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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. I understand, may be wrong, that he is actually a New Zealander!
  2. So what happened to your ignore list then? Couldn't resist a bate?
  3. America was never remotely near communism, except perhaps in your fevered imagination. They just took a bold leap backwards, 70 years! I am, what you and those currently crowing, would describe (deride) as a liberal. Elsewhere in the world I would be regarded as fairly conservative. I am far from "meltdown", but then I am not an American. If you are interested in my opinion ( I very much doubt you are) I think the American electorate primarily voted along racial lines. The results will be very bad for America. I feel sorry for those of colour, immigrants, those who rely on the Affordable Care Act for healthcare, along with anyone who is supported in any way by any form of welfare provision. The next few years are going to be terrible, perhaps for some lethal.
  4. I thought that frothy mouthed loon had been banged up?
  5. Is it dancing along to YMCA?
  6. You may, inadvertently, have hit on it! The "silent majority " - absolute proof that Trump won!
  7. Ah, so that is what is happening! I had a feeling something was going on in the USA!
  8. It might be worth reading the introduction to the "Political Soapbox Forum" at "Welcome to the Political Forum". It explains when and where posters should supply links.
  9. Do your own homework, the information is freely available. This is not a court of law!
  10. For crying out loud, is there nothing in life that is not viewed through a prism coloured by your obsessive hatred for Barrak Obama?
  11. It is an interpretation of a religion, enforced by a ruthless, vicious, deeply mysogenist, authoritarian regime. I fear she will never be seen alive again.
  12. The results will be known early - Donald Trump will declare himself the winner on election night. I estimate at 10.16 pm EST! There are probably several judges across the USA already primed to step forward (by midnight) and rule conclusively that, having reviewed the evidence, that he is indeed the winner. Rivers of hair dye will flow through Manhattan, the Kraken will rampage, and the car park of every dildo wholesaler nationwide will be crammed with celebrating people.
  13. 15 years ago, one of the things that struck me about Thailand (coming from a world where one almost always gave way) was the way in which ambulances with lights and sirens were almost always ignored. I have noticed that in recent year it seems to be less the case. Here in Chiang Rai the main hospital is in the town centre, and getting to It always involves passing through sever6 light controlled intersections. People seem to make an effort now to clear a way. Of course there remain self entitled creatures like this idiot described in the OP - but , at least where ambulances are concerned, less so. Interesting that the family of the deceased did not complain. I wonder if "influence" played a part? That is definitely not on the wane!
  14. Personally, I think I would "roll with it" rather than subsist on a diet of tinned tuna and rice...
  15. I hate to break it to you, and do so as gently as I can; The Duchy of Cornwall (William/Prince of Wales) and The Duchy of Lancaster (Charles/His Majesty The King) both pay taxes (voluntarily) at commercial rates on their income.
  16. So an unconscionable awareness of the horrors of war led to debilitating bone spurs as a young man... So he wasn't just another entitled trust fund kid using Daddy's money and influence to dodge the draft, while less wealthy young men fought and died! Gracious, how did so many of us get it so wrong!
  17. I once spent an entertaining night drinking in a Chinese Restaurant in Cambelltown, in the company of the officers from the ship he commanded. It is a long story, suffice it to say that there is not much else to do in Campbelltown when it's raining ( it usually is). To a man, they loathed him.
  18. Would you like to pick a time,I am running a book - no money involved, that would be wrong - but just for the fame and glory. I have selected 10.17 pm but other times are available!
  19. Well the fact is that she is the first black person to lead any UK major party, so that is significant. As for gender - well Labour are trumpeting Rachel Reaves as having smashed a glass ceiling in British political life, a mere 45 years after Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister (!) so no time soon. Incidentally, it has just occured to me, when they talk about Rachel Reaves smashing glass ceilings do they mean smashing them on an upward trajectory or falling through them? Personally I rather like Kemi Badenoch - and think she is probably the Tory Party's best hope.
  20. Unlike Labour and (no doubt purely coincidentally, after all no one could accuse you of slavishly following a party line now could they Chomper?) you!
  21. 1) Unfortunately for that plan, "Andy" is the originator for much of the dirt! 2) Supporting your brother is something of a two way street. "Andy's" journey down that street rather consists of inserting himself in his brother's way. He ("Andy") has got himself into a hole, largely as a result of his own questionable behaviour, and a particularly disastrous, arrogant and foolish attempt to justify it. He has been offered an out, in the form of a comfortable, funded way to live withdrawn from public view, a public who clearly, rightly or wrongly, find his pompous posturing on the fringes of the monarchy unpalatable. That very same arrogance and stupidity has surfaced and prevented him from taking that way out.
  22. Seem to have stroked a grievance with you though haven't I Chomper?
  23. I await an announcements about facing the full force of the law, ramping up the criminal prosecutions, examination and prosecutions for Facebook posts..
  24. I virtually never use the "confused" emoji, but in this case...
  25. Oh I don't know, he is pretty persistent pitching for their cash. Come to think of it, he is pretty persistent in pitching for any cash he can get his grubby little paws on ("little" being, we are led to believe, the accurate description!). One might, if cynical, and following the trail of unpaid fees and bills recently across the country, come to the conclusion that he doesn't actually have anything like the riches he claims! Soe in his circle do - Elon Musk for example, mind you it is worth noting that he seems to keep a tight grip on what his "largesse" is actually used for!
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