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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. A Thai licence doesn't mean you are competent to ride. It only means you can legally ride.
  2. Nothing to do with the fact he is a successful businessman then. Looks like he has done better for himself in Thailand than 99% of the locals, and there's a bit of jealousy creeping in.
  3. What if a Thai kicks you? 500thb and a wai?
  4. I am well aware of that, see my other post which states, "they don't understand that we are all fair game and equally worthless in the eyes of the Thais".
  5. All the elephants are being taken care of at his sanctuary, regardless of ownership. He has licences for all 15 elephants.
  6. Correct. There are a few on here that cannot understand these simple concepts and are taking glee in another's misfortune. I used to call it 'I'm a better expat than thou' syndrome. They don't understand that we are all fair game and equally worthless in the eyes of the Thais.
  7. Not making excuses, merely stating facts.
  8. A nonsense post. There was a mob assembled on Sunday morning calling for his deportation. Due process for visa cancellation or deportation must be followed, or we are all at risk. BTW I am a permanent resident that will become a naturalised Thai citizen next year.
  9. It probably is and the welfare of the elephants is taken care of as a result. Let's hope the elephants don't suffer as a result of all this.
  10. This is how it starts. He did not block an ambulance, he allegedly cut in front of the ambulance. The ambulance did not have its sirens on and wasn't on an urgent mission. He did give the finger to the ambulance driver, for which he has already apologised for at the Police station.
  11. You miss the point entirely. He certainly deserves punishment, if he is found guilty. Kicking a woman is not acceptable, ever. However, revoking his visa before a court has decided his guilt or innocence is not following due process and the rule of law. It is mob rule, arbitrary and a very dangerous precedent for all expats.
  12. Bingo. It's mob rule. A very worrying precedent for all expats.
  13. Another Ethanol by Lit Farms. Dank dank dank. These are some of the stinkiest plants I have grown since legalisation! Gassy and cat-pee!
  14. That blackberry is showing some nice purple in the buds! Was one of the first plants I grew when weed was legalised here!
  15. These are a couple of clones I got from Shopee. Animal Mints Bx1 by Seed Junky. They are flopping about all over the place due to the weight of the buds, so I propped them up with stakes and tied the branches with pipecleaners.
  16. If he were a Thai person acting in this manner, what would the outcome be do you think?
  17. I think her social status definitely has a bearing on what is going on. I mentioned it to illustrate how quickly rumour and hearsay are believed without question in cases like this.
  18. Of that there is no doubt whatsoever according to my Thai colleague.
  19. I should clarify. I have seen similar cases (more than a few actually), where a foreigner with a successful business has been removed from the country, under threat of physical violence, criminal charges or even being killed if they return, and then had their assets stolen from them. The most recent case I know of, was down to the most trusted Thai manager conspiring with local mafia to drag a wealthy foreign company owner through the courts, creating a situation in which he could not return without facing a completely uncertain scenario of arrest and criminal and civil court cases. The manager and co-conspirator then proceeded to strip the company of assets, including the owner's personal property, including a pool villa, condos and vehicles. Bit of a dim bulb he was. Believe he still has his company though, but a few million dollars out of pocket. A similar situation could be unfolding before our very eyes. 😉
  20. I reckon someone is trying to nick his lucrative business and assets off him. Don't think kicking people off sitting on the steps was part of it, but it has certainly presented someone with a golden opportunity. Knowing how Thais operate at that level, it would not surprise me that this is the reason we are seeing such a concerted media campaign against him. The Swiss murderer was not wealthy in comparison and is already deprived of his meagre assets after such a horrific crime, one would imagine.
  21. Isn't forming a mob outside a person's home to pressure authorities to take action over and above what the law demands in such a situation, a form of bullying? Intimidation perhaps? Answers on a postcard.
  22. He is acting exactly like a hi-so Thai with his pathetic excuses, arrogance, and refusal to apologise. I wonder where he learned that behaviour? 😆
  23. You seem to be revelling in his downfall and you don't even know him.
  24. Yet, he set up a sanctuary for elephants and employs many locals. He also gave the finger to an ambulance driver, also a fact. We don't know the intricate details of the incident, as we have only heard one side of the story from the ambulance driver, who is facing charges of violating the computer crimes act. Waving guns around, mistreating locals, and all the other stuff is only rumour, probably part of the overall smear campaign now ongoing against him.
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