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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. nice deflection, were you in debate club as a youth?
  2. you have just decribed half the forum that decided to settle in a thai village without understanding so much as a word of thai.
  3. thats because, according our freind here, they are probably already dead of a heroin overdose
  4. That is a fine blind spot you are nurturing there. Im sure he wasn't abusing alcohol as he made his way up the heirarchy of poor choices and addictive substances.
  5. oh, ok. So a lifelong "very social drinker" went off the rails and died of a heroin overdose it is safe to assume marijuana was the gateway because alcohol has "nothing to do with" what you were saying.
  6. I was talking about the articles in general. Why, when i did not quote you, would you assume i was replying to you?
  7. why are you making us read this poorly written SEO <deleted>?
  8. how are these pictures any different from gun culture and the NRA in the US?
  9. thank you for the insight, are you taking on new patients?
  10. I belive you are telling yourself lies to rationalize your freinds death. have you ever tried weed?
  11. it was oddly intimate. I was far deeper into the clubs and soi zero than the gogos, but the after hours scene threw everyone together.
  12. so he had never had a drink befiore that first fatal toke?
  13. just like alcoholism will await some teenagers who dirnk their first beer or obesity awaits a nation that embraces KFC. thats where education and personal resonsibilty come into play. Kids are drinking less now because they have better information. Weed should be treated similarly.
  14. i did bangkok phuket and back in a loop well over 1000 km, and got the nc 30 up to the limiter quite a few times, 180 was certainly possible but it was lovley around 150. I just couldnt see the point of derestricting
  15. Reposting as response to the right person: i had the same and think the same. i rue the day i sold my nc 30. I had an nsr 250 rr too. It is an interesting comaprison. NC30 59 HP the kawasaki page says the 400 is 75 bhp and weighs 188kg (net so i assume dry) the nc 30 is 182kg wet.i doubt the kawasaki has that cam whine and insane engine braking tho,
  16. i had the same and think the same. i rue the day i sold my nc 30. I had an nsr 250 rr too. It is an interesting comaprison. NC30 59 HP the kawasaki page says the 400 is 75 bhp and weighs 188kg (net so i assume dry) the nc 30 is 182kg wet. i doubt the kawasaki has that cam whine and insane engine braking tho,
  17. then why not click on the link where that info is provided.
  18. Can you honestly tell me he hadnt tried alcohol before he tried weed? Why arent you blaming alcohol for his death? while i comsierate with the loss of your freind, bad choices killed him not cannabis. By your logic, univeristy is as much to blame as weed here. If he hadnt gone to school he wouldnt have met that older crowd. Actually, maybe the older crowd are to blame. As for heroin, it is very controlled, illegal in fact, but he still managed to find that. Why arent you blaming the police for his death?
  19. it was more recent than 30 years ago. Perhaps 20. There were a number of men and women with large polaroid units and flashes on nana, cowboy and along sukhumvit between the two. But the phtgraphers werent quite as neutral as you make out. They knew almost all the women (scene was very tight) and many a fellow found themself in trouble with their current favourite because someone slipped them a polaroid.
  20. Why are you talking about national parks in a thread about airport arrival fees for tourists? thats nice, but what do fines have to do with anything?
  21. what stupidity is this? some asshat posts a conspiracy theory around what is a traditonal way of life and the morons go mad. Anyone here grow up in a village in the UK or Europe? how does this idea differ? ansa -- it doesnt
  22. all of them? The platitudes, specuation and observations fron the penut gallery are once again doing AN justice.
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