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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. So how did they get the money to start the business in the first place? That is a multi-million USD investment. Not bad for a copper on a 30k a month salary.
  2. That must be why they all wear socks and sandals.
  3. This was from last June: BANGKOK (NNT) - The Cabinet has approved a proposed compensation scheme for businesses and workers affected by the semi-lockdown order in six provinces, setting up a 2.5 billion baht budget for payments of compensation. https://thainews.prd.go.th/en/news/detail/TCATG210708162518867 Grey area businesses such as 'massage', 'bars', 'restaurants' and other similar ventures that foreigners mostly fall into will always struggle as they don't properly register their employees, pay as little tax as possible and thus always get shortchanged from the government when it comes to getting handouts. We have received compensation and the employees received money also even just last month from the social. Our accounts and legal teams are top notch though, if one was using a former bar-girl or go-go dancer to manage this sort of stuff I could see it going badgery ping-pong fairly quickly.
  4. They had plenty of support in many provinces, and won the popular vote to form a coalition government. I know several Thais that voted for Palang Pracharath. The Thai electorate had plenty of time to decide after the coup if continuing with the military in charge was a good thing, they did, and here we are.
  5. Even if they have lived here 30+ years? More of a culture shock for them back home I'd say.
  6. There have been a few notable ones, the cowardly Thai man that exhibited road rage then sucker punched an elderly Australian in Chonburi not so long ago is the one that immediately springs to mind. How cowardly, immature and lacking in self-esteem must you be to physically attack an old man, regardless of provocation? Seriously, if you cannot control your emotions in a rational manner and respect your elders go and toss yourself off a cliff, most urgently.
  7. Thai highway code. What has raping and murdering got to do with a Thai not stopping at a zebra crossing then beating an old man because they are such a bad driver and can't control their emotions like a mature adult? ????
  8. 100% correct. It comes down to a lack of education. They are simply not aware of things like stopping for pedestrians on zebra crossings, right of way (intersections, roundabouts etc.) and other basic principles of operating a motor vehicle safely and courteously. Then the incorrect and dangerous behaviour is tolerated because there is no enforcement of the rules.
  9. This would be prudent as well as the recommendation from business leaders.
  10. I have a fair amount of experience with Thai labour protection laws, I employ close to 3800 Thais at the moment. How many do you employ? Thai labour laws are far better at protecting and more importantly, compensating employees that lose their jobs, even those that are dismissed than equivalent laws in the West, most of which are controlled through ombudsmen or other methods which render them even more malleable than in Thailand. FYI, business owners have been compensated a number of times and been given financial support for wages and operating costs while being made to close during the COVID-19 crisis, so you are wrong again there.
  11. Often the toughest tactics render the best results.
  12. If Thai people wrote the questions, we'd all be in trouble. The main problem in Thailand is education, always has been. You can make flippant remarks and refer to prostitutes conning foreigners etc. but that's just akin to heckling and chucking peanuts from the cheap seats. There's a reason the Thais themselves send their offspring overseas for an education, and if they cannot afford that endeavour, they send them to schools with a Western curriculum and names. They know their own problems, better than we do, and see them clearer than through any rose-tinted lenses.
  13. They chose a government that would rather pocket money and protect their own than be transparent. They chose a government that would spend big on unnecessary military toys while neglecting that social 'safety net'. They chose a government that removed the previous elected administration in a military coup, that formed a new political party with no experience of governance, and that has appointed convicted criminals to positions of authority. Sometimes, those choices end up coming back to haunt you.
  14. There is social security in Thailand. Not as robust as in some Western countries but there is assistance available if you pay it. If you are comparing with the West, then Thailand has far better employment laws which protect the worker from being made unemployed, not to mention unemployment numbers are far lower than in the West. You've taken one area where Thailand is deficient to suit your agenda, while ignoring other areas where Thailand is more proficient than the West, which do not suit your narrative.
  15. I think that comment, used in context, was aimed at the government and those in control, rather than a slur on Thais.
  16. There was a study done years ago (early 00's) that found that the national average was 88, and there were up to 15% of people categorised as 'medically retarded' (their words not mine) from the poorest provinces out in the sticks. From experience I would say that is about right. Don't expect much to improve with social media and mobile devices. I rarely see people reading books these days.
  17. I agree, but the problem then becomes that they can't just allow tourists to swan around doing what they want while restrictions are imposed on locals and local businesses. They made their bed with the silly restrictive entry requirements to appease nationalist sentiment when the dirty farang countries were getting hammered and Thailand was relatively COVID free and now the have to sleep in it. As I have maintained all along they have been incredibly lucky so far, even with the gross mismanagement on display from vaccine procurement and provincial containment.
  18. This case perfectly highlights how ineffectual, corrupt and malleable the Thai justice system is.
  19. Catch 22 for this government. Remain closed and control the virus spread and political protests, or... Open up and risk a 4th wave of the virus while letting the masses out onto the streets. Either way political and economic instability is on the cards for the foreseeable.
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