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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Eh? They were Malay Sultanates before the border was finalised in 1909.
  2. They act like naughty little children in adult bodies.
  3. The four Southern provinces are predominantly Muslim Malay, and were ceded to Siam by Britain in the Anglo-Siamese Treaty of 1909. There's always going to be a bit of needle down there given the clash of cultures and the Thais control over what the majority of locals view as sovereign territory.
  4. He will if there's a human trafficking charge in there. Could get 14 years if any of the girls say they are there against their will.
  5. Could have served in Ukraine and have PTSD.
  6. He gave her the finger before she rear ended him. It's possible she hit him deliberately if you watch the entire video.
  7. You hope that he was seriously injured or even killed? What a horrible, nasty, spiteful thing to wish upon someone you don't know.
  8. They have arrested 20+ people in Phuket. This article mentions thousands. Staggering hypocrisy from the Thais as per usual.
  9. Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
  10. Thaiman Kwanpetch Out! Will this lead to protests? Calls for all foreigners to be investigated? Will the PM and Deputy PM get directly involved? Of course not. He'll be banged up and shagged silly in prison. Might not even be deported after his sentence either.
  11. Police investigators have now filed charges of assault against Fehr which he has denied with investigators in the process of questioning two more eyewitnesses. https://thainewsroom.com/2024/03/04/senior-phuket-policeman-just-a-friend-of-a-friend-of-swiss-man-facing-charges/ Interesting article, apart from the denial of assault, he is pictured hob-nobbing with senior Thai Police in Phuket. *Bold is mine for emphasis.
  12. Fair play to the Chinese driver, he remained at the scene and called the Police. Something not many Thai drivers would have done.
  13. Owning the firearms legally with a licence doesn't fit the narrative that Swissman David is a danger to society or a bad man and should be deported without trial or due process.
  14. You insinuated that someone may have died as a result of the Swissman's actions, so I posted the facts of what happened as they have been reported. You know fine well what you were doing.
  15. It's only posters that can't control their emotions, and are not dealing in facts, logic, and the data of this case that seem to have a problem with what I posted. I have simply been stating facts as they have been reported. It seems this case has folk like you rattled.
  16. You were insinuating that he could have caused someone's death, which wasn't the case.
  17. Authorities have already withdrawn the licenses for a pistol and rifle. Mr Fehr owned the pistol, while the Elephant Foundation owned the rifle. https://www.chiangraitimes.com/news/elephant-sanctuary-in-phuket/ In the case of firearms, David possesses two firearms, a handgun, a Glock, and a rifle, and has a Grade 4 licence to own and use firearms after seeking authorization for buying and possessing them in the name of the foundation. https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/2024/03/08/the-david-effects-swiss-man-case-leads-for-more-inspections/
  18. I quoted your original post. You claimed, "impeding the ambulance may be a contributing factor in causing someone's death." It wasn't. The ambulance was not on urgent business. I posted the facts.
  19. Shooting the ground, which ricochets and hits a 17-year-old suspect. The stuff of pure untrained amateurs.
  20. Not only his visa, they are taking his elephant sanctuary licence from him now too.
  21. I am not making excuses for him, but they are punishing him before he has stood trial, which is arbitrary and unacceptable.
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