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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Looks homemade, probably not designed and tested for purpose. Safety standards for lifting and crane operations are woeful here. Especially those for personnel lifting and working at height.
  2. Ask the Vietnamese, they managed to get everyone wearing helmets within months with harsh punishments and vehicle confiscations.
  3. That's 4 months of your life you are not getting back.
  4. Better to educate them on right of way, not to lane split etc. Cheaper and more effective. 99% of them don't have a clue what they are doing.
  5. They've still got the Army, who may well be instructed to step in to do some laundry as soon as things get out of hand. Remember, there's nothing stopping them now. No voice of moderation any more, no-one to intervene on behalf of the people. These gangster politicians they deal with are just an inconvenience to pretend they are a Democracy to the US and other gullible parties who are easily hoodwinked, and they will be dispensed as seen fit.
  6. Chinese train technology comes from the Germans, French and Japanese.
  7. When they first built that system there was a lot of opposition; cost, scope of the project, necessity etc. At the time railways weren't thought to be the future of public transportation. Turns out the engineers and planners were right, and everyone else was wrong. Now they are seriously looking at a magnetic levitation (maglev) track for some of the routes. The same opposition is there still, wonder if history will repeat itself?
  8. Interesting that they have painted these in the old British Rail Livery. They all hate us but still want to emulate us. ????????
  9. I must have missed the part where all the real jewelry including the famous blue diamond was returned to its rightful owners, and the part where justice was served to the people (likely Thai Police) that were behind the whole operation, including the shooting to death of Saudi diplomats in Bangkok and the murder of a woman and child. Yet again, it appears no responsibility is taken by Thailand, not even an apology. Strange that the Saudis, especially the Royals would accept this and put it behind them... I can see some hard times ahead for Thai employees, especially maids and housekeepers.
  10. I'll pop in when it reopens, not been there in months.
  11. There are four different articles from BBC News, Al Jazeera, Rueters and ABC as the credible sources. Suggest you learn to use Wikipedia as intended.
  12. Plenty of sources available for this information, Wikipedia has several. On 28 April 2017 the criminal court approved an arrest warrant for Vorayuth, however he had already fled to Singapore, where he abandoned his private jet. Interpol confirmed that Vorayuth left Singapore on 27 April. Thai police requested that his Thai passport be cancelled and this was done in early May 2017. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Wichian_Klanprasert
  13. Boss Red Bull was in and out of Thailand many times up until 2017, when there were still charges laid against him and allegedly warrants still out for his arrest.
  14. Some points: They had the option not to support or protest against the corrupt gangster Suthep and his protests which were the trigger to mounting the coup. They did not do so. They had the choice to vote against the new constitution, they did not do so. They did vote in numbers for Palang Pracharath and other parties that stood against Future Forward and Pheu Thai. You are not suggesting that nobody voted for them when they recruited all the old gangster kamnans that the Thais always vote for? The Army did not use force to take over the country. Maybe that is the problem, there was absolutely no opposition so no need. It was meekly accepted. Again, they need to start taking responsibility for their own actions. Change won't just fall into their laps.
  15. That is because the article is from a government mouthpiece agency. The man is a complete buffoon and is doubling down on his xenophobia here. Buddha help us if he ever gets anywhere near the PM's job. It will be lights out for Westerners in Thailand for sure.
  16. We used to be fine in Thailand, and with a Sterling reputation, until budget air travel started, and the lower classes that used to frequent Spain and Greece could afford to come here.
  17. There's already loads of private Militant Islamic schools in the South being funded by the Saudis.
  18. Working in Saudi will be even harder work with similar pay I suspect. Forced to go to the national stadium to watch executions and amputations on their days off.
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