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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. "computer work"
  2. You may want to revisit your understanding of the word defunct. A defunct foreigner is highly unlikely to give much of a <deleted> about anything.
  3. gee bob, you seem to have postoned the bender, its almost like you werent planning on blowing off steam and merley posting for the attention. I wonder what personal revelations tomorrow will bring!
  4. perhaps folk are just tiring of your trite contributions.
  5. nothing could be worse than the boredom of reading your fabrications online. So do it. Stop posting crap here, head out of the house and get royally <deleted> up. You would be doing us all favour by ending the fiction. edit: no idea what is going on with formatting on my tablet. Can't seem to fix it tho.
  6. No, op.only asked asked about vd in Pattaya. Why are you struggling with the distinction?
  7. yeah right, just like you need to be british to uderstand sarcasm.
  8. Sloanes, problem solved. https://sloanes.co.th/
  9. I built a house in 2011, solar had no potential for RO at allI. It would have cost well over 1 million baht (closer to 2) for a system that wouldn't have made us evem remotely self-suficient and we would have already have had to replace the panels and batteries certainly a very different story now,
  10. already lining up the excuses. its good to plan ahead.
  11. Every raver and E user remembers Leah Betts ands the <deleted>storm of propaganda that created
  12. ok Bob. cheers.
  13. apparently mileage varies. the beach house i bulit 16 years ago looks like the day we moved in. Sure ity has required maintenance, but not very much considering its exposed location a friend bulding inland nearby at the same time is on their third roof. they saved some money on the build.
  14. its entirely relevant in the context of the post it answers.
  15. ffs spare us these platitudes. you are (allegedly) getting off the piss, not interviewing for a job at hallmark.
  16. err, Pita was vocally anti-cannabis.
  17. I have a very close freind who compulsively swills water. he collapsed a couple months back and had a mild seizure, turns out he was flushing electrolytes out of his system. four litres is ridiculous if you are not sweating like a rapist and replebishing eclectrolytes as you go.
  18. ah that explains it, thwarted by paywall
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