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Everything posted by PFMills

  1. You could try a physio …I travel from Bangkok to Si Racha to Supak Physio Clinic…I think that she is very good, bit painful sometimes but my spine is straighter.
  2. Use AirVisual then …
  3. This like many other packages is missing hba1c . Latest opinions seem to indicate that the value should be as low as possible, not just the generally accepted 5.6% and you are ok. The problem of living here is it’s sugar in most cooking and drinks etc etc
  4. If he can’t ride his bike when he is sober, what will he be like after a few cans of…just another drunk driving idiot I guess …..
  5. Hit it with some mosquito repellent, while it’s out pick it up and drop in toilet. Then have a dump and flush. If it’s gone jobs a good un , but if it flys out there could be some <deleted> at your house .
  6. Still have all except bed frame. Yeah… over exuberant and over frequent pounding of the Mrs and your bed won’t last long….
  7. Yes it is comfy and the foot area and back area recline electrically and separately…also usb points in the arms …lol... actually they are very useful. I don’t remember what it cost but I do remember that I received a lot of credit card points …
  8. I recommend Lazy Boy… didn’t go for the most expensive leather, but the next one to it.YMMY.
  9. 20 million followers …that’s almost twice as many as Paige Spiranac and she’s got a wonderful pair. …. You guys may take the piss but he saw an opportunity, took it , and is in the money now …o
  10. I don’t think that ABS works well if your car is a wheel short …
  11. Have you actually told a doctor that that you have this pain. From what you have said you could very well have a disease but I think it’s a bit higher up …
  12. You didn’t need to explain that… why did you … only total dickheads or those with a limited understanding of the English language would have misunderstood.
  13. It did go over his head didn’t it … by a long way I think. Still I guess it gave him pleasure at the time …
  14. No ...but she has just had everything XXIO and she has had the Lady Low Gross or Low Nett the last two comps she played... she's lovely ......####
  15. No, 'kin love it here. of course rates change but I didn't expect that it would drop to half. I'd be lying if I said that it didn't effect us somewhat initially but now we never worry what we spend.
  16. Yeah ...I heard that your experience hasn't been exactly wonderful, unlucky. I've been somewhat more fortunate and for 22 years, although she's pushing on in years now I never considered changing in the past or the present. Just wish she wasn't better at golf than me ...
  17. That the exchange rate was not going to stay at 72+thb/1gbp. If I'd known that I would have brought all the money I had and borrowed some!!
  18. I have a lot of Bisoprolol 2.5mg I live in Pakkret and you can have them if you want. I feel better on Concor …that’s the genuine one. Even my doctor agrees that is not an uncommon opinion. I’ve tried going back twice now …that’s why I have so many … but no I feel better on Concor although it is a lot more expensive. My wife was also given the same but prefers Concor, so we have a few!!
  19. I guess that the items for sale area is now no more …link goes around in a circle
  20. Appreciate that Sheryl … thanks
  21. I’ve been here full time since 2007. I’ve had four camera up and three camera down. I’m close to 79 now. In the past they gave me another five year appointment but not last time. Wonder if they know something!! Always have it done at Chulabhorn, it’s not very expensive. My wife had the look up and down last month …I’ve just checked the amount 8520thb. I think it’s a little more if they take a sample …but so far that has never happened.
  22. Darren is no mug … he will have plans for this forum and it’s still making money so no rush. But I agree what crap is posted sometimes. I see a day or two ago some guy telling about his low heartbeat and wonder if he will die before he gets a check up …his next post is sitting in a toilet cubicle having a <deleted> and listening to his mates saying how fit he looks
  23. Yes not much choice in that size. Now if 255/50/r18s would fit then you have quite a choice. I’d go for Primacy quite running, probably the softest ride and good in the wet. https://tiresize.com/comparison/ May be useful to you.
  24. What were you doing in the toilet cubicle …trying to increase your heart rate …did you manage to make it go above 50 ….lol
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