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Mr Meeseeks

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Posts posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. 18 hours ago, KhunFred said:

    I've noticed the same thing. A firm in Pattaya is pushing a one year "volunteer" visa, which they claim can be used just like a retirement visa, except no proof of income needed. Very strange.

    Good luck to anyone trying to cling on with those types of visas. 


    Immigration sees right through these schemes and it only takes one officer to take a disliking and the rug gets pulled from under you.


    I would say if you are not here properly and legally with the correct visa then it is time to consider returning home.


    In fact I would extend that advice to everyone not doing 90-day reporting or on PR. 

    • Like 1
  2. 18 hours ago, DaftToPutRealName said:

    Once again, the Thai approach is not as flexible or well thought out as those solutions being offered through blanket "take no action" amnesties offered in other countries with plenty of notice, nor as simple as similar countries like Vietnam which allow you no-hassle up-front payments.

    That is simply because they don't want long term foreigners here unless you are absolutely essential. 


    It is very well thought out, for their wants and needs, not yours or ours.


    The message should be crystal clear yet some people are still not getting it. 

    • Confused 1
  3. 19 minutes ago, Happyman567 said:

    I think you nailed it Mike. They wrecked a whole economy over 58 deaths Insanity

    Who would have come if they didn't close the borders? 


    Many countries have travel bans and most people would not be travelling anyway at the height of a global pandemic.


    Insanity would have been just acting as normal and not doing anything.

  4. 1 hour ago, JusticeGB said:

    Why does the Government destroy the tourism industry when daily road deaths of around 60 people exceed the total deaths from covid19 over 6 months of 58 people and at least an extra 400 suicides. The latter figure will sadly increase as more people will lose their jobs over the coming months. 

    Because if they didn't close the borders there probably would have been a massive outbreak as we have seen in the UK and USA and the economy would have been down 50% or more and not just the 20% due to the devastation of the tourism sector.


    There's a bigger picture.


    In comparison to countries in the West, Thailand has handled the crisis surprisingly well.

    • Confused 1
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  5. 30 minutes ago, xerostar said:

    Sweden Close to Victory Over Virus;

    Never Had A Lockdown or Mask Mandate


    But this "government" knows better - They don't care about the people.

    It's all about the power and personal gain.

    Only 58 deaths from this virus is a victory.


    29 minutes ago, Kaopad999 said:

    Why on earth has this government don't provided social security for those people who have lost their businesses and jobs due to Covid is beyond me!!

    There is social security for those that pay income taxes. Don't pay income taxes you don't get it.


    Same same your country. 

  6. 17 hours ago, Nout said:

    The drug laws in this country are some of the most cruel, corrupt and arbitrary of anywhere in the world. Its very important that when tourism starts that young people and their parents know of the dangers of Thailand and choose a better place to go with fear.

    And yet a convicted heroin trafficker sits in a deputy ministry in government. 


    Nowhere in the World is more hypocritical. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. 2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    True, I never thought about the extension, actually forgot about it. I was thinking more about those that worked 6 months out of the Country then returned for 6 months.  I always had to go to immigration pay the 1900 baht extend another 30 days, then at the end of those 30 days, do a border cross into Vientiane, shop and then return for another 60 day entry and then at the end of that time I would either fly back to work or extend for another 30 and then leave. 

    If you pay Thai income taxes, which would be likely 25 to 30% then I don't see why not. 

    • Like 1
  8. 9 hours ago, sapson said:

    A seventy year old man in Nakhon Nowhere sitting in the rice paddies on overstay and a task force is mobilized, BMWs, mob handed cameraman etc.....to bring the heinous criminal to justice......


    Yet idiocy and total negligence likely to cause death or serious injury is mai pen rai.

    This should tell you everything you need to know about this country and its inhabitants. 


    And educated people still want to pile money into this place and skirt around laws to 'live' here. 

    • Haha 1
  9. 4 hours ago, samsensam said:

    Then they’d be clear to roam around the island for their third week. After 3 weeks on the island the visitors would be free to travel to other parts of Thailand.


    how are they going to know which tourists are which? which tourists have been in thailand for more than 3 weeks? which foreigners are tourists and which foreigners are long term residents, retirees, employees? will they have police checks all over the country continually stopping and checking foreigners? it's a mad plan.

    They have facial recognition for all foreigners now.


    Immigration have cars and pick-ups with the cameras mounted on the roof that are constantly tracking all non-Thais when they are driving around.

    • Haha 2
  10. 6 hours ago, LEKPHUKET said:

    Hijacking is going on, when will thais take the streets to stop this incapable government? The last 15 years they came out for much smaller issues.

    Not only thais are hijacked also many foreigners in and outside Thailand. 


    Like it or not, this government has done a very good job of handling the COVID crisis.


    The yellow shirts only came out in numbers fifteen years ago after a massive propaganda campaign against the then PM by Sonthi's media empire and payments to attend rallies.


    After the precedent was set, the red shirts had Thaksin paying them to be shipped down from up North.


    As there is now no paymaster I doubt there will be anything other than the students out on the streets.

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