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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. I know foreign criminals that have been blacklisted from Thailand but have still been back here for short periods of time. Likewise, I know Thai felons that have gained entry to Western countries with falsified clean Thai Police records checks to get visas.
  2. Link to the evidence of his visa status please?
  3. None of that has been proven, and at this time it is only pure speculation. I think someone is trying to steal that business off him.
  4. How is the business registered? Making allegations like that is criminal defamation in Thailand and a violation of the Computer Crimes Act.
  5. Unsuccessful people often struggle to understand how success has come to others when it has eluded them.
  6. You were the one that posted, and I quote, “reports on Facebook anyone that attempted to access the beach were chased away by a foreigner waving a shotgun stating this is a private beach”. There's no evidence of this being true, therefore it is unsubstantiated at this time. If you have any evidence of the Swiss guy waving a shotgun about on the beach, then post it here.
  7. As I said, completely unsubstantiated, along with many of the other allegations.
  8. Completely unsubstantiated. As were the false allegations that he was waving a gun while driving his car, hit pedestrians etc.
  9. He is a rich farang with a successful business, massive house and a very nice car. He's got more than 99% of the locals will ever have. Don't worry, if they keep swigging that Lao Khao, and popping into the temple to pray to win the lottery, one day it might happen. 😆
  10. Had to double-check the article as I initially thought they accidentally repeated the names. RIP to the two brothers. Time to limit the top speed of minivans to 90kph and stop people riding in the back of pick-ups and trucks.
  11. A Thai licence doesn't mean you are competent to ride. It only means you can legally ride.
  12. Nothing to do with the fact he is a successful businessman then. Looks like he has done better for himself in Thailand than 99% of the locals, and there's a bit of jealousy creeping in.
  13. What if a Thai kicks you? 500thb and a wai?
  14. I am well aware of that, see my other post which states, "they don't understand that we are all fair game and equally worthless in the eyes of the Thais".
  15. All the elephants are being taken care of at his sanctuary, regardless of ownership. He has licences for all 15 elephants.
  16. Correct. There are a few on here that cannot understand these simple concepts and are taking glee in another's misfortune. I used to call it 'I'm a better expat than thou' syndrome. They don't understand that we are all fair game and equally worthless in the eyes of the Thais.
  17. Not making excuses, merely stating facts.
  18. A nonsense post. There was a mob assembled on Sunday morning calling for his deportation. Due process for visa cancellation or deportation must be followed, or we are all at risk. BTW I am a permanent resident that will become a naturalised Thai citizen next year.
  19. It probably is and the welfare of the elephants is taken care of as a result. Let's hope the elephants don't suffer as a result of all this.
  20. This is how it starts. He did not block an ambulance, he allegedly cut in front of the ambulance. The ambulance did not have its sirens on and wasn't on an urgent mission. He did give the finger to the ambulance driver, for which he has already apologised for at the Police station.
  21. You miss the point entirely. He certainly deserves punishment, if he is found guilty. Kicking a woman is not acceptable, ever. However, revoking his visa before a court has decided his guilt or innocence is not following due process and the rule of law. It is mob rule, arbitrary and a very dangerous precedent for all expats.
  22. Bingo. It's mob rule. A very worrying precedent for all expats.
  23. Another Ethanol by Lit Farms. Dank dank dank. These are some of the stinkiest plants I have grown since legalisation! Gassy and cat-pee!
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