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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Stuff like this just reaffirms my opinion that they are dumber than a bag of rocks.
  2. For a BMW 320 recent model for fully comp you will be paying upwards of 40k thb. For three months don't bother buying a car it is an utter waste of time and effort. Rent a car for about 8 to 12k a month.
  3. I have joined the ranks of the Seal owners. Just ordered a 3.8s in white. Arrives on the 18th, hopefully.
  4. Apparently. "The Rice Trader (TRT) announced that Vietnam’s Ong Cua ST25 rice had secured the first prize in the World’s Best Rice 2023 contest at the World Rice Conference in Cebu, Philippines. The competition, which took place from November 28 to 30, saw around 30 rice varieties from various countries participating. The runners-up were rice varieties from Cambodia and India."
  5. Not in my experience. When non-Thais are deemed undesirable, caught in criminal acts or if they step out of line, they are immediately locked up and deported. Another immigration policy which Thailand is to be commended for.
  6. Interesting that Vietnamese, Cambodian and Indian rice is now considered better than Thai rice. At one time, not so long ago, there was no competition.
  7. Yeh, it is ironic as one of the reasons Thailand remains a great place to live is Thailand's strict immigration policies, which keep out most of the undesirables.
  8. Health service professionals coming to work in the UK are not affected by these new requirements. It is clearly stated in the video.
  9. Eh? Sucker punches, kicks to the head, ganging up on someone and other cowardly behaviour is common in Thailand.
  10. My experience is that under-age sex caters for local clientele in the main. I once went to a local Police owned bar in Laem Chabang pre-covid and all the girls were from Laos (possibly trafficked) and some were clearly underage. Finished the overpriced big Chang and left promptly. This is the way they do things here unfortunately.
  11. They have showers? I thought it was just a plastic bucket of water.
  12. Arriving on Sunday they were queueing up at Suvarnabhumi with their gold necklaces, bracelets and watches. Maybe this is what TAT meant by a better class of tourist?
  13. I stay around there. Where he had this accident all the expats are at it, of all nationalities, as well as the locals.
  14. Temperatures below freezing mean a very cold wash in the middle of winter.
  15. Great place to lose weight, meet new friends and learn a bit of the local culture.
  16. Every Thai man seems to believe this, perhaps it is the way they are brought up by their mothers?
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