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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. That is because the article is from a government mouthpiece agency. The man is a complete buffoon and is doubling down on his xenophobia here. Buddha help us if he ever gets anywhere near the PM's job. It will be lights out for Westerners in Thailand for sure.
  2. We used to be fine in Thailand, and with a Sterling reputation, until budget air travel started, and the lower classes that used to frequent Spain and Greece could afford to come here.
  3. There's already loads of private Militant Islamic schools in the South being funded by the Saudis.
  4. Working in Saudi will be even harder work with similar pay I suspect. Forced to go to the national stadium to watch executions and amputations on their days off.
  5. The Thais threw away their democracy by following a corrupt gangster to protest corruption and oust an elected government on the premise of corruption within a rice pledging scheme (fyi a very similar scheme is currently in place...) Then stood by as the military mounted a coup and junta rules the country. They voted for the junta led constitution which allows the unelected senate. They voted in numbers for Palang Pracharath at the last general election. They deserve the government they have, and it is almost entirely down to them that they have it. Sometimes, they have to take responsibility for their actions/choices. See my earlier post.
  6. Perfect representatives for the electorate. They get exactly whom they deserve, no more, no less.
  7. This is typical I have found. I have a Thai manager at my office that takes credit for everything but responsibility for nothing.
  8. And he is still free to wander around, a danger to himself and others, and even be deemed fit to operate a vehicle. They really need to grow up and get a grip of themselves.
  9. Lol no, but I'm sure a lot of the Thai girls have been. ????
  10. Her husband of course was on the anti-corruption panel of the House of Representatives despite being convicted of fraud in 1994. ????
  11. The Buriram and Chonburi mafia clans are part of this government so you can guess where the profits will be going as usual.
  12. I was watching the V8s at Bathurst one year when a massive kangaroo jumped out onto the track and a car smashed right into it. Driver was lucky to escape alive.
  13. Ahh, the child like antics of a rich male Thai. Brain the size of a pea this one.
  14. It is biological warfare so they don't have to face an actual war which they would inevitably lose against the West.
  15. In my 32 year experience it is the truth. Most Thai working girls all hate Arab men, or Kek, as they are derogatorily referred to. If you look on Thai dating sites many of the girls say 'no Arab' on their profiles. Not saying I agree with it, but let's not pretend it's other than it is.
  16. I used to drink with the Saudi chargé d'affaires down Sukhumvit Soi 22 and around Washington Square in Bangkok during the early 00's.
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