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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Ah the old Thai boondoggle. It seems incredulous, but you are not thinking about this from the Thai perspective. Remember, in their little brains, they know that it only takes one or two foreigners to purchase this to keep their gravy train rolling along. It keeps the office on Sathorn Rd. open and keeps the executives who were probably shuffled there from other govt. departments in a job doing relatively little until their retirement. Remember, the Elite visa isn't really for us at all, it's for them.
  2. I'm in NFTs with about 40% of my portfolio. Got a BAYC, a couple of MAYC, three Azukis including a rare and some other lower tier stuff. Missed Clone X and Doodles though they were right in front of my face. Minted and flipped 2 Edenhorde yesterday pre-reveal for a $5k profit. Now considering buying into Nike's first NFT offering RTFKT x MNLTH. Currently at 4.6 ETH. NFTs are a great hedge against price fluctuations in crypto. Good NFT assets will appreciate over time, others will lose money quickly so I would suggest only invest in top tier brands.
  3. Indeed and BTC is more fungible than gold, physical or otherwise.
  4. But they are told that Thailand is safe and trusted even before they arrive?
  5. Best covert LB shagger that I knew was a wee guy from the Borders in Scotland used to do the training for offshore companies in Thailand. Mate that owned the bar in Soi 22 kept telling me, "he's gay, he's gay"... even his wife said it, but I didn't believe them. He was married for 30 odd years... Next thing you know I am in Singapore working and I saw him leaving the four floors going back to his hotel with what can only be described as a 6' 4" man in a wig. He never saw me so never knew I was there. Needless to say after that it was well known around Bangkok. ????
  6. This was a story told nightly by tourists when I used to drink in Sukhumvit Soi 22 and Washington Square. Most of them just worried that they had been spotted.
  7. I have actually witnessed a hit and run about two years ago. The driver of the car initially stopped, but then sped off once he or she realised they had caused an accident. It was a silver Vios or City changing lanes without looking and wiped out a taxi motocy. There were dozens of Thai witnesses so didn't feel the need to get involved. Happened just outside Pattaya on the main Sukhumvit Road.
  8. I always wear a dinner suit when I am going to Windmill to ogle brass.
  9. Who is "we"? You've taken this thread rather personally, even to the degree of having me thinking you were the idiotic foreign driver in question, especially with your veiled threats and insults. Maybe you need some driving lessons or anger management?
  10. Lucky as an ex-Para I ain't scared of Russian divers then.
  11. That's a good point, the guy could very well have been drunk; aggressive, vulgar and driving erratically. If the cap fits.
  12. I'm struggling to name one... Ong Bak, Tom Yum Goong, Street Fighter... all keek.
  13. Wondering if you guys have any experience with this? This morning on the way to work in Sriracha I spotted a commercial pick-up driving aggressively, beyond the speed limit and veering in and out of lanes. At one point he cut in front of me (I was in the middle lane), in an attempt to force me to yield to him, but when I didn't yield and held my line, he became increasingly aggressive and erratic, driving in an ever threatening manner. The reason I know he was a white foreigner is because he pulled alongside me and started making obscene gestures, before continuing his aggressive driving. The vehicle was privately registered but has the company name plastered all over it. A sort of mobile billboard for a marine and diving services company in Laemchabang/Sriracha. I find it quite astonishing that a foreigner with a business in Thailand would drive in this manner in a company vehicle! Took me two minutes to find the website of the company and see the foreigner who was driving it! Needless to say I have the video footage of the incident. What should I do next? Contact the owner of the vehicle to seek an apology? Report the incident to Police? Post the footage on social media? Do nothing? What would you do? Incredibly irritating seeing foreigners driving in this manner, especially when they should know better.
  14. Awaiting the first ???? to tell us that oil spills happen everywhere in the World.
  15. I look forward to the next thread "Foreign Man threatens Vlogger on Soi Bintabat".
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