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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. The often used excuse again... I have never seen anything, therefore it can not happen. It can only happen when I'm watching, and due to the fact I've never seen anything like this happen before, that's a guarantee it must be the tourist's fault. It is impossible that Thais would ever do such a thing.
  2. Yes, there could be head lice problem, or some form of fungus or bacteria if you frequently used these share helmets. If you suddently start losing your hair..... LOL wearing a baseball cap might be the best option.
  3. Personally I'm more concerned about what's in the helmets than it's crash intregrity. On the rare occasions I do take a motorbike taxi, I bring my own helmet.
  4. The negative sentiment among foreigners is quite justified if you consider the time he labelled foreigners as "dirty" when he was giving out face mask in Bangkok at the start of it all. Most of us are not going to have the honour to meet this good guy in person to be able to assess his wonderful personality.
  5. This is what we were debating, Mr Sungod... that we could not hire well maintained cars with good drivers in Pattaya (or Thailand), then out of desperation you started going on about how unsafe motorcycles are. That topic had already been covered extensively before you came to the party and I even admitted in an earlier post that there's no doubt that in general they are (a riskier form of transport). Then you just started your silly, sarcastic baiting, when in actual fact you were just preaching to the choir. I have had plates on my tibia and left forearm and still have a K-nail in my left femur from a serious accident in my 20's. I have a bunged up knee from an altercation with a car door too. This all happened before I arrived in Thailand. I don't need an eduction from you about the dangers of balancing on 2 wheels. One reason why I am so careful is that I've felt the pain of hitting the tarmac and one time the dirt on a dirt road. This was only a short list of all the accidents I have had and here you are lecturing me about the safety of motorcycles as if I need a reminder from you. At the same time I also owned cars. One time I had an accident at 120 km/h and the car landed on its roof. That wasn't fun. That was a case of trying to get to the next town on a long rural run in Australia as I was starting to getting sleepy. I nearly made it. The things we did when we were young and stupid.
  6. This was never up for debate. The debate was over the degree of risk and how statistics distort that. That's also just common sense.
  7. I don't believe in assessing possible danger by "I've lived here X number of years and never been attacked, so it must be safe". I don't scoff at these type of reports. It's quite possible you are better behaved than most, don't sit around Pattaya beach on your own in the evening, or that you're just lucky. I've been here a long time, and still consider the danger of being randomly attached as a possibility, and always keep my wits about me when I'm out and about. That means being on my best behaviour and not walking around drunk. I don't feel comfortable walking past groups of Thais who are drinking. When I first got here I was quite young and physically imposing (compared to your average Thai), but now I'm getting old and more frail. The risk increases with age.
  8. Hmmm. I've been called a "dude" a number of times on here, so it's still in common use here, at least. As already stated, and casting all of your baiting aside for a moment, the actual risk level of any vehicle which is well maintained is determined by how the vehicle is ridden or driven. If I make a riding error, there's a good chance only I will suffer, but if you do the same in your big safe car, other people might die while you're strapped into your comfortable chair. Sliding off a motorcycle is survivable. Being hit by a car is a different matter.
  9. So it is quite clear you don't read anything, just post your opinion on statistics that you quote but never show. It was made clear in many posts where I live. I had to conclude you fancy yourself a "statistical analyst" as it's the only thing you've talked about. If I did live in a rural area, I would own a car, but riding a scooter on rural roads would be much more dangerous than slowly on congested urban streets. I don't suppose you'd have some statistics to refute that claim, would you? I used to ride motorcycles on rural roads in the Philippines, with big buses and trucks passing me at high speeds. The sugar cane trucks were the worst. That was scary sh*t. Buses and trucks would pass on blind bends, both passing me and coming at me, often forcing me off the road.
  10. Dude, you have a real problem comprending anything. It's not the motorcycle, but the rider of it that determines the level of safety or risk... just as your big safe car can be a danger on the road in the wrong hands. Let's hope that's not you.
  11. I would say the reason could be some deep seated hatred of foreigners and a need to vent... so that's also a reason. People hating foreigners is a problem in most countries.
  12. You're as lame as they come... with all your puerile comments LOL. You claim you don't want to read my posts, but continue to read them and reply? You're fixated.
  13. Now the popularity smear? You make a comment about "filthy falang" and think people like you? Essential Meaning of bigot disapproving : a person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people, ideas, etc. : a bigoted person
  14. I suppose it's always a good thing if "filthy falangs" ride in their own cars. Thank you!
  15. Mr Statistics comes in again for another go LOL and this time with a sarcastic approach. Do you never quit? Please show me the comment where I said I was untouchable. I made it clear I am not and agreed there is higher risk on 2 wheels. The point is the risk is not set according to your statistical analysis, which you have not submitted, but constantly refer to. Putting everyone who rides a motorcycle in the same risk category is rather unscientific for a statistical analyst like you. We should check your sources. Have a read here if you have some spare time. You might learn something you don't know about statistical analysis. https://public.wsu.edu/~taflinge/evistats.html
  16. Well, I haven't been to the airport for 7 years, but that ignorant poster who believes that there is no such thing as good Thai drivers with well maintained cars should perhaps consider living in a padded cell. It's surprising they had the courage to leave their home country. ????????????
  17. That's only because you are very confused. The reply about the safe drivers was in response to an ignorant comment by one member that safe drivers are impossible to find for hire. I'm debating that point for reasons given in that post. That was actually used as his excuse to own a car - now that's quite funny.
  18. You seem rather wound up yourself, judging by your last very childish response.... but of course now that you're admitting you're only here to troll (baiting or trying to wind a member up - and not even good at that), so we'll have to cut it short. Feel free to take another shot - I will not respond.
  19. I got news for you - I have never ridden a bicycle in Thailand. You're certainly doing a good impression of the same guy as you seem to have a problem with foreigners getting in your way. Chill out next time you see one and count your lucky stars it wasn't me you were harrassing when I was a young cyclist.
  20. The special blend of Nescafe Gold produced in Switzerland called "De Luxe" currently available for about half price at Big C Extra... and the similarly priced Italia blend, produced in Italy. I've been through quite a few 200g containers already, but wouldn't like paying the full price of over 600 baht. They are clearing their shelves of a lot of the more expensive imported brands, yet they have a 2023 expire date. Be prepared for some criticism from the coffee snobs who don't consider instant coffee to be real coffee LOL
  21. Generally speaking, Thai people are more patient than foreigners... for dogs, old ladies, street food carts and other obstructions. Perhaps you could find a better route, but then you'd be depriving yourself of the fun of terrrorizing Farang cyclists. I know if was one of the people you terrorized, there would be a good chance that if I saw you again I'd toss a rock through your window. I used to do a lot of cycling, and nothing angered me more than impatient or rude motorists.
  22. Wrong! What impresses ladies is CASH and a CAR. They go hand in hand. Consider the car a calling card.
  23. Just be patient If you're on a narrow road. Frightening a cyclist can cause him to crash... not funny at all.
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