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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. I wasn't aware that the State Railways of Thailand were set up as a "not for profit" undertaking. In that respect at least they seem to have been remarkably successful!
  2. No need for a band - take a Sony Walkman or whatever they are called these days...
  3. "Numbers don't lie" This was a poll commissioned by a government supporting media group, using a statistically miniscule (no doubt carefully selected) sample. It is "Superpoll" for crying out loud! That is virtually a definition of the numbers lie!
  4. You could call them what you like. I don't really follow football, but I understand from those who do that they are usually blind and deaf!
  5. I presented some possible reasons for why, in my opinion, Thailand has failed to meet the criteria set by the UK. before You don't agree with them. Fine, that is absolutely your right. Ignore them then, but as I said before, if you are going to issue a blanket dismissal of them as "complete rubbish" and "errors" you could offer alternative suggestions?
  6. No I can't, because I ( like everyone else) do not know the criteria which the UK is applying to accepting vaccination. If, as I suggest the criteria which Thailand has failed to reach are in the areas of the way in which the process is being conducted: mixing vaccines, "stretching" the contents of the vials, refusal by the ultimate authority ( the Minister of Health) to accept any responsibility for "unconventional" methods of injecting the vaccines; then I assume that those countries which you mentioned have met those criteria.
  7. So, what are your suggestions as to why the UK has taken the position it has? It would help to know them, before dismissing other, reasoned, suggestions out of hand as " complete rubbish" wouldn't it?
  8. Well, obviously, once unloaded ( and therefore empty so faster and more fuel efficient) the ship can nip round past Singapore and up through the Malacca Straits, arriving just in time to pick up the containers which have been trucked over the "Malacca bypass", and deliver them to their eventual destination. They're not daft these chaps ...
  9. Oh, I expect that there is already a queue of ex Naval types for management and consultancy roles.
  10. Nipped out with his trusty shovel to clear a couple of ditches...
  11. I think it is the sheer disorganised way in which the campaign is conducted, and the lack of transparency. For example, my first jab was Sinovac, the second was supposed to be AZ. The date of the second jab was changed several times, and then suddenly it was Pfizer, at 18 hours notice. When I got there, at the exact time and place they specified, nobody knew anything about me. I eventually was jabbed, but I had to throw a wobbly ( quite easy as I can only stand with crutches) as they kept me standing in front of a desk whilst three MOPH officials argued and took turns examining my passport page by page. Couple this air of chaos with the Health Minister, no less, discussing alternative ways of injecting, and "getting more out of the bottle", yet not taking any responsibility for the decisions involved, along with the very limited testing and it is perhaps not surprising that their is a lack of enthusiasm for Thailand's claims? These decisions are made after having carefully considered all the available information, both that which is in the public domain, and that which is kept out of the public domain. For example the situation surrounding Siam Bioscience's efforts to produce AZ vaccines, which is virtually (perhaps it actually is) a state secret here; if the UK authorities were unable to ascertain the situation, ( I imagine they probably have done) then they will assume a "worst case scenario", and decide accordingly. The bottom line is that there are big red question marks against the conduct, planning and efficacy of the vaccination programme, along with testing and the actual as against the expected, as announced or hoped for supply of vaccines. Hence the decision.
  12. I suspect that it is not so much the provenance of the vaccines themselves, but the vaccination regime itself. It has been so clouded with misinformation, various attempts to "get more doses out of the bottle", different physical injection methods and a haphazard mix and match regime with no apparent research beyond "oh it will be all right". Probably difficult to express on the diplomatic stage, but I suspect the UK government (and others) simply don't trust the claims, counterclaims, procedures and statistics of the Thai government.
  13. There is nothing objective about the way this shower reaches or implements decisions.
  14. Quite simply, many of the contributors to this forum enjoy having a drink in a bar, and are irked by the way in which the places which they frequent have been arbitrarily closed, for little apparent purpose, and with no apparent concern for those who own and work in them. Enjoying a drink in a bar makes one neither a raving alcoholic nor a sex fiend with a semi permanent chemically induced erection. In 95% of the establishments in the country having a drink would not increase ones susceptibility to infection any more than a trip to a supermarket, a ride on public transport or most other daily activities.
  15. Unless, it has been suggested, one patronises the establishments owned by the same people who own the cells. Remarkably (!), many have managed to remain open.
  16. Maybe because they don't want to be the little (ethnic Chinese) minnow gobbled up by the (ethnic Chinese) big fish, or any other adjacent big fish for that matter. Several have cast envious glances at Singapore over the last 50 years or so. As a matter of fact they have small but well equipped and well trained armed forces which stick to being ready to defend Singapore rather than a heady mix of political and commercial ventures.
  17. Wasn't one of the quoted reasons for their purchase to ensure that Thailand's regional neighbours were 'in awe" of Thailand's military potential? Bit of a damp squib then, that one, it turns out...
  18. Keep out of it if they have any sense. It would almost certainly take part on the seas, and the Gulf of Thailand will be of no interest, nor will their little bit of the Andaman coast.
  19. Sounds like a "par for the course" wheeze - after all they have dissembled, mislead, obfuscated or lied every time they have opened their mouths about their vaccination programme!
  20. "Just you wait, 'enry 'iggins, just you wait You'll be sorry but your tears 'll be to late You'll be broke and I'll have money Will I help you? Don't be funny Just you wait, 'enry 'iggins, just you wait Just you wait, 'enry 'iggins, till you're sick And you scream to fetch a doctor double quick I'll be off a second later and go straight to the theatre Oh ho ho, 'enry 'iggins, just you wait"
  21. I don't personally have a problem with boy scouting, although I would prefer much less emphasis on foot drill. The sight of our school registrar's bandy legs in khaki shorts is quite amusing, and some of the younger lady teachers look good in uniform. I always enjoy it when they queue up to have their berets shaped before the big parade As for the red cross cadet thing for the girls, gender stereotyping maybe, but nothing wrong with teaching first aid skills.
  22. Registered and waiting for a couple of months, then admitted to hospital for ( totally non Covid related matter ). The hospital gave me a first shot of Sinovac, followed a month later by a shot of Pfizer. So a Sinovac/Pfizer mix.
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