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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. And that is why the congregations are falling. Ironically whenever something "central" like the Coronation occurs, then they become the spiritual heart of the nation, doubly ironic perhaps when you consider that they pinched that particular liturgy lock, stock and barrel from the Catholics (of whom I am one); that is why they can insist that it is a 1000 year old ceremony!
  2. Certainly the last few days in Chicago have produced a couple of great lines! "Has anyone told him that the job he is after may be one of those "black jobs"? Michelle Obama. "Kamala Harris has a resume; Donald Trump has a rap sheet!" Jasmine Crockett.
  3. They haven't yet taken the (probable) final step - admitting that really they don't really believe in God anymore! Probably because they won't be able to justify the frocks anymore!
  4. The role of " Defence Minister" within the Thai government must be the most pointless job in politics! Does anyone remember the Rowntree's "Yorkie" chocolate bars? The ones issued in British field ("compo") rations had a special wrapper: "Yorkie - not for civvies!". One such wrapper should be framed and displayed in the Defence Minister's office! The Armed Forces do exactly what they want!
  5. Thaksin Shinawatra: "No political agreement was made to secure my return". Technically no...
  6. Gracious, you have just described to a tee the electorate who propelled the Blessed Keir into Downing Street with a 174 seat majority and 34% of the vote. And please, no jibes about Champagne Socialists! It is Prosecco or Cava in St Pancras and Holborn! Champagne is so Tory!
  7. What's more, 82.372% of the "statistics" I quote are completely made up, the other 17.628% are from Fox News!
  8. And what's more I am the older one now, bigly older!
  9. Rather took over from where BigNok left off wouldn't you say!
  10. Good reasons to vote for Harris? She is not Trump.
  11. And of course it is all everybody else's fault, never Harry's! To quote Julius Caesar, as reported by no less credible historical source than the "Carry On" scriptwriters, "Infamy, infamy, they've all got it in for me!" His posturing encompasses narcissistic self indulgence, pathetic and parody. What he and his wife did to his Grandmother, with that pack of self pitying lies in that appalling interview is on its own unforgivable. That is why he is out of his family. I'm sure that his father, the King struggles with his son's estrangement, but his son estranged himself. Prince William is fiercely loyal to his father and his family, remember the oath he very publicly swore at the Coronation? He won't break that.
  12. Hmm, I do sometimes wonder whether the human race are going to make it! Not enough chlorine in the gene pool in some areas perhaps?
  13. Having looked at those pictures, and now understanding that Elon Musk is behind the software which produces them, perhaps one can understand why Ms Harris is not particularly interested in being interviewed by him!
  14. I say, that is perhaps rather unjust - one must assume that there is quite a spectrum of weird people who like him...
  15. None of the three examples I have referenced have yet to get anywhere near to courts, let alone pleading.
  16. If you are so delighted, then presumably you are as concerned as others that such obvious criminality is not being dealt with across the board; or do you actually think that it is fabulous news that people whose political opinions you dislike are being jailed?
  17. Remind us, just how strong is the MAGA hold on the House and Senate?
  18. I see the "I'm all right Jack Brigade" are out in strength today!
  19. I am sure of course that once these judges have finished dealing with the rioters ( and accumulated a sufficiency of brownie points with their former boss to in time move up the judicial ladder ) they will be able to turn their keen legal attention to the pair from Manchester Airport - currently languishing on bail without any charges, or the gang who threatened the TV reporter at that Birmingham roundabout, or even the gang who beat up the lone man outside the pub. I hold my breath in anticipation of the foolish suggestions of a two tier police and judicial system being proved wrong!
  20. I have little time for @thaibeachloversand many of his views, and have crossed swords with him on many occasions; in fact I understand that I have the dubious honour of being on his "ignore list". However in this matter I quite believe him. Such reported idiocy is entirely credible, and to simply accuse him of trolling is a particularly weak response.
  21. I understand that there are moves afoot to put three statues up in front of the White House. One of George Washington - he never told a lie. One of Richard Nixon - he never told the truth. One of Donald Trump - he could never tell the difference!
  22. Sorry, you are wrong on both counts - but I am amused by your self righteous indignation - touched with just a taint of desperation!
  23. Nice shirt - pity he hasn't done up the top button!
  24. Is It a frontal lobotomy or a bottle in front of me? Unfortunately for this joke Mr Trump is teetotal - which should be a lesson for us all!
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