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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. When a Thai company PTTEP caused Australia's biggest ever oil spill of 50,000 barrels on the Montara field on the North-Western shelf, they were only fined $500,000 AUD. Peanuts. Indonesian fishermen are now suing them for billions worth of damages in a civil trial in Canberra. While we are on the subject the Thais are moving further in on Burmese oil fields as other companies exit due to human rights concerns. Easy, when you don't have those qualms and money is the only objective.
  2. It's the people that believed this narrative and believed that a military government with no checks or balances would be the lesser of two evils that I feel sorry for. Total mugs.
  3. I will be claiming it back through the company. They also cover my fuel. ???? One of the Thai managers was consistently claiming thb 20k+ per year for repair costs and then the other Thai managers got annoyed as they weren't getting anything so I suggested a change to the company policy, so now all managers get servicing costs included in their packages. I could quite easily drive one of the company pickups or SUV thingies to and from work for absolutely no cost to myself, and I did for a time, but once you sit in something a bit nicer and quicker, get some music on, you look around and think... "why on Earth didn't I do this sooner?".
  4. Hang on, didn't they sell the coup based on stamping out corruption, while engaging in street protests organised by Thailand's most corrupt politician? And wasn't it bought hook line and sinker by many Thais and some foreigners? ????
  5. What is the Ministry of Truth? The Ministry of Truth (Newspeak: Minitrue) is the ministry of propaganda. As with the other ministries in the novel [George Orwell's 1984], the name Ministry of Truth is a misnomer because in reality it serves the opposite: it is responsible for any necessary falsification of historical events.
  6. In my Benz the engine turns off automatically whenever I stop the vehicle to save on emissions. Does this mean I can still play with my phone?
  7. They are ignored in Thailand, at least they were when I lived in Thong Lor in Bangkok and are ignored now in Pattaya.
  8. What has your perceived "state of the UK" got to do with Central Retail not investing in Selfridges?
  9. Have you been paying attention to the state of Thailand since 2014? ????
  10. Seems as if they were practicing, as playing with one's phone while in control of a vehicle is a skill that requires to be mastered in order to drive here.
  11. The same rules apply if a Thai kills another Thai, depending on how much money the murderer has, who they are connected to and who their family is, in relation to the victim of course. The Benz driver 'Moo Ham' springs to mind, killed some Thai students while driving drunk and/or on drugs and it was mental health issues again. In this case, the mental health excuse will no doubt be played up by the defence to avoid a death sentence.
  12. That would not surprise me in the slightest. I also remember the off duty cop that shot and killed a Canadian guy up in Pai, never was prosecuted properly for the murder of a foreigner but a few years later clubbed his pregnant Thai wife to death with a lump of wood.
  13. Remember it well. Killed an English couple then his cop mates helped him flee over the border into Burma. Came back and turned himself in a bit later iirc.
  14. No need to trade, I'm farming in stables and earning interest. ????
  15. It certainly presents an opportunity. I have seven figures in crypto at the moment, mostly in stables, earning me enough APY that I will be easily in 8 figs by this time next year. Maybe then time to hang up the spurs. I believe he is a Thai citizen.
  16. This is how I am positioned at the moment: Crypto 40% Real estate 30% Stocks 10% Luxury watches 10% Precious metals (gold) 10%
  17. Visas are getting harder to get because Thais don't want more foreigners staying here longer term. Simples. Can you kill something that is already dead?
  18. It will be metric tonnes, nobody uses short ton outside of the US now unless you are on an offshore installation.
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