it is very convenient. I'm a heavy milk consumer.
  3. This is nonsense. The pasteurized milk you buy in Thailand is produced from raw cow's milk. Do you think they would be pasteurizing powdered milk? You probably haven't tasted powdered milk. It is a completely different taste. You can go on the Meiji website, where they explain how they get their raw milk. I suppose you'll come back here and say they are lying? You need to provide the evidence to back up your wild claims.
  4. It was an Absolute Monarchy before 1932, after which it became a Constituational Monarchy. NOTE: it has a constitution. Many countries, including Australia and the UK, are Constitutional Monarchies.
  5. You're probably talking about yourself as it's not something that most people would openly discuss, let alone several people.
  6. If your woman gave you herpes, you would promptly walk out and pass it on to another? It's not the clap that you can quickly cure. If you've both got it, that's more reason to stay together LOL.
  7. I can give you a simple answer. Ultra-leftist Jingthing, by far the most prolific poster on this forum, has been fueling the debate since 2015 when Trump first became a candidate. He had been quiet after Biden won in 2020 but since Trump reemerged last year, he has redoubled his efforts to energize his left-wing compatriates. Every Trump thread is another Trump-bashing extravaganza and an uncomfortable place for any Trump supporters to post, as they too will be attacked. I don't think there are more leftists on this forum, just that more of them post in US political threads.
  8. It's just politics. All politicians will push any advantage they might have. I think her bigger advantage is being female.
  9. Kamala and her party is pushing her black heritage and using it to get black votes. She has genes from all of the world. Black, Indian, White, Asian - a thorough mix.
  10. I figured you might reply like that...LOLOL I answered your question "Did you just make up the term Afro-Jamaican?". I did not make up the term. The article is well-referenced and probably much more enlightening than anything you can come up with.
  11. You didn't even search before asking your question. It's an equivalent term to "African American" and is used to establish the citizen's ethnicity. Afro-Jamaicans "Afro-Jamaicans are Jamaicans of predominantly African descent. They represent the largest ethnic group in the country. The ethnogenesis of the Black Jamaican people stemmed from the Atlantic slave trade of the 16th century when enslaved Africans were transported as slaves to Jamaica and other parts of the Americas." Donald Jasper Harris (Kamala's father) "Donald Jasper Harris was born in Brown's Town, St. Ann Parish, Jamaica, the son of Oscar Joseph Harris and Beryl Christie Harris (née Finegan),[7][8] who were Afro-Jamaicans.[9] As a child, Harris learned the catechism, was baptized and confirmed in the Anglican Church, and served as an acolyte. His paternal grandfather, Joseph Alexander Harris, owned land and slaves."
  12. Her mother is a light-skinned Indian, and her father is a light-skinned Afro-Jamaican, but she has a solid claim to being black.
  13. These Russian tourists are not "draft dodgers". The Russians being drafted are marginalized Russians from poorer communities who don't have the financial capability to travel internationally on long vacations. Calling Russians "draft dodgers" is the height of ignorance when you're hiding behind your keyboard. The latest figures I got from a Russian tourist a few days ago was 400,000 Russian soldiers dead since February 2022.
  14. I did not say they are giving out warning stamps at Banpuggard. I suggested that they may do it in the future if or when they decide to limit entries, as they have in the past. We can revisit this discussion in 6 months after a lot of people will be trying to get a 3rd 60-day stamp.
  15. Feeling like another argument today? It does happen. A bike comes off a slow idol, then hits the accelerator hard. If it didn't happen to me, I wouldn't have tried to explain it.
  16. You're a bit vague. If I had to do it all again, I would not marry a lady young enough to be my daughter, and it has nothing to do with discussing philosophy. You might have considered that she will, sooner or later, be waking up to a man who resembles a grandfather.
  17. Some of those dangerous breeds are small in stature. I'm not talking about size, but breed. Cats are small, but they can be ferocious. I get a laugh at seeing some cats at the vet. For amusement only... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAunIuGLdUk
  18. Having been married for more than 15 years to a lady 29 years my junior, I can attest that the gap widens with age. I age faster than she does. She still looks 20-something, I look like I'm in my 60s... but the mindset gap grows too. I could say she's immature, but that would be nonsense. I'm the problem as I've lost all the joy in life. I gave her a divorce as I felt sorry for her being stuck with me... yet these old guys on here are complaining that their younger dates are immature. Thinking these young ladies would be interested (other than monetarily) in dating guys around their father's age is ridiculous.
  19. The only place I need to be is on the ground, knowing exactly where I stand. If you want to drown in the sea - that's your choice.
  20. You are slow on the uptake. If 330 million dangerous dogs were getting around, you wouldn't last long at all - you'd be dog food before the end of the day.
  21. That's a poor analogy. If there were as many dangerous dogs running around as there are Americans, I'd bet the dogs would be killing a lot more. A better analogy would be to liken a dangerous dog breed to a loaded gun. It's irrelevant that you haven't personally witnessed any dog maulings or deaths. How does that prove anything? You haven't seen so it doesn't happen? Deaths and maulings by these dog breeds happen a lot globally. Do a Google search.
  22. Rather than "the IO's discretion", it will be a general policy followed by all IOs working at any particular checkpoint. They work together as a team.
  23. It should be noted that there have been lengthy periods in the past where unlimited visa-free entries were allowed. The only problem some of us had was filling up the passport too quickly with 1-page Cambodia visa stickers. It all depends on the current government and who's in charge of immigration policies.
  24. The officials at the border checkpoints don't follow the UK Embassy guidelines. You might notice another requirement they mention i.e. "required at the port of entry to have proof of planned travel...". They never ask for this at the Banpuggard or Ban Laem border checkpoints (I can't speak for other checkpoints). I spoke to 2 other visa-runners last Thursday at Banpuggard, and they have both been using visa-free entries for over a year, and that's before the latest 60-day change. There seems to be an air of confidence at Banpuggard that there is no limit, but they will follow their own rules. There's no need to stress as we're good for 6 months at least. Contact your agent that organises visa runs and ask what's going on at the border. I think the worst that can happen is they start warning people that they cannot enter again with visa-free stamps. They would put a warning stamp in your passport that you've entered too many times on visa-free stamps and that you should get a visa next time... but oblige that one last time.
  25. Vets normally use Nembutal to put dogs down. It's painless and puts them to sleep. This is the gold standard drug for euthanasia of humans. Put those dogs to sleep so the rest of the neighbourhood can sleep.
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