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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. They should leave it as it is. If it ain't broke why fix it? The problem at the moment is there is a very vocal, conservative lobby, pushing for the re-criminalisation of cannabis, including many members of the current government. The Thaksin governments have always traditionally been anti-drugs. Thailand needs to remain firm on this issue as other countries around the World are moving towards decriminalisation and legalisation, and this potential stutter-step by Thailand could leave them lagging far behind other countries. Right now they have a competitive advantage.
  2. Not true. Under Thaksin, visas became increasingly more difficult to obtain. During Thaksin's time in office, they stopped the agents sending your passport out of the country for visas and stamps, raised the departure tax from 500 to 700thb, raised the extension fees from 500thb to 1,900thb and raised the overstay fee from 200thb per day to 500thb. There were other initiatives that began in his first term of office as well, those are the ones I can distinctly remember.
  3. Again, a government with a convicted heroin smuggler as a Minister can only be viewed as total hypocrites on this issue. IMO, they are simply incompetent brigands who make a mess of everything they touch.
  4. Work only cashier, not work bar. Big Joke only working stiff. ????
  5. It's working illegally and overstay. At one time in the early 2000's, some 80% of Thais visiting the US overstayed their visas. That's a lot.
  6. That only works one way though as the criminal records' system is much more robust in the West than in Thailand. You can easily have your record falsified in Thailand for a few thousand Baht. I know Thai felons who have done jail time for drug dealing in Thailand that have obtained false criminal record checks, obtained visas and visited Australia and New Zealand, among other places. Then there is the issue of Thais overstaying, working illegally etc., which is the reason visas are so difficult to obtain for them, and rightly so. Thailand is so corrupt and untrustworthy that these ideas simply don't work with them.
  7. Don't worry, they will make up the shortfall by taxing all the foreign money inflows.
  8. He's just had his house raided, what more proof do you need? ????
  9. IIRC, one of the cops he alleges in that video was, funnily enough, Big Joke. ????
  10. Or his flip-flop stuck under the pedal, which is why I never drive wearing them… Also, I am not a peasant, so I don't wear them at all unless I am at a swimming pool or sauna etc.
  11. With that paltry amount of houses, no friends are going to lend him their luxury watches, dead or alive. ????
  12. The only 'good' ones are the ones in power at any particular time.
  13. I tried to tell folk on here. ????‍♂️ My Thai friends in high up places allege he is one of the worst! ????
  14. As usual, they cannot manage a p*ss up in a brewery. It's been a total ill-conceived mess from start to finish. Pushed through quickly because the former Health Minister's daughter has a large cannabis farm in Buriram (allegedly).
  15. There is no law that states it is illegal to consume cannabis for recreational purposes. It was legalized when cannabis flower was removed from the narcotics list. If it is not on the narcotics list, it is not illegal. Extracts with above 0.2% THC are still on the narcotics list, therefore illegal. It is currently legal to grow, possess, buy and sell (with an appropriate license).
  16. A tribute to Soi 33. I may have to do a thread on that... ????
  17. This whole pantomime should be lesson enough for anyone wanting to live or do business here. I'm glad things like this happen with regularity to remind us of what kind of place this really is.
  18. If this government is so against drug use, why do they have a convicted heroin smuggler as Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives?
  19. Never will a govt. sanctioned, politically motivated killing of another country's citizen on their home soil be acceptable. Sorry. ????‍♂️
  20. The original BTS is still billions of Baht in debt.
  21. The only reason he was even considered for Mayor was because of his family. His family have controlled Chonburi for decades.
  22. Can you blame him? He is part of the same criminal gang, after all.
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