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Everything posted by Walker88

  1. Walker88

    Condoms :)

    Where did you find even It's the flat width. Lay it down flat like you ironed it. Measure across at the base. As for the OP, 62mm in Thailand? Where? Anything larger? Never found anything larger than a 56mm. Oh, 'asking for a friend'.
  2. We all have things we don't think look good, but since none of us is a god or a monarch, we have to accept other people have different tastes. Personally, I don't like the collar up look, despite an indicted former POTUS often sporting that look. Nor do I like tattoos on anyone, as in my opinion they make no one look better, and if one needs a special reminder of something, commit it to memory, not ink. If the memory goes, no one would remember what the tatt was for anyway. I think if one wears a backwards baseball cap, he'd better either be under age 15 or else have a rap album that went Platinum. Wifebeaters are okay in the gym, but in a restaurant or shopping mall, no good. And on an airplane? Geesh. Plus, if one lacks definition in the shoulders, it's better not to broadcast that in a wifebeater. Worse is a tribal tattoo where biceps and triceps should be. The new fad of man buns is also rather unattractive. Toss in the outdated mullet, mohawk, and 'fashy', too (the one favored by Neo Nazis like Richard Spencer). Maybe I'm dead wrong, but I also think grown men, especially pensioners, don't look smart in the same clothes a 5 year old rural Isaan kid wears. Avoid Mike Shopping Mall to build a wardrobe. And don't get me started on fat! The late American football great Jim Brown was 6'3" and 235 lbs, yet he had a 28" waist. No matter how tall one is, anything over 31-32 inches is unsightly. Spare tires belong in the car trunk. Oh, and men cannot get pregnant, so shouldn't try to pretend they are by carrying that bloated overhanging gut so many expats seem to have. Un-tucked T-shirts do not hide a multitude of sins; the excess adipose tissue remains plain as day. Sadly, I cannot right the world's fashion and physical faux pas and must simply accept that we all have choices and are free to appear in whatever manner makes us happy. So for the Cialis Collar...up to you.
  3. Yes, he pretends. He regularly calls people who are not wealthy "losers". He called members of the military who fought and either died or were disabled "suckers". There are a thousand suits filed against trump and his organization for failure to pay contractors. So much for the 'common man' and the elitist grifter trump. Heck, he even grifts his low paid cult for dosh by schlepping fantasy NFTs or appealing for funds to cover his defense. That so many of them continue to worship him is proof of their gullibility. As for Karl....Karl never considered the progress of technology. Low skilled jobs outsourced to China or elsewhere aren't coming back ever. Those foreign manufacturing positions are just a way station on the way to oblivion. Besides, we don't need another USSR or Bloc to show us human nature will never accept Marxism, and somebody is always going to grift the system for personal gain. Lots of Chinese communists died very wealthy. Oh, and Orwell pointed out the delusion of a worker's paradise. Increasingly, human input will be obviated by technology. The 'workers' will have no beef, because they won't be adding any value. They are unnecessary. That human labor is losing its pricing power is the most critical societal issue the world faces today. Technology is playing Pacman and chomping up the food chain. Blue collar work was the first to be replaced, but, for example, as AI gets better and better, lots of IT jobs are going to evaporate. Who needs human code writers when AI will do it faster and better? What are the redundant going to do? No politician has an answer for that. I'm not sure if trump understands what's coming, but he certainly knows how to broadcast a siren song to those losing out, which is to say he engages in pure self-interest by creating fantasies for the forlorn.
  4. His cult will be the same whether trump lives or dies, is jailed or allowed to remain free. Worshiping such a flawed person won't correct for their personal shortcomings and lack of success in life. He can't deliver what nature and an impish Universe did not hand out to them. They seem to carry a sense of entitlement that they deserve more than their mediocre skills and (lack of) talent can bring them in a free and competitive capitalist society. trump gave them 'others' to blame for their own failures, and they are slow to give that up. Blacks, immigrants, women, Moslems, the 'woke', 'the radical left'....trump dished out all the excuses a loser might need to feel victimized. Taking an honest look at themselves and accepting fault for failure doesn't seem to be something they are capable of doing. trump was their last hope to salvage what has been a meaningless existence. In the end, however, Darwin wins.
  5. Since most every aspect of this crime has been covered, I want to look forward to the trial itself. Don't forget, as a defeated candidate and thus ex-POTUS, trump had no more right to any of those docs as putin. ex-POTUS have no security clearance. Thus, all trump was after 12:01pm on 20 January 2021 was a country club owner. Any witness the defense produces, I would love to ask them these questions: 1) Do you think maybe ALL country club owners in the US should have detailed plans on US nukes, the vulnerabilities of US defenses, the strengths and weaknesses of allies and adversaries military, battle plans for an attack of Iran, and the identities of clandestine assets who might be in putin's inner circle or a deep penetration of al Qaeda? 2) Since you buy trump's claim he declassified everything, would you agree it's time to publish every single document so that everyone from putin to Xi to the mullahs in Iran to the heads of al Qaeda and ISIS can be brought up to speed on all US capabilities, vulnerabilities and intelligence penetrations close to them?
  6. Wrong. He had no right to the documents after 12:01PM on 20 January 2021. At that moment, he did not even have a right to view such documents. The term for taking something one has no right to possess is: Theft The term for telling authorities everything was returned is: Lying Q.E.D.
  7. There are very good reasons why there is a system and procedure for the declassification of documents, not the least of which when a POTUS is an ignorant, mendacious, self-serving idiot like trump. Classification often involves data critical to US national security. trump stole documents that contained such data as US nuclear weapons capability, US military vulnerabilities, the strengths and weaknesses of both US allies and adversaries, Order of Battle if the US were to engage in a war, and identities of clandestine assets who work with US intelligence. That is the nature of docs classified as---per the indictment---TS/SCI, Codeword, SAP, HCS and RD. What possible reason would the owner of a country club have for such documents? If any repub actually believes trump declassified anything (the paper trail---a requirement---doesn't exist), then let's publish every last one of the documents. Let the repubs live with that. Of course only the most addled brain miscreants in the Party---which is to say about 95% of R House members---would agree. Even Miss Lindsey would hem and haw and not be in favor of that. No POTUS, even a competent one (which trump never was) can know the full extent of the threat or damage declassification can do. That is why each and every document must first be vetted by agency heads, redacted if necessary, and approved or disapproved. WH Counsel supervises that procedure, and a detailed paper trail would exist for every single document. NONE of that exists. trump lied. Twenty some odd years ago Pres Clinton initiated a procedure to declassify the operation that has come to be called Argo, where Tony Mendez (his wife constructed my disguise when I was at the agency) set up a fake film company as part of the ruse to get six US diplomats out of Iran. The process took some time, but Clinton followed the required procedures. It is now public information, and led to an Oscar-winning movie. That^ is how actual declassification is done, not "in my mind" and not after a POTUS has lost an election and left office.
  8. Wow, they must be 175 years old now ! Nice they can still get out to vote. As far as I know, however, David Duke is not a Democrat. Neither is Richard Spencer. Bull Connor wasn't a Dem. The producers and readers of Stormfront (A neo-Nazi publication/website) are not Dems either. It was JFK who began to put together the Civil Rights Act, and LBJ who got is passed in 1964. Dems.
  9. Not all DeSantis supporters are Nazis, but all Nazis are supporters of the likes of trump and DeSantis. Not all DeSantis supporters are Incels, but all Incels are supporters of the likes of trump and DeSantis. Not all DeSantis supporters are QAnon, but all QAnon are supporters of the likes of trump and DeSantis. Not all DeSantis supporters are white supremacists, but all white supremacists are supporters of the likes of trump and DeSantis.
  10. Durham WAS a weaponization of the DoJ, just as the 'absolutely coincidental' IRS audits of Jim Comey and Andrew McCabe were weaponizations of the IRS. Crossfire Hurricane was the bureau doing what it must. It would have been a dereliction of duty NOT to open an investigation. Your article claims 'lack of any actual evidence'. That is dead wrong and Durham's bias, and I point you to the 1000+ page report issued by the Republican-controlled SSCI back during trump's term, in which R members of SSCI noted a host of connections between the trump campaign and russia. I don't even need to suggest you read the statements and issuances of Dem congresspeople, as some might accuse them of bias. The Republicans were still the Senate majority when SSCI issued its report, and their report is as damning as anything the Dems might have issued. Durham was goal-seeking in his 'investigation'. (Mods can pull this if they wish, but I have former CIA colleagues and one close family member in CIA who were interviewed by Durham and his team, and this is what they told me.) Neither Durham nor any members of his staff had any interest whatsoever in pursuing---or viewing the classified intel---on the manafort-konstantin kilimnik connection, the roger stone-wikileaks connection, or even viewing the SF86s of the members of trump's Administration who 'forgot' to note 140 different meetings with russian individuals during the campaign.
  11. I don't think the idea of 'agent provocateur' need be given much, if any, consideration. 6 January 2021 pretty much proved there is a sizable segment of trump supporters who 1) are gullible enough to believe anything the lying, self-serving traitor says, and 2) are prone to violence. trump is well aware of what his goobers will do. That is why he continually blows the dog whistle to rile up the cult. He called for them to come to DC for the 6 January election certification "It will be wild", was his Tweet. There was no purpose for anyone to come EXCEPT violence. He told them to 'take their country back' (sic) and to march to the Capitol. He spoke of his VP Pence 'doing the right thing", when by US law the right thing is a simple, pro forma certification of an election which each of the 50 States and US Territories already individually certified. Now he is sending out new dog whistles on his "Truth" (sic#2) social platform, calling for them to come to Miami on Tuesday. That is equally transparent as his Tweets re 6 January.
  12. SC Smith doesn't fool around. He treated the Kosovo and Serbia criminals harshly, and he will bring the full weight of the law on the traitor trump.
  13. You miss the point. There is no 'safe storage' at his private club. mar-a-lago is not a SCIF. It is not a secure location. Classified documents cannot be stored there. The facts are: he removed documents from the WH he had no right to take. He kept them in a non secure location. He lied about handing them all back, and according to the indictment, ordered a staffer to move and hide classified documents (That is why Nauta is also named in the indictment). Also according to the indictment, trump showed TS documents to members of his NJ golf club and admitted the docs were still highly classified. It is on tape. For those trying to defend trump, why would he take documents classified as TS/SCI, SAP, Codeword, HCS and RD? What possible use could he have for them? Why did he order at least one staffer (Nauta) to continue to hide the documents even after he was supposed to return them? Why did he instruct his lawyers to lie and certify that everything had been returned (also in the indictment)?
  14. Actually, according to the Congressional Budget Office, trump was on one of his golf courses most days when he was POTUS, so there's precious little difference in his daily activities from his time in office and now. The entire bill for 4 years, including transport and security, came to $170,000,000. When he wasn't on the golf course, he was often on the phone calling into Fox, or heading out to one of his rallies. Several books by ex-staffers noted that he spent very little time in the office, and usually just watched TV. I know people who briefed him on intel matters, and he wanted it done quickly, because he was missing Fox. The briefers finally resorted to just showing him pictures in order to get it done quickly. Whether he needs money or not, why would a supposed billionaire issue ultra silly NFTs? Why was it only a few minutes between his admission of the indictment, and him sending out a plea for donations to fund his defense. The evidence against him is overwhelming. He will be convicted. I also believe he will be jailed. Also, there is still Georgia, and the big one is his fomenting of the 6 January 2021 terrorist attack against the US Capitol and the attempt to overthrow US democracy. SC Smith could well charge trump with Sedition, which is a capital offense that can carry the death penalty. Given the damage he has done to national security, I would applaud the imposition of the harshest penalty against him. Much better men and women have sacrificed over the last 250 years to keep the US safe, then this self-serving child comes along and takes TS/SCI, Codeword, SAP, HCS and RD classified document to a private club. As a former agency case officer, the cavalier handing of HCS documents disgusts me. I know what danger clandestine assets accept on behalf of the US. That bloated clown put their lives and their families lives in danger.
  15. trump is first, foremost and only all about trump. If trump cared about the US and making it better, he would not have stolen highly classified documents and kept them in an insecure location. Note the statement from SC Jack Smith: “The classified documents TRUMP stored in his boxes included information regarding defense and weapons capabilities of both the United States and foreign countries; United States nuclear programs; potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack; and plans for possible retaliation in response to a foreign attack. “The unauthorized disclosure of these classified documents could put at risk the national security of the United States, foreign relations, the safety of the United States military, and human sources and the continued viability of sensitive intelligence collection methods,” trump self-serving and illegal actions jeopardize US national security and the safety of clandestine intelligence assets, not the actions of someone who wants to make the US better.
  16. He should have cooperated with the authorities and not lied about returning documents he purposely took. Had his document removal been totally inadvertent---like with Biden and Pence---he would have simply done what those men did: invite the FBI to come, search, and remove anything classified. Instead, trump tossed out a series of lies: "FBI planted docs"---note his lawyers did not claim this in any court-filed docs, as that falsehood would get them disbarred "I declassified all of them"---no, he did not, as if he had there would be a paper trail re each and every document "I declassified them in my mind"--abject absurdity "They're mine"---no, they are not, but claiming they are shows his willful intent to steal what he had no right to possess...again, in stark contrast to Biden and Pence. "All docs have been returned"---no, he willfully kept documents despite having his lawyers claim he returned everything. THAT is why the FBI did the search. All of this begs the question: What did he intend to do with documents that, according to SC Smith, “The classified documents TRUMP stored in his boxes included information regarding defense and weapons capabilities of both the United States and foreign countries; United States nuclear programs; potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack; and plans for possible retaliation in response to a foreign attack. “The unauthorized disclosure of these classified documents could put at risk the national security of the United States, foreign relations, the safety of the United States military, and human sources and the continued viability of sensitive intelligence collection methods,”
  17. According to the statement made by Special Counsel Jack Smith, trump had taken documents related to US nuclear weapons and capabilities. These would likely be classified RD, as in Restricted Data. Even a sitting POTUS cannot declassify RD documents, so there is absolutely no defense trump could muster against that charge.
  18. Here's another point: The theft and retention of documents stamped HCS is a double threat. First, it increases the likelihood of exposure of a clandestine asset or a clandestine operation/penetration. As an example, suppose the gymnast paramour of putin was an agency clandestine source? Her exposure would get her killed as well as eliminate a valuable intelligence source. Second, potential clandestine assets---who could be a russian or Chinese military source, or an insider in al Qaeda---would see than a childish ex-POTUS could get them exposed. They might refuse to become a cooperative source for the agency. The US would then be less safe. Perhaps a terrorist attack would happen, rather than be stopped, because a potential source feared exposure from a trump and never agreed to become a clandestine asset. I recruited and handled clandestine sources as an agency case officer. Our first priority was to insure their safety, even if it meant sacrificing our own life. To have to do that because of some loser crybaby self-absorbed lowlife like trump would be a wasted life.
  19. It's a bright and shining day for America, because it sends a message that nobody is above the law. The US's foundational document is the Constitution, not the Magna Carta. There is no monarch who is above the law. trump violated laws. He stole classified documents. He absolutely did not declassify them, as if he had there would be a paper trail. There is none. He stole documents stamped HCS, for Human Clandestine Sources. Even as POTUS, he would only have been allowed to view such documents in a SCIF, and then the document (a copy, generally hand-carried from Langley or Ft Meade) would be destroyed (the original in the agency or NSA system). trump also lied about retaining documents, which is why the search of his home was carried out. An aside: POTUSs never get a security clearance. Their election gives them authority to view classified docs, but only while holding the office. At 12:01 on 20 January 2021, trump had the same security clearance as you, which is to say none. He would not even be allowed to view classified material from that point on, unless the sitting POTUS authorized it. Ideally, in the trial, we will learn what intent trump had to steal and hold documents that could threaten national security. What did he plan to do with them? Why were some found in his office, where it is extremely unlikely he does the cleaning? ANYBODY else who did what trump has done would already be in jail. He has been treated with kid gloves, despite not deserving it. I have no idea why anyone would think it is a 'dark day' for America. The polar opposite is true: it shows the system of total equality under the law actually exists, and that national security is important, not something at the whim of a losing candidate or an old man with the temperament of a child.
  20. There's a major difference between inadvertently leaving a classified document out of the safe overnight, or out of a SCIF, and willfully taking documents to one's home when one did not even have a security clearance (POTUSs do not have a clearance, and the second one is an ex-POTUS, the mere possession of a classified document is violation of the law.) If it is inadvertent, and one fully cooperates with the retrieval (Biden, Pence), charges are not filed. If one not only does not cooperate, but lies, one is indicted. trump had zero right to those documents, his intent remains unknown, and he lied about having them. An NSA employee took a few classified documents home to be able to work at home on the weekend. He had no nefarious purpose, but willfully violated the law. He was convicted and is currently serving a nine year prison sentence. I long held a TS/SCI as a case officer in the agency. I had classification authority, too.
  21. Wrong. 100% wrong. The declassification process is not done by a memo. I'm not sure where you got that idea, but it is wrong. Because of the nature of classification, sometimes involving 'sources and methods', there is a process. Agency heads must be alerted to the intent of declassification, and they must be allowed time to redact portions that might threaten clandestine assets or operations, or to present an argument that declassification will threaten national security. A POTUS' authority does not supercede that. There must be a paper trail for the entire process, with the proper signatories being in agreement. Certainly a POTUS cannot 'think' declassification in his mind, as trump first claimed. WH counsel would have been involved every step of the way, and under oath WH counsel has already stated that this procedure was not followed. trump did none of what is required by law to declassify. He merely had boxes packed with documents he wanted to keep and had them shipped to his home. No record of any declassification of any documents exists, much less thousands of documents. Plus, even a POTUS has no right to retain documents with HCS (Human Clandestine Sources) stamps. There is a very good reason for that, as if a source's identity is revealed, he and his family are in danger. trump had documents stamped HCS. trump also lied about having returned documents, which is why eventually the FBI had to search his house. ANYONE else who acted in the manner trump has would already be in jail. What will be interesting/amusing is to see what his defense will be. Why did he take the documents? What did he intend to do with them? Why did he lie to the DoJ when they asked if he had returned everything?
  22. When upwards of 75% of all wealth in Thailand is owned by less than 1% of the population, 'progress' is a four letter word. Plus ça change
  23. Some 'ancient traditions' are about a decade old, and were imposed by leaders who engaged in a coup and overthrew a democratically elected government, so hardly representative of the majority of Thai people or Thai culture. The fact that the Party who gained a plurality in the election stated their goal of rescinding the alcohol ban suggests what the Thai people want. Move Forward Party is Thai, so it isn't foreigners asking the Thais to rescind their own religious traditions to 'comfort ignorant mass tourists'. Anecdotally, I have been visiting Thai friends in rural areas on Buddha days and everyone got drunk at dinner, just like they do on non-Buddha days. All the village shops sold beer and other alcohol without restriction. I don't think No Booze on Buddha Days is a deeply held religious conviction.
  24. I first began to notice these things 2 decades ago in Saudi Arabia. They were used mostly by Lebanese. Others began to call them "Catch Me; Eff Me Bags". Now they are mainstream. Personally, I have no idea why I would need one. I try to carry as little as possible when out and about. I have a mini-wallet that contains a few credit cards and an insurance card. I keep a wad of cash in one front pocket, and maybe a single key unchained. I hand carry my phone or else slip it into the other front pocket. What else do I need to carry? It seems cumbersome and also a great opportunity to lose everything all at once. Maybe if I chose to go back and live in the US I could use it to carry a Sig P229, extra mags, and a Walther PPK in .380ACP, since my home country does tend toward extreme violence.
  25. Quite the topic ! Morals are a terrible thing to waste....or impose. It is sometimes difficult to grasp what is behind some of the rules in Thailand. Obviously they can do what they want, but an outsider could never objectively deduce what the law might be. For example, no booze on Buddha Days (because of some false piety), but selling and smoking weed is okay. Much of what passes as faith-based culture has absolutely nothing to do with the dominant faith, but are merely vestiges of the much older paganism. Again, it's their country so they can do as they please. I think some of the rules exist simply because those with authority like to act with authority. What's the point of having power if you cannot use it to inconvenience or control people every once in a while? I also think it allows people who might know deep down they are immoral to do something that allows them to feel moral. So they might accept all sorts of bribes, but if they prevent the plebes from drinking on certain days, they make merit that erases their corruption, kind of like releasing fish someone has captured just so another can release them for 'merit'. Maybe it's all some sort of acid-base relationship, where immorality and merit mix to become neutral. Or it's like buying carbon offsets after you fly private. Finally, I think a life without vices is a life poorly lived. Vices are the spice of life. Living the straight and narrow from cradle to grave not only wins you no points, it is likely boring. Pick your poison, or perhaps multiple poisons. For some it's alcohol. For others, weed. Or cigarettes. Or frequent sex. Maybe unprotected sex. Maybe gambling. I'm sure there are others. I believe we all need at least one vice. Personally, I enjoy a nice wine with the right meal, or a cold beer on a hot day. I'm not into excess, but neither am I a fan of total abstinence. I also rather enjoy a romp in the hay, albeit protected against the often associated maladies. Could I do without those two? Sure, but why should I? It would lessen my enjoyment of life and offer absolutely nothing in return.
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