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Everything posted by PFMills

  1. Where you live, and can I bring wife, son, daughter and aunty Mable
  2. That's a great example of what can happen when we age **** memory gone****. Cannot remember names, places , faces, the brain slowly dies
  3. Correct, so many badly informed posters.
  4. Pull a few weeds out of the lawn, maybe even cut the hedge
  5. And many a local could teach those F1 guys, I mean how many of them could take a corner at high speed and then park a Pick Up neatly half way up a tree.
  6. Could catch the water in a bowl and use it to flush away
  7. S Class has a pretty cool interior and ride is quite good. Thailand only has the LWB model so can be a bit of an effort in multi story car parks.
  8. Age can play tricks with your memory. Its, get the white plates and book Then return the red plates back to the dealer.
  9. You need to secure your bike, hide it or lock it up somewhere. If you use it be careful where you park it. Then go to the police and register the theft. Then go to the Land Transport Office and ask them what to do To me it looks like someone will sell your bike, you need to act quickly. Suggest you also talk to your insurance company.
  10. If you are going to live below the tin roof, look out for a job lot of ear plugs. If you can afford it look at upvc systems. We used a company called HoloRoof a few years ago but now prices are much lower due to an influx of similar from China
  11. I think that you are correct
  12. Of course the installation costs need to be taken into account. What did you pay in total for your cars LPG installation. Annual check and tank replacement etc. What do you think the break even kms was. Are you still on the original installation package or did you replace at some date.
  13. Correct most of the time, have friends who own a resort in Kanchanaburi
  14. What are you winging about, sounds reasonable for something 4* with breakfast
  15. nor can anyone tell me why I need this book.. Seems to have been no use whatsoever to you, best you throw it in the bin. Put your waste of time down to experience. Keep smiling
  16. Have you priced the bits up yourself on the internet Have you had an estimate from another garage PS A well known poster on this site just suggested to me that maybe you should go and talk to B Quick. Hopefully the bleed nipples are not rusted up
  17. Nonthaburi end is ok, am more concerned about between end of Route 7 and BPH, but thanks for the suggestion.
  18. So need to go to BPH tomorrow… using Route 7… is there any problem with flooding… should I take an SUV or would a saloon car be ok. Thank you
  19. Rust-Oleum is quite good. Remove the loose rust and then paint, you will need their thinner for brush cleaning etc
  20. Dear GG, I don’t read your topics and I have only read the title here, but if it’s any help. We have installed Daikin FTKM18SV2S, that’s the full description. Very efficient and very quite with an SEER of over 22 and good EER. We are having two more installed next week. We are replacing our seventeen year out units as and when. Price around 33Kthb each.and 1Kthb back on the old units. You take pot luck with the installer. You don’t normally get technicians. BUT if you later have problems, as we did, Daikin sent two to investigte. The system had lost gas. To cut a long story short they gave us a new indoor unit, three year guarantee. From what I could gather it wasn’t the cooing coil but seems they decided to just change it to ensure no further problem. We have now found a company who use their own team. They are excellent and speak english. Have you looked at getting a ceiling cassette, eg Skyair those units use R410A though. Hope this helps, over and out ????
  21. I read in The Guardian today that Apple have found a security flaw in certain iPhones and iPads. I’m not much up on things like this. Should I be concerned having an iPhone XS and an iPad 9. thank you for any advice.
  22. I had to log back in on my iPhone this morning, was surprised.
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