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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. It is so obvious you have never even been out on a bike here, despite the vehemence of your assumptions
  2. New here? are we comparing stays for authority? Should we both pull them out at the same time? i arrived in 1996. I was 24 and an avid cyclist. I have been cycling in Thailand ever since with a few years based in BGC in the Phils. I commuted tom work by bike there too. In the last 5 years, I have averaged about 9000 km per year -- on the road -- and I have already done 7000 km since January this year. I have cycled in Bangkok, Ayutghaya, Pattaya Koh Phangan, Samui. Chaiang Mai, Chaing Rai, Phuket, Khao lak, Surat Thani Nakhon si Thammarat, Khon Kaen Hua Hin Ratcahburi and Kanchanaburi. your assessment is both ill-informed and asinine, a combination of fear and ignorance.
  3. nobody in their right mind chooses to stay in Parnaque, makati is bad enough.
  4. unfortunately, Makati is the best game in town for hotels. BGC has some very good places to stay, but they are crazy expensive, like the Seda, Ascott, and Shangrila. it seems there are now a few decent options that are more budget-friendly, but when i spent my time in the Phils BGC was solely lacking hotel; accommodation.
  5. bull<deleted>. simply ignorant hyperbole
  6. The exact opposite for me, riding a motorcycle and being run into a curb by an oncoming pickuptruck in my lane I shattered the top of my tibia at the knee joint. riding a bike here nearly daily with increasing distance and intensity since the early 2000's I have not hurt myself or had a truly life-threatening experince. I did 178 km this weekend and it was lovely.
  7. A stupid remark that has absolutely no understanding of the reality that in many ways Thailand is a far better place to ride your bike than say the UK and the US where drivers are becoming increasingly antagonistic and dangerous towards cyclists. Roads are lethal, motor vehicles are lethal. I do over 10k km each year (on track for 12k + this year) in Thailand, largely without incident (knock wood). I am not saying cycling is a risk-free activity, but am entirely sick of people on the sofa making assinine generalizations about things they don't understand
  8. its time stickman shuffled off into obscurity.
  9. Great. So point out one thing thst indicates they are rolling this back. One instance where peu Thai has indicated it plans on reversing its own policy. The manged to duck out of the digital wallet scheme by throwing srettha under the bus, but that was simply convenient. They had no intention of following up on hollow promises. Thst is not the case here, there is only upside in the tax.
  10. And you are being purposely obtuse. You know what they meant.
  11. very few people do remember, almost none of them thai.
  12. Thaksin supporters are like trump supporters, blind with short memories
  13. I reckon Chuan Leekpai was the last honest pm, digging the country out from under Chavalit the baht crash and getting it back on track just in time for Thaksin and the boys to claim his success. A man so unspectacular he did no harm and received no credit for his achievements -- all while driving to work in a beat-up Honda Accord.
  14. it's impossible to avoid in many cases, at least if you want to get somewhere I suspect a younger, more fit cyclist may be at less risk.
  15. because you can replace an entire laminate floor for pennies, and in Thailand, laborers pay you for the privilege of something to do.
  16. so you are inferring that what you see could be justified?
  17. I cannot tell you the last time one of my landlords set foot inside a property I am renting. I would consider it an inconvenience and comply once or twice with adequate notice. if it happened even once unannounced, i would seriously consider moving. But then i pay my rent regularly. That said, I have a holiday property, which is occupied 10 months year -- i use it for the other 2. My non-negotiable conditions include a weekly visit from a cleaner/property manager I employ. I provide the cleaning service, linens, etc but I also get eyes on the property and a warning should things go sideways.
  18. so, did you read the interview or you going by your gut and his pretty face?
  19. How out of touch are you? you would need to repaint, likely replace every piece of furniture, cupboards, and most appliances, repairs the floors and likely wall damage caused by the black leaking water. I not sure if you have ever had any responsibility for maintaining a property but it isn't hard to spend 100k.
  20. because the rest mskes perfect sense, right?
  21. What would you call being blind to irony?
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