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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. The only melatonin I have seen in local pharmacies is Thai made and ridiculously expensive -- it comes in a 10-pill bister pack. I use Natrol fast dissolve off Lazada it comes in 3 and 5mg versions. There are many different brands however it is available all over Lazada, though suppliers seem to stock it intermittently and prices can vary. Just search.
  2. Do you you know what else is important during a funeral or when dealing with the bereaved? not being an asshat
  3. Sure. Have a great day.
  4. subtle, nobody knows you are shilling your business, you are just that good.
  5. funny how this recently "happened" to someone or someone they know every time the topic arises.
  6. does it really matter in this context?
  7. Sorry for your loss, I can only imagine the grief, and forgive me if I'm being far too practical. I would consider arranging the purchase of the urn on the other end if they intend to keep rather than scatter the remains. I received my father's ashes in a plastic bag in a small box. Simply transporting the box securely wrapped in regular luggage was much simpler than carrying the urn
  8. it happens, I did laugh when you came back and adjusted your figures by a fraction of a percent tho
  9. Sure it did, for 18 minutes in 1997 and a few months in 1998. if you are going to reminisce, why not dream about the day it hit 37, I had Canadian friends visiting with a few thousand worth of traveler checks that doubled in value, we got right messy on the beach for a month, This is a classic case of selective memory. Before that, we got 18 baht for 1 CAD and things settled down in the next 6 to 8 months
  10. Ok Mike, Thanks.
  11. are you insured?
  12. he doesn't seem to care to acknowledge that. he's on a roll.
  13. there is always some danger when I argue maths, but you said: . correct me if I'm wrong, but 300,000 million = 300 billion. that equals 8.42 billion usd. Are you seriously trying to tell me the annual loss of revenue due foreign bill skippers is 8.42 billion USD annually?
  14. Think you need to check your numbers mate,
  15. Personal experience has proven that there is no care without payment guarantee, at least as an inpatient. Outpatients could skip a bill, but only receive medication after paying. Public and private hospitals are exactly the same in this regard -- You pay then you get your drugs. Anyone that does not understand this, has never experienced healthcare in Thailand.
  16. poor animal, it really hasn't had a great start to life.
  17. Well if I ever had any doubt you were suffering from advanced dementia, this response cleared it up. What are you on about? I currently have no "partner", let alone one that is same-sex. I have not discussed anything of the sort in other forums. Do us all a favour, take a break.
  18. what does this senile rambling have to do with photography? you need to give it a rest mate, find a new hobby. maybe go for a walk, ffs
  19. It's not just Thailand, US presidential options would not appear out of place roaming Jurassic Park
  20. please specify bigot Although I'll admit I missed the dual passport thing.
  21. heftier repair bills too, though maybe not so much given rolls association with BMW
  22. apropos of sweet fok all
  23. we always called it booze nose
  24. What is the issue? You too were breaking the law. What does that say about your ethics?
  25. think you are missing a bit of critical nuance there
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