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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. Yeah, I remember seeing my first woman.
  2. im certain that take is not exclusive to boomers. as a retort, it just seems lazy and stupid
  3. Think it through Bob, its 180 days per year, its not consecutive
  4. If other is your wife it sounds to me like they may be earning every penny
  5. What you seem to be ovelooking is that it is pretty sad if those are your only choces.....
  6. great timing, what with the new govenment n' all
  7. less. First year is generally the more expensive say 35k max, that ge6s you 15 months After that it sub 15k.
  8. Only at night if you are pissed and the driver is willing to do wheelies.
  9. The fact that they honestly beleive lodging a complaint and airing this out further on the world stage is the way forward is just another indicator of how out of touch they are.
  10. Ya baa, ice,ketamine and cocaine maybe, ecstacy, not so readily availale.
  11. Adam Judd, writer of this overwrought schlock should be shot and buried with his thesauraus.
  12. Then what could you possibly be concerned about?
  13. She is a Thai trollop. She has no pull with the police and likely would prefer to avoid the scrutiny falsely reporting you would cause her. She doesn't have your passport or full name, so what can she do?
  14. i love it when codgers talk about something that happened forty++ years ago like it has anything to do with today. "back in the day Coca Cola cntained cocaine -- i wont touch the stuff because I am anti drugs" "Beer Singh contains formaldehyde" Blah blah good for you mate.
  15. <deleted>. Cant blame this one on russia companies have been downsizing product to avoid the appearance of prices hikes for decades. look at the size of chocolate bar, big mac or almost nay food product out there. People have just given it a name recently.
  16. What? Beer comapnies make money???!!!! Noooooo!
  17. Doing the lord's, work see. righting wrongs, innit.
  18. If they want more than the meter, you aren't getting in without agreeing to a price.
  19. Kid? I met Jason Rupp 20 years ago kicking around Sukhumvit. Kid he ain't.
  20. I'm not quite geriatric at 55, but I remember when being able to say you could use or even had a computer was a thing. I'm am one of the first generations that composed essays using a PC (PS2) and laboured over a dot matrix printer to print the damn things for submission, email was not an option. I don't recallwe even had school email accounts.
  21. correct. it is perctly normal for not actually related business people with respected family status to take responsibility for community fees totalling 142k per year and then provide housing rent free for subordinates and hangers on. obviously there is a reasonable explanation.
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