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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. personally I dot see the upside in engaging anyone in a fight. I have been attacked twice in Thailand, both time by groups of men from the UK.
  2. i would say yes, more often than not. they are generally the ones who make stupid fatal mistakes.
  3. how would you run like hell or hop onto your cleverly disguised motorcycle when the door locked behind you preventing you from leaving the shop? Missing that key detail in the story is, well, amateurish.
  4. how many times do i need to explain to you that i too am questioning this idiioitic, bigoted and downright cowardly advice?
  5. he most memorable nights of my life were in places i should have been doing things i should not have been doing,
  6. she was probably asking for it in revealing clothing with a come hither smile.
  7. this is not my comment, it is the sage advice of a much wiser more circumspect AseanNow member. I require the same clarification.
  8. Steer clear of all Thai males of all ages at all times. No good deed goes unpunished rings especially true here in Thailand. How is this unclear?
  9. yet still they don't come
  10. oh really. what other bigoted generalizations can you share?
  11. it seems to me a rather pathetic way to live your life,
  12. nor could we call you a reader, it seems. how are either of these remarks unclear?
  13. hmm, seems to be highly impractical advice at best.
  14. how was this guy defeated, the attackers are in jail, and the girl is unharmed. Id say he chalked up 2 big wins.
  15. desperation will do that. one wonders how glib and intelligent you would be under similar adverse circumstances.
  16. it mut be horribly limiting to be so myopically fixated on perceived injustices in thai labour policies that you are unable to recognize greater issues
  17. utter <deleted>. First of all are you talking about human trafficking or sex trafficking or do you even know? The definition of trafficking is pretty damn clear: Human trafficking, also known as trafficking in persons, is a crime that involves compelling or coercing a person to provide labor or services, or to engage in commercial sex acts. The coercion can be subtle or overt, physical or psychological. -- What is Human Trafficking? - Department of Justice Coercion is the key here. Simply buying someone a bus ticket is not enough unless there has been some serious misrepresentation of conditions on the other end and some sort of manipulation that makes them unable to opt out.
  18. im guessing you have never seen 75k baht in the flesh.
  19. because there is no precedent of a spurned western lover stalking and killing their "beloved" what does it feel like to spout complete nonsense with such authority and conviction?
  20. he looks like a thalidomide victim offering a nazi salute
  21. probably been huffing the demon weed.
  22. you actually believe that afterreading posts on this platform from transam and his ilk??
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