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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. with all the information you have regarding this woman's behavior, your takeaway revolves solely upon your dislike of cats. What is wrong with you?
  2. im flying my kid in for a month this summer and it will cost nearly 2500 bucks. pre covid I flew her, her mother, and sister in for that money
  3. https://www.adobe.com/acrobat/resources/can-pdfs-contain-viruses.html
  4. how will that stop the laptop from becoming infected or protect your environment when you reconnect?
  5. hear hear! far better to quietly report anyone you disagree with
  6. Im sorry what does this mean? Were you in Cambodia, Laos and Thailand to witness this first hand and compare? Do you have figures that quantify "chockers" or are you just speculating?
  7. yah, i snorted some once. Chaos ensued.
  8. what do they expect post high season?
  9. if i had built a home in a thai village (never happen, but if...) i would make a concerted effort to avoid being a <deleted>
  10. it would seem you are very much "looking for trouble." despite your denials, you are a bully. I also suspect you just aren't that smart. each and every unnecessary word you have added to the discussion here makes that clear. You also seem somewhat caught up in your own mythology. You are a warning sticker on a red flag,
  11. Perhaps they are nice people who were simply pushed too far by the habitually poor behavior of a bad drunk.
  12. That is exactly the impression the story gives. Read it for yourself:
  13. This had obviously been building. there is a clear indication of long established bad blood there.
  14. I certainly know that I will be paying more than the meter says if I use the app, and i only use the app when i am leaving home. I rarely use grab when i am out unless there is no taxi traffic. I wont get into a taxi that doesn't use the meter and i know where i'm going, so i am very rarely surprised
  15. I love doing E, it just became too difficult to find. ill do it any day over coke tho, Now where can i find it again?
  16. the difference between ecstasy tabs and MDMA powder is huge. As for taking too much, it is much easier to dose progressively with powder. If the powder was mixed with a filler though yes, it would be unpredictable.
  17. the car however is just as likely to be "greasy". Also, Bolt is decidedly amateurish, and their maps are garbage. I have had trouble with routing on almost every bolt I have taken. Drivers insist upon following their map rather than my instructions. I generally take a taxi outside bangkok to one of the local wakeparks at least once a week. I have given up on bolt for that, indrive is a very last resort.
  18. As an aside, I rode my bicycle around the under construction benjakitti park a lot during covid and at one point a section of road near the park entrance was used to park up around 100 new corollas that I was told had been repossessed. This was around the same time taxi drivers were protesting outside the finance houses on Asoke.
  19. once I would have argued this, but the fact of the matter is I became more of a habitual homebody after COVID and am just out less so didn't really notice. Recent experiences both day and night (i live on soi11) however have shown it difficult to get a car willing to use the meter unless you don't mind closing the door and waiting for the the next car along, It usually take two or three tries, but taxis are plentiful round here and if you chill it only takes minutes to find a more reasonable driver.
  20. you are aware that any taxi driver can use grab. correct? Unless they are private vehicles (the minority) the cars are no different.
  21. this is very true, pre covid grab took miuntes to get a ride. now it takes a half hour, if you can even find a driver.
  22. i took a walk around lower sukhumvit last night to get some air and received at least 15 offers between soi 3 and 15.
  23. What a truly silly question. Cocaine has been available in Thailand for decades -- ever since Purachai's purge made drugs like MDMA harder to find. These drugs were available and popular long before cannabis became legal. For years it was easier to find a gram of coke on lower Sukhumvit than it was to find a bag of good weed. The article does not claim that the market for drugs has increased, it has simply resumed since the airports reopened after COVID. There are many people (professionals, thai and farang alike) that i know in BKK that ceased their recreational cocaine use due to a lack of supply. While many of them quit altogether, many others have taken it back up since availability resumed.
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