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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. What is says on your visa is what you are. A non-immigrant.
  2. I am reliably informed that this guy used to be a volunteer policeman in Pattaya.
  3. It is the usual xenophobic and nationalist sensationalism that is used to bait and trigger weak-minded fools, not only in Thailand but in our home countries too. Here it reaches ridiculous extremities, as we are dealing with a largely under-educated and nationalist population that laps this stuff up. The Doctor's father has been mobilising his media connections, and he has played a blinder. The Swiss guy and his wife were just following the Thai way, surrounding themselves with and using local influential people to protect themselves and conduct business. This is how it is done in Thailand. You can't really blame him for this, or name-dropping his contacts when he got in a bit of bother, as that is how it works. Swiss guy is now receiving a lesson that these influential connections are just mealy-mouthed cowards that are, in fact, of no real use at all when the chips are down. A harsh lesson in Thai culture for him and his wife.
  4. Most Thais absolutely will do what they like. You just off the plane mate?
  5. Another nothingburger. I have had a gun waved at me by a Thai while driving along Ranmintra, with my then gf in the car.
  6. It is already a complete mess at both the arrivals and departures areas outside. Traffic is out of control and bottlenecks immediately as you get round the bend to the terminal building as there is no proper traffic management. Organisation and proper management are not Thai strengths, unfortunately.
  7. Don't they have better things to be p'ed off about? Plenty more pressing issues that deserve attention over and above this Swiss idiot and his Thai wife.
  8. Where did you get that nonsense from? đŸ¤¨ I posted nothing of the sort.
  9. You would have to be mad to engage in any of these kinds of activities here in Thailand; parasailing, zip lining, climbing, bungee, etc. I once did a work at height and rescue course at a well known training provider in Laem Chabang, and the safety harnesses were all ripped, buckles and carabiners were rusty, and all the equipment was over ten years old. Safety is not a concern here, even for those that teach it, so don't put your life in their hands!
  10. The Thais are organising a rally in Phuket tomorrow morning to have him deported. đŸ˜„ All the xenophobes and Thai nationalists out in numbers on social media as well. Not a pretty sight! Careful Thailand, your slip is showing again.
  11. Ethanol by Lit Farms on chop day. đŸª“đŸª“đŸª“
  12. They need to modernise their immigration policies first, to reduce the congestion. Both Malaysia and Singapore now operate automatic gates for foreigners entering and leaving the countries.
  13. Why doesn't he just claim mental illness to excuse his behaviour, just as many Thais do?
  14. Probably for the same reason Thais block public roads with traffic cones and other items outside their homes.
  15. 20 automatic channels won't help if they are for Thais only. They need to copy Malaysia's example and let foreigners use the automated gates when entering and exiting. Malaysia has implemented this successfully since mid-January. Now there's no queuing at all on arrival or exit providing you complete the immigration app prior to arriving.
  16. Correct about the rigged markets. A very intuitive post. Anutin's clan is a big cannabis producer, I am led to believe. One of the biggest in the country, allegedly.
  17. Should be immediately suspended from duty and then prosecuted to the full extent of the law. We all know what will happen though.
  18. The short time hotels I often used in Bangkok only had towels and a vinyl mattress with pillows. Possibly a very thin sheet on the bed as well. They also had a gynaecologist chair, but I never slept on those.
  19. Which was probably the biggest issue for the cowardly bullies when the extortion money dried up after June 2022. They will be salivating knowing their extortion racket is back on again.
  20. His opinion, or was a study conducted to this effect? No need to answer, it is a rhetorical question.
  21. It will be a complete mess to implement, and some officials will get very rich receiving backhanders for licences, or to turn a blind eye to those that are not in compliance. Stopping people growing at home after hundreds of thousands have registered to do so is pure folly. So typically Thai though, a complete mess from start to finish.
  22. One of my Condos in Wongamat has the music blaring from beach bars until 2am. It's pretty annoying but bugger all I can do about it really.
  23. A Thai woman does something dumb, then tries to blame others for her own stupidity and lack of due diligence. Now wants everyone to change to accommodate her. Predictable.
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